
The Darkness Birth.

In a remote corner of the celestial planet, nestled within a cursed forest that no mortal dared to enter, a profound and enigmatic event unfolded. It was a place where darkness itself was born, an anomaly that defied the laws of existence. The birth of this darkness sent ripples of uncertainty throughout the universe, for how could something be born of nothingness, and why did it choose to manifest in the heart of this forsaken forest?

From the depths of this unnatural darkness emerged a baby, a child unlike any other. With eyes as deep and enchanting as the deep ocean, this baby possessed an intellect far beyond its years, rivaling that of a fully grown adult. While the cursed forest whispered its secrets and mysteries, this extraordinary child absorbed knowledge like a sponge, navigating the treacherous terrain with an innate understanding that defied explanation.

Yet, as the infant's destiny unfurled, a lurking threat emerged. A monstrous presence, a dangerous group of monsters drawn to the scent of this miraculous infant, ventured forth under the full moon's chilling glow. Its intentions were sinister, hungry for the baby's life.

But when the group of monsters loomed dangerously close, the child, now known as Mysterieux, revealed an incredible power-the "Matter of Darkness." It was an ability that allowed him to manipulate the matter in the darkness, shadow or under the sky of night, transforming the forest floor into a sinister array of dark, lethal spikes that stretched across the entire cursed woods, a testament to the boundless power he now commanded.

In an instant, the dark pricks emerged from the ground, piercing through every living being in the forest. The creatures of the cursed woods, from the smallest insects to the mightiest beasts, met their demise as the darkness consumed them. Then, just as swiftly as they appeared, the dark pricks vanished, leaving the forest eerily silent.

Mysterieux remained unperturbed throughout this extraordinary display of power. He did not cry when born, nor did he cry now. His transition from infancy to adulthood happened as he slumbered, his body maturing rapidly, his once-babyish features taking on the allure of a strikingly handsome adult. His long, flowing black hair cascaded down his shoulders, and his muscles sculpted themselves effortlessly, without the need for any physical training.

With newfound awareness and power, this enigmatic figure, now known as Mysterieux, stood naked amidst the shadows of the cursed forest, ready to embark on a journey that would unravel the mysteries of his existence and the world around him.

Mysterieux embarked on a treacherous journey through the heart of the cursed forest, where darkness enveloped him like a shroud. To some, this place was a nightmare, but for Mysterieux, it held an eerie allure, a perfect backdrop for the impending confrontation with his enigmatic enemy.

As he delved deeper into the forest, his keen senses absorbed every detail of his surroundings. Mysterieux's trained eye allowed him to discern the subtle signs that others might overlook. He bent down to retrieve a large leaf and some fibers, his resourcefulness guiding him to fashion makeshift leaf pants, shielding his modesty from the oppressive darkness.

His exploration continued, every step revealing more about the forest's secrets. After a few minutes, he stumbled upon an abandoned wooden cottage, which appeared to have weathered countless seasons. The interior was shrouded in gloom, but Mysterieux's determination pushed him to venture inside.

Within the dusty, abandoned cottage, he discovered a sleek black cane that seemed to call out to him. As he lifted the cane, he felt a surge of memories from its previous owner, a high-ranking political minister. These recollections offered him newfound knowledge and insight into wealth generation.

Mysterieux decided to harness the mysterious powers of the sleek black cane, now an instrument of transformation he called "[Dark weapons]." It allowed him to mold everyday objects into weapons of his imagination, albeit at a cost of -10 dark energy from his vast reserve of 10,000 dark energy.

His curiosity piqued, he continued his exploration of the cottage and stumbled upon an unlocked chest. Inside lay a treasure trove of clothing, all remnants of the political minister's wardrobe-a black suit, a long coat, tailored trousers, black shoes, black gloves, and a sleek black watch. Mysterieux donned this attire, transforming his appearance into that of a dashing and enigmatic gentleman.

With his newly acquired attire, he tied his long black hair into a neat knot, and the once rugged wanderer became an embodiment of style and grace. He departed the cottage, ready to face the forest's challenges with a newfound aura of sophistication.

After further wandering through the forest, his relentless pursuit of the exit was finally rewarded. Emerging from the cursed forest, he found himself in a breathtaking landscape-a sunlit field with lush, vibrant foliage that stretched as far as the eye could see. Oddly, as he stepped out, the cursed forest inexplicably vanished, leaving no traces. This confounding phenomenon left him both intrigued and wary.

Turning away from the vanished forest, Mysterieux resumed his quest, now in search of a nearby city. Just minutes later, his path took an unforeseen turn when he encountered a celestial being, The Angelic Eye. This ethereal being, standing at a height of 5'11", radiated a brilliant white glow, possessed a single eye on its face, lacked a mouth, sported four majestic angelic wings, and wielded a divine spear.

Angelic Eye, with its singular eye that resembled the illuminati symbol, continued to scrutinize Mysterieux, who remained remarkably composed despite the unusual encounter. Angelic Eye's telepathic voice resonated in Mysterieux's mind with an air of intrigue and suspicion.

