

The timer hits zero and the cars on either side of me fire their weapons at me. I use the pulse hop blowing my car into the air at the last second as they blast each other's cars into smithereens.

I land hitting the gas activating the noss passing the others in a flash of flames and red light. This first road is a straight away coming up on the corner I drift, Zen comes window to window with me aiming his revolver at me smirking about to fire.

I duck at the last second, it just misses me. I hit the breaks spinning out i correct my car as he over takes me he laughs looking into the camera. "That moneys mine Rhodes!!!"

I flip the switch for the rockets they drop down on the sides of my car I open my door ripping one out of the socket driving up next to him.

I wave at him smiling. He looks confused I lift the rocket shaking it happily tapping the self destruct button tossing it into his car. Fear spreads across his face he screams I hit the breaks as he drives down the road exploding in a red ball of flames.

I pull out another red lollipop, turning my music up. I flip skull Crackers shades down glancing at the cam in my car smiling. I wave then start driving off casually the traps and more difficult track is up ahead, I check the screen skull cracker and Shade are on my tail.

I take off shade comes up beside me, blue plasma spikes go into the side of my car lifting me up slightly so he has full control of my steering. The gap is coming up ahead.

I activate my plasma spikes stabbing into his car. using the pulse hop the moment we hit the ramp. I turn left hard making us flip his car slams into the concrete ring above the gap exploding, dropping my car between the gap.

Two giant walls start to close to crush my car, I hop out pulling myself up as it slams closed below me. The spikes barely misses me, I dust myself off fixing my hair grabbing a lollipop glancing around. "Well... shit"

I take off running pulling a rod out of my back pocket a black and red street bike appears skull cracker is on the last turn.

I flip the noss breaking through the barrier leading to a shortcut. my bike easily flies up the broken inclined bridge support beam jumping over the wide river. I wave to the crowd landing on the other side right before the finish line. I place my foot down burning out as I turn around rolling through the finish line.

Everyone cheers loudly as my name appears at the top of the leaderboard skull Cracker comes speeding towards me. I lift his glasses on my face saluting as his truck explodes into a billion pieces from the plasma cannon in the tailpipe of my bike.

I grab the handle of my bike walking towards the exit, It transforms into a watch I slap it on my wrist and it clasps. I walk into the winners circle getting my money heading back to the car shop all the guys cheer patting me on the back.

Vinny comes up. "You are a good racer, I wouldn't mind having you race for us again the crowd seems to love you!"

I press my scanner to his neck. "there's your money."

He looks surprised. "30%? You lost the car?"

I walk towards the exit. "we agreed on 30% I'm not going back on that now see you around Vinny."

He smiles nodding, I head outside a massive group of people are cheering a woman holds her chest up handing me a marker. I write my name on her chest along with all her giggling friends. I turn walking down the path.

A small boy waves at me, I walk over putting skull crackers glasses on his head. His eyes light up everyone cheers, A guy rushes me with a knife. I sigh drawing my gun shooting him in the head without looking he drops beside me I pat the kids head smiling stepping over the dead body.

Everyone claps, I don't have a fight scheduled for today but I should probably get some training in. I head to the gym next to the underground fighting Colosseum called Drain.

I get my workout in then chill on the bench next to the bags, Skull crackers old crew walks in shutting the door I wipe my head with my towel. "Don't bother shutting the door gentleman, you'll be leaving that way in a few minutes. The staff will much appreciate it."

They draw knives. "Aw come on guys, knives? At least bring a gun."

They step closer I stand up slowly. "I like your enthusiasm so I'll humor you, you like knives then you'll love this."

I reach back drawing a one handed plasma sword they step back nervously. "Don't bother trying to escape."

A few charge in but it's useless, I cut them in half. "wow that was way more disgusting than I thought, gross you can smell the burning blood and guts i'm never using this thing on humans again."

I gag covering my mouth and nose. "let's finish this, this smells disgusting."

I kill the rest of them heading home to take a shower, I cook some steak and potatoes. I hear a knock at the door, I wipe my hands on my apron walking over taking it off opening the door. Becky bounces up and down with her bright red pasties and a g string on she smells of booze.

She raises her hands in excitement as she stumbles to keep stable. "Congrats on the big win Ren!"

She hugs me tight lifting her legs wrapping around my waist. I feel like i'm being wrapped up by a boa constrictor. "You're drunk."

She walks her fingers up my chest pulling my tie. "and you're sexy!"

I close the door carrying her inside setting her on the counter, she swings her legs. "what are you making?"

I keep cooking glancing at her. "steak and potatoes."

Her eyes light up. "it's been forever since I've had something like that. I just buy junk or eat what's at the club."

I look her over she's definitely sexy. "How do you keep that figure with drugs and junk food?"

She leans over rubbing my chest going towards my pants. "lots of sex i can show yo-"

I move her hand she pouts. "why are you resisting me!? Do you not think I'm attractive?! Don't mess with a girls body image it's very rude!"

I pat her head. "I think you're sexy and I'd definitely wear you out if I didn't think of you as a little sister, now go take a shower while I finish cooking."

She smiles happily hopping down. "well at least you admit it! I'll take that for now."

She goes to take a shower stripping down not that she had much on anyways. I walk over sitting on the windowsill looking out at the pitch black sky and the lights of the city. It almost remind me of the stars, will I ever see them again?

The moment of wonder shatters with the sound of gunshots coming from down the street. I sigh shutting the metal barricaded shutters on my window another day down see you in the morning.

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