
The Moonless Carnival

Act 1 The Invitation

In the finest dull day of the year neha was working(till the bones) in your extremely plain job. The only thing she wanted the most was to get home and read the new book series that she had bought a few weeks ago and was definitely in love with it. She loved to read and escape her reality, the thing she desired the most was to go into the book and be the villainess of the story but she knew it was an impossible feat....not only her personality was far to different from one of a true villainess but she didn't have the will to do it. She always felt that something was missing in her life thats why she go to the books and the worlds she could find in them. So after a long work day she decided to fallow her simple routine, go home, fix something to eat, take a bath, feed the cats(as also clean their mess), do some light cleaning in her home and them go to bed and read to sleep.

But today it was different, after reading the last chapter of the book series she found a circus invitation in the end cape.

«««« «««« ««««« «««  «««MC»»» »»» »»»»» »»»» »»»»

Are you tired for you simple life? Wanna to trow all away and fallow what your heart desires? Don't fret because we hear your prayer and now you turned out our player! Just play to your heart content and enjoy the sight, because this event just happens once in 50 years at each darkest moonless night!

                            Moonless Carnival 

Free ticket

Uses: once per person

Time :after 11 pm

How to find: in the darkest night hold your ticket and close your eyes if you are the chosen one your path will be clear.

«««« «««« ««««« ««« «««MC»»» »»» »»»»» »»»» »»»»

After finishing she started to laugh, "who decided to make this prank? OMG" she thought. She put the invitation down and decided to go drink a little bit of water. Arriving in the kitchen, she took a glass filled with water and was drinking while thinking about the book she had read. Her thoughts were far away but a silver gleam make her mind focus again, next to her in the sink the circus ticket lied glowing in the dark night. "Didn't I let this in my room?" Neva thought while taking it in her hands, she then decided to trow it away in the bin, after all it was just a meaningless joke. After cleaning the cup she went to the bathroom to do some necessities. She was gave a scare when she saw the ticket that she had throw away a few minutes ago sticked in the mirror, after calming down she smirked.

-So now I'm being hunted by a mysterious circus ticket uh - she said to no one in particular - OK I know its a coincidence to find this ticket exactly today when we are having a new moon in the night sky, but I'm not idiot to follow this instructions blinded by the benefits....this invitation is just to fishy.

Neha decided to completely stick the ticket in the mirror that he was sticking. She took some tapes and some nails and did her work, better safe than sorry. When she ended it was almost midnight so she went to sleep, thinking that the ticket problem was solved. Sadly this was just the beginning, after she slept the shadows in the bathroom began to grow and stretched some tentacles in the ticket direction. After arriving in it original destination It began to melt everything that was locking the ticket in the mirror, after sticking out the tick the shadows went to the bedroom and put the ticket under neha's pillow, with the job done they disappear in the darkness.

Act 2- The Night Spectacle

Neha was having a good dream when she started to fell cold, after trying to find her blanket with her eyes closed and failing at it she woke up in a night forest. After the surprise she got up from the floor and found the silver ticket on the ground. She looked around(well its not like she could see so much because it was pitch black in the forest, after all it was a moonless night) and not seeing anything close to her she decided to just follow the ticket instructions (its not like she could go back because she doesn't saw any path), she took the ticket in her hands, closed her eyes and waited.

Up here you guys must be thinking "why she isn't scared?" "How can she be so calm and collected when she wakes up in a forest alone?". Well lady's and gentleman's the answer can be divided in two: first she is a reader that always dreamed about going into one of the stories she had read, so this for her was like a story unfolding right in front of her and she could observe with her own eyes; second she thought that she was dreaming, she had this kinda of skill that made her dream of things she read before sleeping, so it wasn't out of normal for her to dream about the moonless circus. 

