

Kathy looked around at the falling leaves and chattering squirrels and thought about life. "Could anything be more perfect than this?" she wondered aloud and then remembered something" It could indeed, getting revenge on all those people who hunt these adorable little squirrels." Kathy then sighed and left for home. However one of the squirrels thought about what she said and realized she was right. "I must put a stop to the murder of my fuzzy friends!" she thought.

Soon after Vivian (the squirrel from before) called for a meeting to discuss the problem. All the squirrels of the River Clan agreed that the only solution was, of course, world domination! Now they only needed to talk to the other three American clans(Wind Clan, River Clan, and Spirt Clan and get their votes before sending out their ambassador to talk the squirrels from other countries. From there they could move on to the next course of action.

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