

There once was a little girl at the age of 5. She had red hair and freckles with green eyes. Her name was Amelia Leslie Rose. She had lost her father to a car crash when she was two. Amelia is like any little girl. She loved to run and play in the back of her home in Ohio. Amelia and her mother loved going to the Delaware river. Amelia would splash and play and get all sorts of mud on her. Then one day Amelia strayed off into the unknown. There was this odd shimmering thing she saw. When she got closer to investigate. It was a blue glowing rock. She instantly thought of her mother as it is her favorite color. She wanted to give it to her mother so she picked it up and cradled it like a baby. It started to glow and started getting brighter and brighter. At one point the blue stone got hot to the touch. So she picked up a wet leaf that was on the side of the river. She wrapped the leaf around the stone, not paying attention to the steam that was rising towards her face.. She was breathing in the steam but still did not notice It. So she went on her merry way. Soon she started feeling dizzy and ill. She finally got out of the brush and to the clearing where the parking lot was. When she saw her Mom, she ran over to her. Just as soon as she was about to give the odd stone to her Mother, she heard sizzling. The blue rock had caught the leaf on fire. She dropped the rock only to have it roll down her left leg, she could smell the burning flesh when she fell . As she was panicking she heard her mother say we needed to go but Amelia couldn't get up. She saw her mother about to go down to her. That's when it happened the rock exploded. It exploded into millions of tiny little blue pieces almost like dust. She could feel it going down her throat. She finally fainted. The last thing she saw was the face of her mother in pain.

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