
The Dark Years

Red_Ayakashi · Horror
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6 Chs

Jori's Demise

A couple days later~

Jori gasps sharply upon waking up from his sleep. The only source of light came from the few candles scattered around the dark space. He couldn't tell if it was a room or hallway that he was in. Once fully awake he could feel thick leather straps around his wrists. He had been pinned up against the wall while he was unconscious. "Ira!? Anyone? Help me!" His cries of help were interrupted by a sinister voice.

A long white haired man steps into the light towards him. A dark grin on his face with crimson red eyes. The man was unfamiliar to him and he couldn't tell if he was a vampire or demon at this time. "It's about time you wake up. I can finally play now~ Your name isn't important because when I'm finished you'll be wishing you were dead. By the way the name is Sen Ayakashi." Jori takes a few deep shaky gasps while looking at him with wide eyes. He developed a very bad feeling about this.

A sharp chill runs down his spine leaving his body shuddering nervously. "Oh god...your not human! Please..spare me!" The only answer he received was completely unexpected. He watches Sen walk closer to him and yank off his black collar. The shirt he was wearing was torn open a bit leaving his neck and shoulder even more exposed. "What on earth are you doing!? No! Please no!"

The shirt sleeves were completely torn off and the tattered cloth was tied around his mouth tightly. He could no longer talk. Muffled whimpers were heard while his head was tilted to the side. Sen smirks darkly enjoying the fear that radiated from Jori. He leans down towards his neck gliding his tongue up the fragile skin. The whimpers only made him more excited. Jori didn't know what to do while feeling the other's tongue run up his neck. But he knew how bad this would hurt since he was only human.

Sen bites down on the desired spot, sinking his sharp fangs deep into the jugular vein and breaking the skin. Tears roll down his cheeks while the screams that escape his mouth were muffled. Pain immediately overcomes Jori leaving him unable to do anything about the current situation he was in. Blood was dripping down his neck. Sen precedes to drink his delicious blood making sure to savor the sweet taste. His fangs sink deeper into Jori's neck.

After a couple short minutes he decides to take it a step further. Jori let out a muffled sigh of relief after feeling Sen's fangs pull back. However this relief was short lived. Sen once again bites into his neck deeply only this time releasing a large quantity of his venom. Demonic venom was known to kill humans after inducing hallucinations and such. In Jori's case it attacked him differently.

Jori throws his head back groaning sharply in pain from underneath the gag in his mouth. The venom immediately enters his bloodstream and was traveling through his veins. Fortunately for him it was extremely slow. It was clear to him now that Sen want him to suffer. Alot before he died. He had no idea how far Sen would go while torturing him.

It wasn't long before the veins in his neck turned black slowly spreading. His body had been pumped full of slow-acting poison. Tears run down his cheeks while Sen yanks off the gag causing Jori to cough up blood weakly. "I'm not finished yet." Sen's words were like knifes to him as he whimpers weakly. His chin was roughly gripped while his head was forcefully tilted back slightly.

"W-Wait...don't..." There wasn't much he could do but groan weakly into the demon's kiss. Little did he know that the worst was yet to come. He starts to tense up badly unable to move. Snake eggs were being forced into his mouth and down his throat making it bulge. They settled in his stomach.

After a few minutes Sen finally pulls away chuckling darkly. Jori whimpers shakily before trying to cough up the eggs. It was no use though since they were already inside him. "What the hell have you done to me you twist demon..!?"

Sen grips his chin forcing him to look at him. "Your the perfect host for my offspring. Right now there's close to a hundred eggs inside you. Don't worry for you'll receive more later." His chin was released as Jori coughs a bit more before falling unconscious on Sen.