
Flying Above the Rest (Epilogue part 2)

Hey so here is a little advice just because you have wings doesn't mean you can fly. You wanna know how I know because the moment I step outside. I decided to give it a go. Jump of a small ledge and let's just say me and gravity aren't on good terms any more. Learning to fly was very much like learning to ride a bike. Just one that is attached in to your back. So for a short while they were just dead weight. Now what's the first thing you should do after after the apocalypse. Yes literal any beside what I did. I just started walking looking for a sign of life. The life I found was not what expected. I remember looking at it and bolting to it. Another human I thought. As I stood in front of it I realized it was no longer human. It was twice my size and maybe four times my weight. I would later find out that they are called Rens. Quick lesson on Rens they can be from 800-900 pounds and from 12 feet to 16 feet tall. This monster looked me in the eyes and swung one hand at me. Now I would like to say I dodged it or something cool but yeah that didn't happen. It hit me dead on my left shoulder sending me right in to a guard rial on the side of the road. Weird thing about it was it didn't hurt. I looked at the bent metal I flew into. Yet I had nothing on me. Not even a scratch on me. I got up and the Ren was a good 30 feet away from me. I don't know what it was in me but something kicked on. I spread my wings out and black smoke dripped from them leaving a black smoke trial behind me. I could feel the fear the Ren had as he saw me awake in my new form. I jumped and glide in to it trying to tackle him. I took him in to a rock on the side of the road a step back. I could see no I could feel it he was hurt. He go up and swung with both hands over his head. In that moment I stepped to the side lifted my self up and as I went to sock it in its face. I could tell as my arm hairs started to give off a black smoke. As this new power flew into my arm. This was its last breath and before I hit it I felt that it knew this was its final moments. When my first connected with its face I flew back a bit from my own power. The Ren it self flew towards the same place I was when I got hit. Except it went through the rail and grind in to the dirt by the road. I walk over to the body to see its neck twisted and and a deep imprint where I struck him. Hm what kinda of world is this. I walk down the road a bit to see a fairly steep ledge with a 130 foot drop. I stretched out my wings. This has to be the worst way to learn. Yet I knew. Before I even took that step of that ledge. I knew I would fly. As I start to fall I stretched my wings out and started to glide. Then I did a little flap and I move up. The I did on bigger one and it raised me up even more. Ha I tilt my body up and went in to the clouds. I felt so free. Like I could go any where. Yet while I was up there I saw something at the edge of the valley. A yellow fog covered all the outer rim of the valley. Just where the mountains started to peak. I flew there and land right in front of the fog. The fog it self gave of a warmth. Yet you knew if you went though it you wouldn't make it out. I saw a mouse ones run in to it and come out a min later. The fog had melted its fur and skin so you could see some of its bones and organ it didn't make far till it fell and stop moving. Bleeding out what was left of it. As I was in front of the fog I flew up. High above it and looked out and saw nothing but fog. I flew over it just fine but there was nothing there for a mile. At which point I turned around to know there was no way out. That the valley was where we would stay for a while. That we were now the prisoners of the fog.