3 The Third Day

Strange couldn't move. He was petrified. The thing came closer and closer. He tried to move and looked down at his ankle. There it was again, an old wringled hand grabbing his leg.

"aaaahhhh!" He sees someone running to him with a bat their hand. He looks up and sees a girl. She swings up and hits the hand. The hand moves away in a spider like movement and leaves. Strange, still petrified, looks up. Before he could get a look at the face of his rescuer, he gets pulled into the classroom with the thing still chasing them behind. They lock the door and Strange falls breathing heavily. He sees a hand offered to him.

"here let me help you." Her voice was calming to Strange, but when he looks up, the relief leaves him.

"Claire?" Claire, his enemy's sister. By enemy, Josh. He pushes her hand away.

"I got it." Josh comes over.

"Thank God your ok Claire! I was going to look for you!" Claire gives him a cold look.

" When you say look for me, do you mean run away like a coward?!" Josh is stunned after she yelled that. Even though he is a little older than her, Claire acts more mature. She spots Strange.

"Hey Strange, do you know what's going on?"

"No I wish I kn-" He stops short realizing that Claire is there. He falls silent.

"Are you ok?" she asks. She looks worried about him. Strange doesn't want her to hang out with a nobody like him.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She gives a nod and a sad look at him. As she leaves, her bother, Josh, enters.

"Stay away from my sister. She doesn't want a nobody like you. Don't drag her down to your level, so leave her alone." Strange feels his insides boil and explodes.

"You don't get to say what she wants, she does and I never went up to her. She went up to me, so yell at her for that, or do you just want to blame everything on me. If I remember correctly, you were the one to hit that thing in the head in the first place and now IT knows we're in here! So I'm really not to blame for getting stuck here. You are!" Strange goes to the other side of the room flustered and Josh goes to the opposite side so he can get away from Strange. Claire starts to get up to talk to her brother.

"Hey take it easy on Strange. He sees things that we can't. You and I both know it. You wish it was you don't you?" Josh turns towards her with wide eyes. He looks at Strange.

"He can't be."
