1 Prologue

Instead of going home after leaving Riley's I decided to go to a cave I found in the woods. It looked like someone once lived there. There where really old book that where written in some weird language. I had grabbed one written in English, it was just a childish book of 'spells'. It was funny to read it out loud. It also gave warnings of what to make sure not to do as it could cause this or that to happen. Who ever write the book got waaaaay too into it. Not that I cared. I would have loved a book like this as a six year old. Sometimes the book even started writing in weird symbols. I wish some of these spells were real. How awesome would traveling back in time be?

Eh. Maybe not that awesome. Guess it would depend on where you ended up. I would personally like to see a real knight. Riding on his armored horse.

I closed the book and put it back on the make shift shelf. It was really just wood that seemed to be nailed onto the cave wall. I head water running and knew there must be a waterfall nearby. How awesome! It could be like in those movies where the secret cave is behind a waterfall!

After I found out the small waterfall was actually inside the cave. It was about 4 feet tall and the water dropped into a stream that ran through a part of the cave. Although it wasn't the secret cave entrance I was hopping for, it was still a sight to see. I'm weird so I should name the water fall 'mini fall.'

I looked at my watch and saw that I had two missed calls from my mom. I figured it was probably time to head back.

When I got home my mom was yelling at my brother- Rune- for god knows what. I didn't care to listen so I turned up my music volume and continued to listen to my music as headed to my room.

Later my mom asked why I got home so late, I told her the classic study group lie. And she bought it...

Unfortunately my brother did not. After dinner he was waiting in my room playing on MY computer some violent zombie killing game. I didn't think he was aware that I had even entered my own room. But as I sat down I n the bed about to scold him, he beat me too it, "study group huh? How about you try to Remeber Only mom those pathetic lies of ours" I rolled my eyes.

We argued a lot, but he was still my older brother. He was very protective at times, and then yelling and cursing at me to fuck off at other times. But I knew he cared about me. Just as I did two. But we both would die before we told each other that. So instead we just silently knew and whenever the other had a moment of weakness (like my brother right now) we made fun of them.

"Does someone care about me??? Are you worried" I mocked. "No." I waited. "Maybe" he corrected. "Yes" I answered for him. "Whatever" he replied. "Where ever you where don't go there again. It dark out, it not safe to be out so late" uh. I hate this, as if mom nagging at me wasn't bad enough. Now him too!

Despite what they both think, I'm not stupid. And I know they both hide something from me. But we all have our secrets. So I let them think I'm clueless to their secrets. And they can stay clueless to mine. Not that I'd tell them even if they told me their secrets.

I'd been sneaking out of the house for years now. Since sixth grade. I don't know why. Maybe just for the thrill of it. But I love to aimlessly wonder around the woods behind our house. I started doing it after I saw my brother sneaking out and wanted to get photos of where he went as black mail.

Needless to say I lost him and got nothing. Except the desire to sneak out since then. I followed him to a creepy looking old building and then he turned and went I don't know where because I was too busy wanting to explore the haunted building. I didn't explore it, 'cause I felt like someone was watching me. I got creeped out and then remembered why I was out here to begun with. That's when I realized I lost Rune, guess blackmail will have to wait.

Bummer. Why can't I ever just pay attention.

Ever since then I've been sneaking out and exploring the woods behind our house. Since the woods cover about 7 acres of land I don't have to worry about running into other people after I pass the lake about two miles from our house. That's where all the other neighbors hang out and throw party's. I'm sixteen, and my brother's twenty-two, though he looks a lot younger.

Tomorrow is the first day of high school! I'm excited and dreading it at the same time.