After a while Neha started to fell a kind of pull in one unknown direction so she started to fallow it, even though she was in a forest she didn't trip in anything while walking(in front of her the trees and ground was moving to let her journey to be comfortable). After walking for a long time the pulling stopped, so she opened her eyes and was instantly amazed in front of her was a circus domain that she had never seen. You could see normal things like clowns,  food stands, some animals(like tigers/dogs/bears), trailers where the crew lived, the huge circus tent and light....but you could also see different things.....like the horses going around had a horn and wings, some "people" in the crew also had horns, wing, tails and scales, the mermaid in the tank was really beautiful but her beuty hide a really scary aura(her grills didn't seemed fake at all) and thats also a dinosaur helping workers change some broken lights? So yeah...this circus was everything but it wasn't normal and neha was just starting to fell that this would be a long night.

After walking around for a few times she decided to fallow the other guests into the tent....she intended to buy something to eat but she was a bit discouraged after seeing the price list because they didn't asked for money, instead they asked for things that apparently didn't hold any value into them: a single hair strand or a shy smile or even a piece of something broken by time, the scariest part was that everyone had the right thing to pay for foods and trinkets. Neha was a reader, so she knew those prices wasn't normal and was naturally weary of them, thats why she decided to head into the tent without buying anything. In the entrance of the tent some weirdly smiling people was taking the tickets from the guests. When was neha time she gives them her ticket, the employees looked at it and started to show a madness tinted smile.

"Well well well what have we here"- said the woman wearing black and red steampunk outfit

"What we have here indeed" - said the man wearing black and white victorian outfit.

"Someone got lucky in the random draw"- said the woman opening her mad smile

"A very good luck I must say" - said the man also smiling - "but weirdly you came with an empty hand" said as the smile disappear and he gives me an inquisitive look.

"That's is true" - said the woman still smiling, but I could fell a felling of a predator looking ate his prey behind her smile - "Why is that?"

" Well" -  Neha started trying to hide her nervousness - "I'm just so anxious to see the show that I couldn't really focus in the things selling in the stalls, when the break time arrives I will buy some things".

"Well thats is fine"- said the man after trying to find if neha was lying trough her teeth's or not - "I hope you have an enjoyable night" -said him smiling again.

"Yes have fun special guest" said the woman giving me my ticket back, her smile never disappeared from her face.

She thanked them and walked fast into the tent to find her sitting place.


Neha walked trough the illuminated path looking for her sit, the ticket said it would have her name on it. She was kind of dubious at first "after all how could they put a name plate on a circus bench?" But after entering inside the tent she found that the place was more luxurious than she thought.

The grandstand was all made in a black marble that had some purple and silver veins. In each row u could see black armchairs with red Velvet cushions with a considerate space between each other, it also had some personal cabinets in the same thematic color, in fact you could see that all of it was made and decorated with great quality. After so much searching she found her place, it was in the middle of the row and in front of the stage. She found some differences in her seat, it had mini gargoyles sculptures in each arm and the cushion had an inticrate pattern, in front of her ahe saw a small black table with a menu of drinks and wishes. She sat and wait for the show to begin as she watched the others sitting around. It was a interesting group, you could see people in a suit, people in gorgeous victorian dresses, people using simple clothing, people using some kind of ceremonial outfits, people with elaborate hair, people with messy hair, young people, old people, couples, any kind of people you could imagine.

After a while the lights began to dimmed out and a voice called out..

"Ladys and Gentlemans, children and adults, old and new, everyone in this life should have heard of a story where the prince saves the princess, where the hero won over the war, where the peace win through the evil, where people did amazing and horrible things for and to the humanity and in the end of the story you guys felt desire. Desire to be rescued by a prince, desire to be a hero to save the land, desire to be the talented individual that will bring harmony or destruction to humanity, but you couldn't do it. You lacked courage, you were afraid, you thought it would be to hard to change the world so you are content with your plain nights and days, but deep down you didn't forget your innermost desire, hopping for a miraculous chance. ."- a light shone in the middle of the stage and the ringmaster showed up. He was wearing black pants, combat boots adorned with chains and spikes, a red silk shirt, black vest with silver patterns, a black coat with burgundy details in the sleeves, and a black top hat. His eyes were one black thats resembled the dark fog in the forest and the other bloody red, his face was really pale and he had black shadow around his eyes and black lipstick in his lips, he also had a few piercings and his hair was long had a blue-green color with a high fade style, he had a really low sexy kinda of voice too and in minutes all crowd was taken by his magnetism-" So here I am to present to you this chance you been hopping for: adventures, richies, beauties, talents, romance, passion, all of what you wanted the most can be fulfilled in the Moonless Carnival. I hope you will enjoy and create wonderful memories. So without more delays let the show began." He said showing the king of all mad smiles I had seen since I entered the circus domain while the light faded out.

