
Chapter 1

Lara stood infront of the king, hands clasped behind her back, blonde hair framing her face and blue eyes sparkling with anger. She gripped her hands so tight she could feel the blood not flowing through them. Her face though showed no signs, cold and unreadable she stood head bent slightly down out of respect for her king. She felt her skin crawl as the people in the throne room watched her every move.

"So you see my Lord King, every scout was killed and taken care of by Lara. She is our fastest most able body warrior. If you are looking for a scout to go into enemy territory she would be the one to send." A voice drones on that belonged to the general of the Night platoon.

The king smiled as he looked down at this statues women and then leaned over to his Queen and whispered in her ear. She shook her head and frowned. The king just laughed and leaned over to his son who stood next to the throne and whispered something in his ear. The son in turn looked Lara up and down and smiled and nodded. After much whispering the king stood and cleared his throat, his lean body and grey beard made him look very regal, one to respect. " I have decided to send Lara to scout, she will collect info for us on the werewolves where abouts, the numbers, their defence. Also would like conformation that the vampires will help us hunt these creates of abomination down. When you come home we will have a party, and announce you engagement to Prince Valkar. Any objections to this?"

Lara's head whipped up her eyes widened and her stance thrown from relax to tension. She glanced at the Queen who was frowning. She stared at the prince openly who was looking her up and down with lust in his eyes. She shivered knowing what he wanted, she would just be another concubine in his palace. She had never even spoken to him in her entering of living here. How could she give herself away to this man-boy.

Her mind was racing for ways out and she did not even notice Prince Valkar slide towards her. He was shorter then her and his brown eyes and hair darker then most elves. He slid his hand along her arm as he leaned towards her his mouth near her ear, feeling his hot breath brush along her skin made it crawl. "I can't wait to have you to myself. When you come back from scouting I may not even be able to wait for the wedding to do the things I want to you."

Lara held her composure as her nails dig into her hand harder. She bit her tongue and stood still as the court watched on. She knew no one had ever refused the king or prince anything. "I will leave tonight for scouting then my King. " she bowed low .

The king laughed "See Valkar she is eager to come back to you, she rushes away so she can come back sooner."

She forced a smile and gritted her teeth and she slid out of Valkars hands and turned heel and walked away. Her hands near white now from no blood flow. She stopped at the door long enough to grab her bow and quiver full of arrows, then continued.

Once out of the throne room he composure fell apart, she shook with fury, every step becoming harder to walk. She could feel her life closing in on her. How could she become that mans wife when he has 9 wives already and she would be just a number to him. Love was not to be painted as a option but to enwrap two people in a woven cocoon of peace, and tranquility. It's what her parents had before they died.

She walked towards her horse, since she was gonna be gone scouting for a bit she would need him. She slid into his stall and wrapped her arms around the black mane and neck of this horse and breathed in. This was one place she felt relaxed and she could be herself. Her anxiety melted away and slowly everything else was pushed back until it was just her and the horse. "Well old man, just me and you for a bit,we are going on a adventure." She mumbled as she tacked him up. She skillfully has him ready to go in five minutes.

Just as she was ready to leave she heard light food steps of Talas. "I heard you were leaving to scout. I am jealous I can't go with you. Look Lara there is something I have to tell you. We grew up together, we played,we fought, we grew, we now go to war together. There is only one thing I wish I could do with you though. " Talas stood there awkwardly and looked at her with those clear blue eyes.

Lara inhaled sharply and stood still as he talked and bore his heart to her. "Looks Talas I know what your feeling.." she started to say but as she finished that he lit up and rushed towards her, he swept her into his hold his eyes dancing with joy, and he kissed her softly.

She froze, that was not what she had intended or meant. She shifted uncomfortably as he held her in his arms his eyes beaming proudly with love.

Talas held her hips and kissed her again before realizing Lara had fallen silent. "Look I know you have to go scout and I know you may not come back, but when you do can we talk more and maybe plan our future? I know there is no for sure on future but you have made me so happy by saying you understand my feelings."

Lara bit her lip weighing out the pros and cons of not being honest with him but decided to leave it as it stood for now. "When I get back we can talk." Her lips were again crushed into a kiss and his laughter filled the stable with joy and music almost almost floating on the air. He leaned down picked her up like she was nothing and threw her up on the horse.

"Go so you can come back sooner to me Lara. I can not wait for the day I can scream to the world that you are mine." He slapped the horse on his rump and sent them off into a canter his laughter still floating on the air behind her.

"Well that did not go as planned at all." Lara mumbled to her horse as they continued along the path. How could she tell him that she was promised to the stupid prince. How could she tell him anything. She pushed her hair out of her face with one hand as her horse continued along at a nice lope. She touched her lips with her fingers thinking of the way Talas kissed her. The feeling of him holding her, her skin ran hot at where he held her. Could this be emotions of love .. or was this just lust. Her mind swirled with thoughts she was not really watching were her horse took her.

Little did she know she was being watched by eyes again. Those eyes filled with lust and behind that so much more. Following her through the trees waiting for her to make camp. He was hoping today was the day he could finally meet this elf. She was beyond everything he could ask for in a women. Though she was lacking one quality.

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