2 Trying To Find Them

After getting together with Jessie and the cops, Jak is really anxious to find out who did this.

Jak started working with them on this case. They start to have meeting on how to solve it. Jak says to them,"We need to find whoever did this, they would never understand the feeling I got when i received that phone call." They agree.

The cops start asking Jak if there was anyone that threatened him in the past or threatened his family. Jak says,"No. I don't think."

Later that day, he remembers something that happened 2 weeks prior to his family's death. Jak calls Jessie and starts telling him what he remembered. "I do remember this guy in the street begging for money and when we denied, he threatened us but i didn't think anything of it because the guy was homeless." Jessie takes note of this.

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