After that a spectacular show began, we had dancing wings horses malabarism, the mermaid dance and singing opera, the lizard mans sword and fire stunts, the talking dinosaur stand ups, and many more incredible and impossible things, you could hear the people enjoying amd laughing, see the shine show lights and smell the excitement of the place. I was really enjoying until everything fades out and all I could see was black.

Act 3- The ringmaster and circus true face

After giving the entrance speech Mr. Munro the ringmaster went back to his Quarters. He sat in his burgundy armchair, drinking red wine while he waited to the main show begins. The circus wasn't only a magnificent enjoyable place where desires came true it was his kingdom and home for his subjects. He wasn't human, his race came from a long forgotten place and was forever moving from a place to another. They where alike humans(some more alike than other) but they need a substantial thing to live that made them be different from other: they survive "eating" emotions and memories, but collecting them wasn't so easy. They had suffered through the times to stay alive, the circus group was home for the last of their kind. They have a miraculous and cursed power that permited them to do favors(any kind of favors, almost like a geenie?) in exchange for memories or things that holds strong feelings in it. Because of the desires from people they where acclaimed as gods, angels and prophets or cursed as devils and demons, some where even locked up in cages and used to the greed of people. That made his race that once was kind, just and loving being tainted by the evil emotions from humans. Now they used every possible way to just survive, even if they had to lie, seduce and hypnotize people. As ages came and go the human kind were paving themselves a path for destruction, so it was fairly easy to harvest strong emotions for his race to live. So they decided to create a circus where they could summon the chosen humans trough an invitation and exchange with them: their desires(humans) for their food(circus crew).

The show was made to put the humans under a spell that took their conscience to one of their races domains to do a role play. If they were strong enough to resist the temptation they could go back home after the story they are acting ended. If they lose to their mind in the play they would be trapped and when they come back to themselves they had to pay a fee to go back to their living world. Most of them decided to stay dreaming but the ringmaster changed the tune of their dreams, so a dream that showed the humans doing what they desire the most in the beginning turned up into their worst nightmares in the end.

After all, emotions like fear and rage was easier get and filled them more. Don't fret that the invitation had a way to know who to invite, normally people who came where ones that had their balance pending to the evil side....a serial killer, a corrupt official, a arsonist,  drug dealers, rapists, forgers, people into slavery or human trafficking, so in some ways the circus were doing some justice(although they tended to avenge their people who were lost in humans hands....the had a lot of hate).

As Mr. Munro drank his wine he kept smiling remember the bountiful harvest they would have today. He was relaxing while watching some prisoners suffering his worst fears when he saw his beautiful wife coming into his direction.

-"Good day my lady" he said smiling softly at his wife " what brings you here at this fine day? Is everything OK?"

-" Hello darling" she bents down and give him a kiss "everything thing is normal and the harvest for the new poultry already began" she said while combing her hands trough his hair "but one of them is different"

-"Oh? Different in what kinda of way?" He asked curious.

-"Its not in a bad way but I think we won't get to harvest any bad emotions from her" she said while thinking -" also the world she went is one of where the locked pieces are".

-" That's interesting 🤔🤔 I don't think she will get to unlock the piece but maybe we should test her".

-" I also thought that but what surprise me the most was that she chose to be the villainess that have a bad ending instead of the protagonist who is always safe"

-" Go bring me her jewel" - said Mr. Munro smiling madly again - "let's see what spectacule she will present to us".

