

"Son, You need to go to school to become better and greater then me." The Darklord said.

"But dad they al know how I look like! How can i go to school." I asked him

"We'll make uncle ling dress you up." He said confidently.

"Okay..., How will uncle ling dress me up?" I said hopefull.

"As a girl." A voice behind me said

I Look behind me and there is uncle ling, A Big Almost gorilla looking man.

"Why a girl, uncle ling" I asked shocked

"Because everybody knows the darklord has a son and not a daughter." With a wink.(Yes this line was taken from a different novel.)

Uncle Ling suddenly started using magic on me.

I feel an excruciating pain in my whole body.

"Just hold on young master." Unlce Ling said, But then i blacked out last thing i heard was uncle Ling saying "Dammit!"

I Woke up and questioned myself where i was, I felt weaker but i dont know why.

"Ah, Your awake young master." Uncle Ling said

"Before you ask how long you have been in a coma was 2 days 3 ours 19 minutes 43 seconds." he said whilst holding a stopwatch.

"Oh and before you ask, School starts tomorrow, And you broke the spell." He said with a smile.

"What do you mean i broke the spell?" I shockely asked.

"You broke it because u fell in a coma when i treid to do the spell and that broke it. For now your stuck as a girl wether you like it or not. Before you ask, we are working on a way to reverse it. Don't worry young master."

"I already have some female clothers prepared." Pointing at a pile of clothes

"I'm Not gonna wear this!" i said shocked.

"You really are a female in there teens now." Unlce Ling said emotionally.

"I'm Not a girl, Uncle." I said still not beleving him.

"Just check in the mirror. And your super sweet and lovely uncle is going to Master to tell him you have woken up" He said with a wink.

I went to the mirror, and i saw that my hair has grown and my figure has changed.

''I DON'T BELIEVE IT" i sceamed internally.

But instead i let out a soft squeel.

I Tried on one of the sets of clothes that was on the pile. (It was a black kimoto dress with white flowers.)

Father Walks in and sees me wearing that he looked weirdly proud.

''dinners ready come on'' dad said with a smile and a small tear in his eye.

(Dinner Time)

It was completely silent until Uncle Ling said: "I guess you did finally get a daughter."

Dad started laughing.

"Funny, Haha." I said sarcasticlly.

"Get a grip so- Daughter." He and uncle ling started laughing again.

"But seriously school starts tomorrow. So get a grip and make the best of it." he said with a serious expression but a grin holding laugh sound.

"Have you ever been around girls?" Uncle ling asked me.

"I could ask you the same thing." I replied.

"That's a no i guess" uncle Ling said.

I had nothing to say anymore.

it was silent for a little while until dad said: "Eat up first day of school starts in the morning."

"But I just woke up." I said bothered.

"I don't care" dad said.

I eat up and go to bed but before i could close my door i heard dad say: "Goodnight my sweet princess." and histerical laughter of unclie Ling and dad after.

I sigh and go to sleep.

Next chapter