
The Old Saint

I head down the street leading to the breach, a massive hole is bore into the side of the apartment building. Behind it is the outside world the smell of burning flesh is nauseating tons of metal barricades cover the hole leaving massive openings in certain areas. The Saints are out here in mass trying to repair the situation as so as possible.

I go into the remains of the building, his room is almost all the way gone but I grab what I can on his table is a black book filled with people from the upper district.

Scarlet is on this list I glance at her, why would she be in this guys contact list. "Scarlet did you know this guy?"

She lifts his photo on the small table. "He was someone who said he had contacts in Block city turns out he didn't, I wasted half a year trying to get information I already had. He was a scumbag."

I close the book tossing it into my inventory. "Who isn't in this city?"

The door bursts open Akane draws her katana. "Rhodes I told you if I saw you again i'd kill you!"

I glance back "That so? kill me then."

I toss down some magazines she looks flustered. "D-Dont ignore me! I'll really kill yo-"

I vanish pushing her against the wall with one hand the wall cracks my eyes glow red. "If you're gonna kill me then do it! If not dont waste my time with trivial threats I thought I trained you better than that."

she blushes looks like that had the opposite effect, she drops her katana it stabs into the ground she hugs me tight. "I missed you so much Boss!"

I sigh turning with her latched to my body scarlet and lilith point with stares that could kill. "Whos she?"

I glance down. "She's my previous partner when I was apart of the saints black saint squad."

Their jaws drop. "The saints most elite squad!? You were apart of that group!?"

Akane glance back glaring at them. "He wasn't just apart of the squad! He was the one who created the dark saints squad and I was his trust second in command have some respect you idiots!"

She looks up at me happily. "Please come back boss!? I hate being the leader everyone doesn't even listen to me like they did when you were around! We will take you back with open arms we all even went to see your fight and the race you were in. I even bet on you so please-"

I pat her head shaking my head. "Akane that's not my life anymore, I picked you as captain because I know you could handle it. I have other things i'm gonna be doing, i'm glad we got to talk this might be the last time I see you."

She tears up stepping back. "Y-You're not planning on going back out there are you?"

I glance at the girls she draws her sword pointing it at them. "You bitches are the reason!? Boss has been through enough! Don't take advantage of his kind heart-"

I flick her forehead "Calm it down i'm doing this on my own, I was kinda getting stuffed up in Drop im ready for something better."

She grabs my shirt. "Take me with you these two won't have your back like I will! I know how to fight the patients I won't be a burden I promise!"

I look at her trembling body she looks scared, I push her head into my chest. "I won't tell you yes or no. Im not your boss anymore, if you wanna go with us then that's your choice as the captain but you know the horrors of the outside. If your willing to face that for me I dont want to just simply say yes or no so think it over alright?"

She nods blushing slightly as she lifts her data log. "I've seen that your vitals have been doing better for the last few days when these women have been at your house. Have you been doing anything I should know about boss?!"

I lean in close to her face. "Have you been doing anything I should know about private Tachibana?"

she blushes fidgeting with her log. "I-I was just keeping an eye on you, just in case you needed my help. Its strictly for the greater good of the city! I had no ulterior motives!"

I smile turning to grab a ruler off the counter. "Okay bend over."

She turns bright red "B-Boss?"

I push her against the wall smacking her ass with the ruler she yelps moaning slightly. "I-Im sorry boss! I was using it for personal reasons please dont hit me any mor-!"

I toss it on the ground. "I told you i'd punish you if you lied to me, anytime anywhere remember?"

She rubs her butt pouting. "I remember... You spanked me in the mess hall and at the award ceremony on the stage it was very embarrassing!"

I stretch. "I have to drop some stuff off back at home, then i'm taking these two to the gym for some training. Report to HQ then meet me at the gym im gonna test your current battle prowess."

Her eyes light up she salutes. "Yes sir!"

I turn walking out of the room lilith and scarlet walk beside me ."You two seem close are you like that with all your squad or just the cute ones?"

I glance over at them. "She's a special case, I found her at the age of 10 in the alley of the slums in lower drop city. She had multiple drugs in her system so i raised her till she could take care of herself. She's like my daughter in a way she's younger than you two though she has a well developed body."

They blush. "you're so sweet!"

I facepalm. "I'm not sure about that she's seen more battle than a kid her age should. Anyways get ready to be worked out like you've never been before."

We head to the gym and I spend the entire morning working them to their limits. Afterwards I give them both massages, they moan the entire time. I use my blood control techniques to remove the pain and soreness from their muscles so they can keep going. Akane walks in while i'm rubbing down scarlets butt she's totally naked. I sigh as she draws her sword charging at me.

She swings the moment her blade touches my cheek it shatters into a billion pieces blowing her back into the wall she groans. "boss that was my favorite sword you never pull punches do you!?"

I walk over scarlet pouts. "Hey! Its still my turn we aren't done yet!"

Lilith laughs and they start wrestling naked I sit down beside akane watching the wrestling match she sighs. "You really know how to pick a squad boss."

I pat her head. "I know right? About that these two are going to be your personal project. If you get them on your level by the end of the month i'll give you a special gift that I promised you."

Her energy spike the ground cracks around us the girls look over at us as she stands up her voice slightly distorted. "You two get dressed! Go to the bags now!"

yep she's fired up alright I taught her my drill sergeant mode a long time ago. I pop a lollipop in my mouth, this should be relatively easy she's a drill sergeant but a very good teacher she learned from me of course.

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