His wife went to get the jewel that would allow them to see and do some interventions (if Needed) in the story she was playing. The moment he saw her jewel he was surprised, her jewel was the most clear crystal he had ever seen in god knows how many years. It was really rare to have some pure soul visiting the show. Maybe she could bring hope for them....but she could also brings destruction, after all untainteds souls where hard to corrupt but their corruption could bring down some really bad catastrophes.

The story she choosed was about a noble girl who was rumored to be a saint, she loved her family, liked to help poor people and have the crown prince as her fiance. But one day that changed, she saw the crown prince falling in love with some village girl and was mad with jealousy, she started to mistreat everyone, go out to spread rumors about the girl and did everything to Drag the village girl life down until the poor girl couldn't keep it anymore amd choose to died to save her village. After his lover death the prince went crazy, his family decided to send him to war to avoid internal conflicts with other nobles, afterall even though it was the prince first love she was just a commoner girl.

He went to war for 3 years, after surviving the hellish place he came back stronger and with his revenge desire ready to explode. He dragged out every person who did bad things to his deceased love and eventually got information that the duke's daughter was the one who killed her. Before he could go and turn the dukedom into a blood rain the duke came to the palace explain that the guilty of the crimes was in their adopted daughter. They had adopted a young girl that was a slave because when young his real daughter was really weak and couldn't go out and socialize so much. The adopted slave was really alike his own daughter so he bought her and used her as his daughter double until his daughter could get better. But she fell in a unhealthy love with his highness, she was obsessed with him, so she went and killed the innocent village girl and tried to hide this crime. The duke just discovered this because of his highness inquiries and bringed the adopted child to be condemned. The prince found this fishy but all the proofs he had found after the new culprit was brought in the palace, appointed that the culprit was the adopted daughter so she was sentenced to death. In the execution day the prince met the real duke's daughter, she really had a frail appearance and body, she was coughing lightly and pleaded to free her sister or let her have a painless death. The prince who had his heart frozen by his first love death was moved for the true child pure love and fell in love with her while the adopted child madly laugh when her neck was cut out. After some months both of them married and lived together forever.

At least that was the made up story made from the winners, the truth should only appear if a untainted soul choose to play as the villainess in this story and if the soul was strong enough to change the end.  So Mr. Munro and his wife sat comfortably while watching the show.

Act 4- The protagonist transmigrate into a villainess.

When neha woke up she was in a unknown room, it was noon already so she just got up to discover where she was. She half tied her her while walking but she stopped when she saw herself in the mirror. "White hair? Violet eyes? This pale skin? What the....??" She thought when suddenly her head began to ache a lot. When we recovered from the headache she knew where she was brought in. It was inside the story she had finished reading that night. She kinda of liked the story but found really fishy the villainess ending, she went to see some reviews and opinions and most people thought that the kind and gentle daughter was the real one and the adopted one was the malicious one, that was feeing to be good but was despicable inside.

Well she was reincarnated inside the adopted duke daughter, she didn't have a name, the duke decided to call her selene(his daughter name) to avoid confusion, both of them didn't met to much inside home so they didn't get so much confused. Yes the villainess that would have a bad ending, but now she was crying, not for the path she knew the villainess would have to walk but because she got the true memories of the adopted duke daughter.

 She was a abandoned child, she had 4-5 years when she was taken by slave trafficking people and sold to the UnderColiseum, there they put slaves to fight for their lives. She didn't remember anything before getting lost, but she remembers her path in the coliseum. She had to fight to survive, if she was injured she would have to find a way to deal with it, she was always to much hungry, had to defeat opponents stronger and bigger than her and had always to disguise herself as a boy(because a girl didn't live so much in this place).  She lived her life without knowing if she would survive another day, until the day the duke came and bought her, he saw her fighting and thought she was really alike his daughter that was really sick and could get out of bed. Seeing that this slave girl resemble his daughter so much she thought of buying her and using her as his daughter double and shadow. She could be trained and turned in an shadow elite guard later when her daughter got better and could resume her activities. The slave girl full of gratitude decided to be totally loyal to the duke family. She took years learning how to be a duke's daughter and how to be a shadow guard. She would attend tea parties at the day and train with poison at the night. But she also had Two secret she could change her appearance and also could see dead people. Because of this two gifts she had grown out to be more alike the real duke's daughter (in appearance) and had started to be afraid of the dead, she said one time that she saw her deceased nanny who took care of her after the night she died, everyone thought she was seeing things because she missed the nanny very much, but for a time people started to look with a strange look at her, calling her a cursed child so she never spoke about her gifts again.

