
First day full of surprises.

Where I am? This all white the last thing I remember is that I was at work after being fired and ...

[welcome Oscar]

What the fuck ?!

[you have died]

The sap shit!

Well, basically after being exploded, so that my stress and vitality could not stand it, they told me that I was fired ... and then I was run over, then the guy got out of the car I thought it would help me but I just took my wallet off and the whore went seriously purse.

[you will soon experience reincarnation in a new world]

HO is this the famous reincarnation that I always see in the sleeves if I look forward to this second chance I hope that this time I can live a quieter and less stressful life if possible.

[you will be born again in the world of Pangera]

[your destiny and your luck will depend on you]

Hun are you deep and hoarse? I was expecting a softer you, really, well let's give it.

[you will be born again with the following status]


[Level 1]


Like in a game, it looks great.


Power: 16

Hard: 10

Astusia: 26

Will: 18

HP: 25

MP: 0

¡Ho¡ HP that means that there is magic the dream of everything fríqué siiiii¡.

[skills: level 2 bite; level 2 scratch]

Skills that this is looking good, but why these skills ?.

[Species: 2-tailed Cat Breeding]

*…. *

*…. *

What demo?

[You have 1 point of biomass and ability]

[Good luck on your way]

Hey cabron wait there is a second what is this?

At that moment the light enveloped me as it changed slowly after a few minutes I felt that my body was somewhat strange and my mind began to open my eyes and ...

Dark in a word that was my situation at the beginning but slowly I began to feel something that I could see better little by little and I could see that my environment cleared up seemed to be in a kind of cave with what looked like strange blue cracks.

I tried to take a step just to see my new environment better just to realize that I was flying a leg in front of me and realize that it was my own hand (leg).

No, I don't really am going through my second life, not as a person, but as a cat, and not an adult who goes as a puppy, as hell, I managed to survive so at least tell me that my parents are close.

I looked and I didn't see anything careless to wait, he seemed to be born in a small burrow, he wasn't sure of the height but he was big enough for 7 of my size to enter.

And I spend 1 hour and nothing, and then 2 more hours ... while I waited watching my appearance a bit it was a black cat with brindle without much more than 1 more tail than it should and quite long to say.

I got tired of waiting and took a look outside, still a corridor to my right and to my left, at least 3 to 4 times the size of my shelter.

I kept watching when I was about to take another step I heard passing sounds, although it did not sound normal they sounded like they were giving pairs of feet I decided to look more carefully not before staying hidden in case my adres were not after 1 minute I could see the creature.

It had the appearance of a cat but with an owl's head it was around my same size it had what looked like 2 wings on the back.

When I saw carefully I saw that a rat half its size was dragging on its beak was about to leave when a huge creature fell on it and then attacked it with a kind of stinger ... Hera was a fucking scorpion three times my stupid size.

The impression was such that I froze for a moment just to see how I ate it before my eyes but quickly woke up from my shock and quickly entered my shelter and despite covering it with dirt as fast as I could.

I didn't know how strong that thing was but if I knew that if I was there I was screwed I don't know if my parents are alive or not but I would stop being if I found that thing.

But no matter how you look at the speed at which I was digging it was very slow and little by little I heard a passing sound many steps my heart was beating in a hurry I needed something a way to hide fast for who thinks Oscar thinks he uses the fucking brain.

Wait, my skill points are true and Mutation is going fast.

[Do you want to spend your skill points!]


Skill Point: 1

biomass: 1

[Biomass can be used to improve physical aspects]

[Skills available to buy:

Stealth: improve your ability not to be seen 1 pt

Dash: allows you to run twice as fast but you get tired faster 1pt

Dig: allows you to dig more efficiently 1pt

Cutting: more precise and powerful cutting attack 1pt ...

Ex setera ...

[Best body available to buy:

Eyes: +1 improves eyesight

Jaws: 1 You improve the hardness of the jaws and their perforation

Smell: 1 Improves the ability to detect traces of smell

Legs: 1 Improve speed

tail: +2 Improves balance

fur: +1 Improves the ability to absorb impacts

Fuck really! Having a lot to choose from is good and everything, but in this situation, fast fuck think think I know what God wants I choose stealth.

I doubt I have time for something else that I can't hide in plain sight now.

[Would you like to buy sigili + 1]


I didn't take a mutation because I saw it unnecessary at this time.

I felt a refreshing sensation in my mind quite pleasant at that moment it hurts that I had no time to lose.

I ran to a rather remote and dark corner in the hope of helping my new ability to hide.

After a few seconds I saw the scorpion slowly pass through the entrance stopping for a second my heart was beating at full speed it seemed that he was looking for me but the next moment he continued his way.

I waited until I could not hear it anymore and then cover the entrance completely only to collapse like a deflated balloon exhausted having passed the tension of the moment.

Day illustration:


zeguioncreators' thoughts
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