
The City Of Dogs

I chill across the room everyday watching, Akane used my massages as a training reward they get 5 minutes if they can get to the goal. Since Lilith and Scarlet are so competitive that caused their training to go up an insane amount they surpassed Akanes power level in 2 weeks instead of the whole month.

For the rest of the month I trained them all in mental fortification. They all choose a type of music they like and I had them listen to it nonstop for 3 days at the end of it they hated the music. I explained that its the only way to keep the voices of the patients out of your head, it's the only thing keeping you from going totally insane.

We train in a ton of different things like breathing techniques. I had them hold their breath as long as possible getting them to the panic point when you're about to drown. Then id pull them out at the brink they went from holding their breath for a minute to 4 in 2 days.

The month is finally over, Akane choose a different captain and stepped down from the saints. Bert tried burning down the apartment building and Scarlet killed him with a kick to the throat he flew out the window and hit the ground poor bert. Scarlets father gave us some special masks to make it easier to breath outside of drop they will come in handy. We each got a different tattoo none of us know what each other is so if we get split up we have it written down in our data logs with a photo the day we got it.

We get ready after taking a shower I clear out my entire apartment putting it in my inventory. We walk outside the entire population of Drop is outside cheering this became a public thing a few days ago. The girls became famous instantly for how cute they are we walk towards the breach everyones acting like this is a parade. A ton of women flash me I wave a few guys wave at me weirdly I laugh slightly waving the kid from before runs out hugging me.

I squat down hugging him with one arm he looks up at me "Do you really have to go?"

I nod. "I might find a way to make the world better, But if I dont return I want you to be strong enough to protect everyone here that's the only thing you can do."

He smiles big pulling his shades down. "I'll become the next you!"

I pat his head. "I'll come back and watch your fight and races if you're good enough ill want your autograph."

He looks excited I get up walking down the road heading to the opening the saints are blocking the way. "Are you guys gonna really get in my way now?"

They all salute. "BOSS! We thank you for your service and hope for your safe return!"

I smile stepping closer. "At ease."

They lower their arms tearing up I sigh opening my arms looking away "Come on you babies."

They bolt over I glance down Akane is latched to my chest everyone else hugs me from all sides I groan "Alright you're crushing me!"

I wave to everyone Scarlets father steps out she hugs him I walk over shaking his hand "Ill look for your wife and keep your daughter safe the best way I know how."

He shakes my hand hugging me I look at Scarlet she smiles. "I leave Scarlet to you."

Scarlet blushes. "Father are you giving us your blessing?"

He nods I sigh turning walking out into the ruined city putting my face mask on Lilith holds onto my arm so does scarlet we wave to everyone as the breach is seal shut by a giant barricade wall. The think greenish Fog makes it hard to see 10 feet in front of you. Akane stands in front of me I taught them sign language since the music drowns everything else out.

We start walking in the direction of Block City the fog starts to ease up the further we get from Drop the vehicles that are still out here are skeletons of their former selves. Akane points at the dark shadow that's low to the ground near a building. I have the girls step behind me I squat down whistling the shadow looks up tons of them appear from the building rushing over.

The girls grab me I glance back as A ton of dogs start wagging their tails swarming us licking the girls and my face. Lilith asks what they are doing out here, I explain that the virus didn't affect animals to greatly. These giant packs of wild dogs are actually friendly to humans they can detect the patients and kept me sane when i first came out here.

I keep walking they form a circle around us leading us to the underwater road. I see one of the boats we use to use to make it to the Block I pull it over to the girls helping them get in. I grab the old giant black dog setting him inside. I sit down beside him the others start swimming alongside the boat the entire way. I want to let them rest it's getting dark anyways I pull the boat up to an old Retail store. its dry up in the Loading Port I help the girls out we lift the dogs up into the bay.

I look around the remains of the store in the back port is a ton of dog food on the top shelf wrapped in plastic I climb up hopping down with a few bags I cut them open the dogs swarm the food eating they slowly back up letting the old dog eat sitting patiently till he walks back over next to scarlet and lays down.

Lilith points to the water that wrapped up in the back I climb up when I pull myself up a hand grabs my I see my little sister with a big smile I grab her by the neck dropping back I spin slamming her to the ground her body shatters changing back into a black crystal patient its mouth opens wides as I rip the ruby red core from its chest.

I sit back breathing heavily my heart is racing Akane rushes over hugging me tight I pat her back reassuring that i'm alright. The dogs come over trying to comfort me to they turn barking as Patients start to come out of the water. Akane and Scarlet charge in ripping the cores out they look a bit traumatized because they are showing people we care about killing my sister isn't easy even now.

Akane runs over hugging me crying she must have seen me I hold her while she shakes I start a fire it keeps the low level Patients at bay. The Dogs form a wall and we huddle against the side of the wall next to a closed in area the girls drift off to sleep while I keep watch. I look at the big old dog he's looking at me then at Scarlet.

I glance at scarlet she's shaking violently. I pull her over laying her in between my legs with her head on my chest she stops shaking soon after. That dog is really smart, Or was I just drawing conclusions in my own head? I pat her head then slowly close my eyes. Hopefully I wake up In the morning.