When Selena(the real daughter) reached 13 years it was the time for her to debut and have a fiance, her health was better but she wasn't strong enough to make a debut/engagement party. It was decided since they where child that selene and the crown prince would be engaged when they reached 13. The adopted child had to go to the debut and engagement party for Selena who was sick, she met the prince but didn't though to much about him, after all he was selena fiance. The adopted child new that selena wasn't such a good girl, because of her sickness she started to hate the fake selena who could go out and have fun, so the adopted one always try to avoid selena's path, this made selena turn her fury to her pets and maids. Every day a small animals was found injured or killed, the maids where horrible mistreated but the duke forbidden them to tell a world outside. Those who let it leak was killed by the shadow guards. As the adopted one grower more beautiful Selena anger got worse, so it was common to see the adopted one getting out the house to see her only friend, a simple village girl named Elly, they kinda grow up together without anyone knowing. The adopted one also changed her appearance to mach elly when she was out and elly loved to have a young twin sister. They played, gossiped, went shopping for groceries, did a lot of things together. Until the crown prince save the adopted one when she was disguised as elly coming back home, they turned friends and later they discovered that they loved each other.

Selena was getting better and was resuming her own life, she loved all attention she got in the tea parties and loved the prince....in fact she was obsessed with him, his looks, his character, she often told everyone that they where born to each other. The prince didn't like her at all, she found her too clingy and immature, always wanting things to be done in her own way, she started to think that her reputation of a pure, kind, cult and lovable lady was just a forged reputation. So when he met the disguised adopted daughter he fell in love. But Selena discovered that the prince loved a village girl and went mad over jealousy, she statted to find any opportunity to make the village girl life a living hell, trying to defame her and even hiring tughs to rape her. Of course the adopted one always helped her friend, she felt really guilty of involving her dearest friend in this mess but nothing could take selena attention away from this metter. Until one day that the adopted one went to study in another city and selena got professionals to kill the village girl. The prince with a broken heart swear revenge and went to the battlefield. When he got back and the duke discovered about the metter of his loved daughter killing the prince beloved he went mad. He tried to conceal every traces that lead until his daughter but the prince was persistent and eventually sniffed out the true culprit and went to collect this blood debt. In this chaos the adopted daughter stepped out and said she would cover for selene, she was still guilty that she had left her beloved friend die and horrible death and couldn't get out from this pit, "if only she didn't have disguised....if only the prince and her didn't fell in love.... If only she didn't had to leave..." The "if only" list where big and she thought the only way to atone her friends death was with her own death. She was judged and sentenced...when she was in jail the night before her execution her sister selena cakes out to talk to her. She was grateful for what she did, but it was only natural to be this way, after all she was the real daughter and her was a fake. Selena also told about how she was the one who killed Elly and then the adopted poor girl went crazy. The last thing she saw before being beheaded was selena acting as a white lily and the prince falling in love with her.

"This wasn't fair" thought neha after the flashback ended "why she had to have such a miserable life? She just wanted to.be happy and loved". Drying up her tears she decided to make the adopted child better this time. The first thing was to propose an engagement contract with the crown prince, they would be engaged until they turned 16, after that he would marry with his real wife(the real duke daughter), neha also stopped to go visit her friend in day light and avoided all flags that could lead the prince to love her. When she turned 16 and selena was in good health, she forged her own death, took his friend and went to live in the neighborhood country. There she enlist to enter the army, after some wars she won the title as general, the adopted daughter, that went for leon now, went to the great war and lead her soldiers to victory, defeating the crown prince from her previous country. When she returned to get the war documents signed she discovered that the duke family had fallen down because of Selena misdeeds when she was fiance of his highness the crown prince, the hole family was executed. After that neha went back to the home that her and elly shared together and they lived the rest of their lives in a comfortable and simple way. When leona died she was sleeping and smiling peacefully.