Angelic Eye: "Who are you? You're not from here; I cannot feel any divine energy inside your body. Every celestial being has divine energy, like gods and angels. And every demon has the Chaos Energy capable of annihilating everything with their malevolent power. You seem like a human being, but I don't sense any Mana or Energy within you. Even humans possess at least a trace of Mana or Energy, no matter how minuscule, yet I can't detect it in you. You appear similar to them, but you're undeniably different."

Mysterieux, who had been puzzled by Angelic Eye's initial communication, had taken a few moments to absorb and comprehend the foreign language, finally formulated his response. His deep voice resonated with determination as he clutched the sleek black cane that once belonged to a previous political minister.

Mysterieux: "I don't know who I am, but I am here to become a political minister." He spoke calmly, his intrigue concealed beneath his composed exterior. The allure of achieving the status of a political minister was the sole thought that occupied his mind.

Undeterred, Angelic Eye aimed the tip of its divine spear directly at Mysterieux's face, intensifying the tension between them.

Angelic Eye: "You aren't a human being, are you?"

Mysterieux stood unwavering, his demeanor unaffected by the sudden, pointed gesture. An awkward silence hung in the air, pregnant with unspoken questions and uncharted territory.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as Angelic Eye, the guardian of the angels and a celestial soldier, continued to question Mysterieux. His one white eye remained fixed on the enigmatic figure.

Angelic Eye: "I'm the guardian of angels, and I serve as a celestial soldier. I am here on a mission to patrol this realm, and I have found you, a being unlike any we have encountered. Celestial beings like us cannot allow someone as strange as you to exist. You are not from here, and you will meet your end in this place."

Without warning, Angelic Eye attempted to thrust his divine spear at Mysterieux's face, but his strike was met with an unexpected response. Mysterieux swiftly drew his sleek black cane, which transformed into a dark, foreboding sword, meeting the celestial weapon with a resounding clash.

The clash of the two otherworldly weapons marked the commencement of Mysterieux's first battle in the enigmatic journey that had unfolded before him. The outcome remained uncertain, as the mysteries of his existence and the confrontation with Angelic Eye had only just begun.

before the battle, When Mysterieux drew his sleek black cane, transforming it into a dark, ominous sword, an extraordinary phenomenon unfolded. His mind seemed to open like a vast reservoir of knowledge, filling with the basic techniques of swordsmanship, and even the secrets of this unique weapon. It was as if he had become a sponge for information, absorbing the essence of the sword and its techniques with an astonishing speed.

In a fraction of a second, Mysterieux's understanding of the sword expanded, granting him access to a myriad of techniques he hadn't known before. He could feel the weapon's hidden potential, as though it had always been a part of him, waiting to be awakened.

The air around them crackled with anticipation, and the tension between Mysterieux and Angelic Eye intensified. It was the prelude to a remarkable battle between the enigmatic wanderer and the celestial guardian. As they stood on the precipice of confrontation, the outcome remained uncertain, and the mysteries of Mysterieux's existence continued to unfold.

The clash of their weapons filled the air, creating a symphony of steel as Mysterieux and Angelic Eye locked eyes, their determination unyielding. With the grace of an angel, Angelic Eye gracefully retreated, propelled by his majestic wings. Telepathically, he inquired about Mysterieux's identity, his pure white eye still fixed on the enigmatic figure.

Angelic Eye: "Wow, not bad for such a mysterious mortal like you. What's your name?"

Mysterieux, retaining his composure, responded confidently.

Mysterieux: "My name is Mysterieux."

Angelic Eye acknowledged, introducing himself as Aneye, his one white eye unwavering as they conversed. He pressed further, seeking the truth behind Mysterieux's presence in this celestial realm and his true intentions.

Aneye: "So, tell me the truth. Why are you here, and what is your true purpose?"

Mysterieux maintained his vigilance, ready for another confrontation, given the warning from Aneye about potential banishment.

Mysterieux: "Like I said, I'm here to become a political minister, to acquire wealth."

In response, Aneye chuckled, somewhat amused by Mysterieux's answer. However, his demeanor quickly changed as he activated his celestial ability, the [Celestial Eye's], which allowed him to peer into Mysterieux's soul. What he saw shocked him - an empty void where a human's soul should reside, leaving Mysterieux seemingly soulless. This revelation intensified Angelic Eye's resolve.

As the tension escalated, Mysterieux took a swordsmanship stance, ready for the next round. Angelic Eye warned Mysterieux about his unsuitability for this celestial realm.

Aneye: "You shouldn't be here, Mr. Mysterieux."

With that declaration, Aneye launched himself at Mysterieux, divine spear in hand. Mysterieux, ever vigilant, evaded the attack with a perfect dodge, swiftly countering with a swift swing of his dark sword aimed at Aneye's hips. Each swing of his sword left trails of dark particles behind.

In a defensive maneuver, Aneye used the shaft of his divine spear to shield his hips, causing him to be sent flying back. However, he gracefully performed a backflip, landing back on his feet, determined to maintain his stance in the unfolding battle. The duel between Mysterieux and Aneye had intensified, and the outcome remained shrouded in uncertainty.

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