Hi i am the narrarator of this story so this story takes place in central japan and the main charactor is kariguya shinkai this day started normal in his apartment a worker knocks on the door and says ,"happy solar eclipce, can I get you anything sir" kariguya replied with,"yes,eggs and bacon" then he hear foot steps going away.
he then gets ready for school but then a girl come out of the toilet completly dressed wearing a school uniform he reconizes this girl as sakura kim .She starts walking to him and fell on him. Out of nowhere the worker comes back with the food and tea. he quickly finishes the food. he starts drinking the tea... he gets loopy and collapes he then sees a girl saying," today the abyss is going to eat the sun ,the moon and the earthwhen the solar eclipce happens." then he wake up on his bed and the morning repeated but he didnt drink the tea he then with sakura walks to school zoneing out thinking about what just happened...