Before dying neha dreamed about the true leona soul, she said thanks to have acted a wonderful life for her and her loved ones. She also gave her a piece of her soul to bring it back to the ringmaster. After that all went black again.

Act 5 - the true of this story and the finalle

After opening her eyes neha saw that the lights were on again, she saw a few people who came was "sleeping" and some was missing. After waking up she got to up and started to stretch her body while looking around for someone to ask directions. After a few moments the smiling twins came for her.

"I see that pur lucky guest is awake" said the woman with her never fading smile

"Its good to be awake" said the man "the ringmaster wants to see you".

"We will take you until him" said the woman and started to walk in front of me

"After the ladies" said the man waiting for me to get in the line.

I went after the woman and was escorted trough the circus until the ringmaster quarters. On the way I saw some people sleeping and others eating, I even saw the Dinosaurs that made the stand up, it was a Triceratops and a stegosaurus, we talked a bit and they told me that they have more companions, sadly the t-rex was at home today because he got sick. After the small talk we continued to head to the ringmaster. We arrive at the burgundy door, the twins knocked and let me in after introducing me.

-" well good night neha" said the ringmaster " I am the ringmaster, you can call me Mr. Munro and this is my beloved wife" - said introducing a gorgeous woman next to him -" we hope that your night was extremely enjoyable and you could fulfill your desires"- he again showed his king smile(did I already said his voice was really pleasant?? Because it was)

"Oh thank you" I said trying to focus, mane with beautiful voices are really dangerous I must say -" its nice to meet you and yes I had I really good night in your circus" I said smiling gently.

"I hope you don't mind but we were monitoring you trough your adventure to guarantee that you won't enter in any dangerous situations" Mr. Munro continued with a business like smile that still was a littlw bit disturbing " and we must say that you played magnificently, you decided to pave your own way trough this story, and watch enjoyable way you choose...to become a knight commander(after wining the war) when woman's was rare in the army/guards. It was a pleasant surprise"

"Thank you" I said embarrassed " it was nothing really...I was just fallowing my heart"

"That just shows that your heart is in the right place" said Mr munro " So let's talk about business, after completing your dream you can choose to stay here or to go home, do what do you wish?"

"To go home please" I answered to fast, both of them raised an eyebrow at my fast reply "Cof- Coffee...there is a story that I need to change"

"Oh well thats a kitty to hear" he said feeing being extremely sad " but is our guest wish so we must abide to it" she took his top he at and raised from his chair "So anything you need to say before going?"

"In fact I have a message for you" I said nervous " if you would like to receive it"

" A message for.me? Oh my who would be so kind?? Why not? You can show it to me now" he was trying to be indifferent but I could see his excitement to get a message.

"Well i think its the time"- neha said " leona you can come out now." When I said my last phrase everyone froze, a light surrounded me and after a few moments the ringmaster amd his wife was seeing leona(leona took over neha body for a few minutes)

"Hello..." Started to say leona while choking a little "... Brother.... I missed you so much" leona started crying.

"Lily" said the ringmaster with a pained voice while running to hugh his sister "I missed you so much my baby sis" said while some tears started to go down trough his eyes "we had searched for you everywhere, everyday, mom and dad never slept again after you went missing" this time he dtatted to hug her strongly " but we didn't have enough power to find you, when we finally found your track and could get to you.....you have been asleep already" said Mr. Munro while crying and hugging his sister

Lily wasn't from the novel world originally. She was the daughter of the former king and queen and the ringmaster precious little sister. She was kidnapped when some greddy humans tried to use her as a bargain ship to get free wishes, but because a kind woman last wish she was saved and went to another world. Because of the wormhole she entered her memories was lost almost lost, just after dead that she had remembered who she was. She also knew she had a family that loved her very much and would cross universes to find her. So she saved her last strand of magic and let her soul be protected(and not dissipate in this world) until the chosen one came to free her soul and give her back to her family.

