
Chapter 1: The Day Gillin Crenzie Discovered He Could Blackmail the Bully

Sooooo, as the title says, my name is Gillin. My other name is Crenzie, or as the folks at school say Grenzie. I don't know why they call me that. They're all kinda stupid.

I live in Sader, a city you won't find on your map, so don't even try. The rules in our simple school are simple (obviously). The first being that us High schoolers can't fratinize with the College kids.

Talking to them might get you sent to the principals office. Being with one might get you expelled. We WERE NOT allowed to talk to them. Something stupid about them being dangerous or something.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, when a Sader citizen hits twenty they get a super secret ability. The government gives one to each person old enough. But we're not allowed to know anything about anything till we hit twenty. I'm a measly sixteen...soooo I won't be finding out about the super secret abilities until four years from now.

The school I attend is called 'The Dumb Dumb Sader kids academy'. Don't ask me why. I don't name our dumb ass schools.

Anyways, back to me. I'm small, freckled, insignificant and widely regarded as stupid. Gillin Grenzie the Stupid Henzie. That's what they say at school. I guess because one time when I was little, I said that air came from inside us. I don't mind to much though.

Anywho, so the biggest tough, tough in the school is this guy named George. He's big and tall and red headed. He's kinda mean, but not really that mean to me. He always carries a twelve pack of Soda or "pop" as some folk call it in unrefined areas. You can get him to do stuff for ya if you give him soda. We all call him 'The Soda Pop King'. Sooo creative, am I right?

So one day I'm just minding my own business when I spot the Soda King leaving the school grounds and going into the forest that leads to the College kids place. Well that's a huge no no. We are not supposed to go near the barrier at all. So of course being the dumb little piece of shit that I am, I followed him, as ya do. My long nose was itching for news to spread. (I'm kinda a gossip to be frank).

So I follow him out past the tree line and into the trees. You will NEVER guess what I saw there!

I can see the newspaper article now,

School kid, George found

In deep Scandal! Making out

with college Student Mary Ella!

Haha, imagine me, upsetting the bully, ha, no way. Maybe some other time. But seriously, George could get expelled for that "secret" relationship. It's no secret anymore.

Then I realized! Brooooooooo, I could Blackmail the school bully! I could set myself up as the mashed Potatoes of the joint!


See you in my next installment.

-Gillin Crenzie

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