
The day I saw him(1)

As a girl and as a person who doesn't care about all the nonsense which include the distance between boys and girls I would be very jovial and be friendly with all boys and girls.

One day I saw him, from back, his personality stands stunning. The school ended only looking at his back.

The very next day I noticed him in my language class, sitting in back bench with a cold expression.. I was overwhelmed, why?! He is my classmate!!!

But may be gods design he is not my classmate he is just in my class not of my section. The day I got to know he doesn't speak to girls, not even me, as I am the common friend of all boys of my class I was so frustrated. What the hell!! why don't he atleast look at people, I don't understand.

The thing is I am a person who respects my own 'self respect', 'dignity' and 'self confident'. So I didn't care for him. Days went on, but we didn't become close. Only when he became a close friend of my best friend, I met him for the first time. I never thought of anything when I started to become close. He became my friend. And what else he turned to be a just "friend"of mine.