She just didn't expect that when her brother came he went crazy after learning about her death, she couldn't even communicate with him using their bond. She had to watch her brother playing with the humans in this world who caused her death. After the fall of the duke family she watched as his brother made a deal with the duke daughter throwing this world ins and endless loop where the same story repeated again and again and again. This was the end of the strawn for Selena...her mind was completely broken as she have to replay her story countless times. Leona(or lily) also had to replay her story, she tried to contact the players that come to play the story but all of them choose the heroine(the duke daughter) to play this story. This made Selena powerful, because after the first time playing, if the player decided to stay in this world selena promised them that she would complete any requests....in the end she just eat them after reaching the ending where she saw her fake sister die. Lily was losing hope when neha came and discovered lily true story, completing the world and freeing lily. After they died of old age lily thanked neha and asked for one last favor, to borrow hee body a bit so she could talk one last time with her brother. Neha obviously agreed and here we are.

-" Brother i love you so much, don't matter how distorted you had became. After watching neha completing the story I saw that the best revenge we can have against those who hurt us is to live happily. So please, I'm pleading, end the time loop you put in that world for me. Neha already avenged me and a lot of innocent people is suffering because of me." Said leona/lily looking at her brother eyes " please I don't have much time, please just promise that you will free them?"

-"OK....I agree" - said Mr. Munro a bit relutanctly, he didn't want to free those bad people but it was his precious sister request 

-" Thank you brothed" she hugged him while smiling and whispered in his ears "also please don't erase neha memory totally, we had talked and she will right my tire story during this time." She fell him confirming with his head and then said "I love you so much brother....but I have to go." Saying that a light envelope neha body again and was transfered to Mr. Munro body, later he would arrange a proper location for his sister remains. 

Looking at neha sleeping body Mr. Munro smiled gently whispered in her ears "thank you" and kissed her forehead. After the kiss her body disappeared...going back to her own bed.


Neha worked up next morning, she had the craziest dream ever and needed to write a story about it. In this story the wronged villainess clul obtain her justice and find her loved ones. The name of the book was " The villainess returns her true home", it was a success and even the author of the series "the sickly princess"(That was Selena) had recommended the book as a spin off showing the true story of the adopted daughter of the duke, leona.

The END.....for now. 🤣


Autor notes: So guys, how are ya?

I decided to added this to explain a little about the time loop that the ringmaster put in the world where lily died(because maybe I let it too open for interpretation and some people maybe can't imagine so much). So basically the ringmaster used Selena's wish against her...selena wished to live again so he trapped her and her kingdom in a time loop. Selena came back in time and vowed to be different that she was in the past...but she couldn't because she couldn't move her body at all. She felt strange people entering her conscience, taking control of her body and repeating the story all over again. She tried to talk to the others "souls" inside her body but was blocked by something, the only thing that changed was how she met her own down, sometimes she was poisoned, other time was beheaded or even locked down in prison forever. After a few deaths she discovered that she could advise the others souls if she didn't get to much out of her character. She tried to send the adopted daughter away after getting better saying that she doesn't want this filthy slave near hear, started to donate her own old clothes to her maids saying she needed new clothes and didn't have so much space, decided to not love the prince and went after other mans, etc. The other souls had a personality really similar to hers so it was easy to guide them to do good things disguised as bad ones. But everything couldn't change two points in the story, the adopted daughter and hers death. If she donated her clothes(to buy new ones) her family would be accused of fraudulent account and corruption, if she decide to love other mans she would by the hands of his new fiance(because of violent and alcoholic tendencies) or his family (that didn't want her to be in that position).

After so many failed attempts to avoid her own death she started to slowly to embrace madness, she started to take the strange soul to the destruction path, she would tell them to indulge themselves and do anything they desired, didn't matter how bad those things were. In the end she would consume the foreign soul that couldn't wake up for the dream she had created and get stronger. She wanted to get stronger to end this infinite hellish loop and go give that deal maker(the ringmaster) a good beating. The ringmaster knew of this and just stayed watching selena failed attempts with a sinister smile in his face. After all his revenge was only in the beginning.