
The date

Finally the day had arrived. Parminder had been waiting for this day for a month and now that the day had come, he was not going to leave any stone unturned to make it his biggest. The morning was so pleasant that even the harsh summer sunlight felt like the winter morning, and the sounds from the road traffic was like a song playing that too signifying the end of a long wait to meet someone you truly love. He hurriedly took a bath and started to wear the new black suit he purchased for today. His hairstyle was looking no less than that of a filmstar and why not it should be. He was going to meet his girlfriend first time after they met the only time ever.

He remembered that day, it was a monday and he was a bit late for work and had to take the public bus instead of the office one. What luck it was then that the only seat vacant was next to this lady who was looking nothing less than an angel sent from heaven just for him. There was no chance missing this opportunity. Parminder seized the first opportunity to talk to her when the bus air conditioner started to leak water droplets onto her from above. After settling the problem, instantly he put forward his name to her as if it was an application to steal her heart. But god had another level of surprise and humour in store for them when the girl also introduced herself as parminder. This was like a blessing of waheguru and a credit of the punjabi naming scheme that boys and girls could share names and when things like this happen, they automatically find a friend in the other one. A journey as long as this was enough for a stud like him to just get his hands on her mobile number. A couple of days had passed and he had just mustered the courage to send a message and he indeed did it. there was a positive reply from the other side. It was enough initiative to start a healthy talk. After a few days of chatting, he started to realise that maybe she also likes him and perhaps this was the case. There was no much delay when he sent this message,"hey parm!! U know i have fallen in love with you..... Will u be my life partner??" There was no reply for one hour and he though he had lost her but suddenly she replied him back in the affirmative and he could not believe his luck.

This happened just yesterday when they also made a plan to meet each other at a restaurant that was owned by her father. Parminder applied his recently imported French perfume and also had some water to clean up his throat. He left for the destination on his bike and just was about to reach when he stopped and purchased a red rose and some chocolate for her. He then reached there in no time and it was all so good when he opened the door to the reserved room of the brilliant restaurant. "Ohh sorry!! It's my fault. I am perhaps mistaken", he said after he entered the wrong room. There was a very handsome man in a turban in the room but no sign of her. Parminder then again checked the message about the room number and there was definitely some confusion. He again entered the same room and found the same man in there. He texted her as to know about her whereabouts. She again wrote the same place and room. He then voice called her and it was almost annoying now that a mobile started to ring in the room itself. It was the man's mobile. "Ohh my god!!", was the utterance of both the men in the room when they realised what had happened with them. They also shared the same name but now it was unlikely that the girl's name was parminder actually. She had bluffed both of them. She had the number of the turban guy but did not give him her's and when the hero of our story asked for her number, she actually passed on his number after realising the name game. Oh man! What can happen just with a name and Shakespeare said ,"whats there in a name? "