
Chapter One

People thought he was a monster for what he had done to his family. They all just stayed away from him every time he walks right pass them thinking that he will kill them. No one ever wanted to be his friend because of what he had done.

Everyone called him the killer but his real name is Luke and this time his life is going to change when someone enters his life unexpected but how about we start when that happened.

Luke was walking pass the main gate of the school seeing people move out of the way until he stopped to see someone in the way and looked up to see a girl with brown hair with silver eyes smiling brightly at him. He looked at her with a cold glared "Mind getting out of the way girl" he said.

The girl looked at him with a smile "You should really smile more it makes the day shine brightly" she said sweety. Luke just pushed right passed her "Yeah right if you new who I am and what I did you wouldn't be talking to me" he said, as he walked off.

The girl looked at him "Well I already now what you have done, but I don't think that was your fault" she said to him.

Luke eyes widen as he stopped and turned around to see her walking away with a smile on her face.

(Luke Pov)

That was the first time that when she said that to me that I felt like I can smile for once but when I saw her leaving my heart started to beat faster that was the first time I felt like this and wht is this feeling.

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