
Diamond In The Rough

The food is done Becky comes out totally naked with water dripping from her body. I toss her a towel she dries off, her hair is light blonde but it looked dirty blonde before... from the dirt.

She's sobered up a bit she buries her face in the towel glancing at me with softer eyes. "thanks Ren, you're the only person I feel like takes care of me. It's nice, I don't want you to feel like I take advantage of you."

I walk over patting her head. "I don't mind if you do it a little bit."

I point at my closet. "Grab one of my shirts-"

She grabs one from the dirty hamper. "you can... get a clean one you know?"

She smiles putting it on holding her wrists up to her face closing her eyes. "this smells more like you. can I not wear it?"

I sigh pulling out a chair. "Wear what you want, here take a seat."

She blushes sitting down. "I've never had someone pull out a chair for me."

I sit down. "what has Bert been doing? Damn this is the basics."

She pokes the food with her fork a hint of sadness fall across her face. "We kinda just live together and fuck. I wouldn't call it a relationship but we have rings so... We say we're married, I'm not even sure what that means. I just faintly remember it was my dream when I was little."

I cut my steak holding up my fork to her. "Being married is relying on one another, making each other happy and being their no matter what. Through sickness and health for richer and poorer

until death do you part something like that."

She eats it her eyes light up. "It's amazing you're such a good cook!"

I laugh slightly. "I'm not so sure, compared to the old world standers I'd probably be kicked out of the kitchen. But here in Drop I'm a 5 star chef."

She lifts her fork smiling. "I'm sure you'd be an amazing cook either way!"

We finish eating I grab our plates she comes into the kitchen washing dishes. "You don't have to-"

She bumps me with her butt. "I want to, you go take a shower you had a long day today."

I thank her heading in to shower up, I finish the shower walking out. She did the dishes and put them away, she's sitting on the couch flipping through my photo album. I change into my pj bottoms tossing my shirt into the hamper.

The noise causes her to flinch shutting the book quickly setting it down. "I-Im sorry I didn't mean to-."

I walk over sitting beside her. "I don't mind."

I grab the album pulling my blanket over us. She wraps her arms around my right arm leaning against me while I flip through the album showing her my family. I tell her about the old times when I was a little kid.

I close the book she smiles. "This was really fun."

I pat her head. "We should do it more often just go easy on the drugs."

She giggles nodding. "will do!"

I lay over on the couch. "I'm exhausted."

She crawls over laying in the small space left on the couch between me and the back of the couch her chest and body is like another blanket on me right now. "I fit perfectly here."

I sigh. "I'm too tired to protest, just don't do anything weird."

She nods wrapping my arms around her. "Night Ren!"

I close my eyes. "Night."

I drift off to sleep, a few hours later I hear something. I open my eyes she's crying sitting on the edge of the couch I sit up. "Are you okay?"

She looks startled wiping her tears quickly. "Y-Yeah I was just-"

I flick her forehead. "Don't lie to me, your not convincing with all those tears running down your face what's wrong?"

She looks down. "I don't wanna burden you anymore."

I pull her over in my lap so she's straddles me I look her in the eyes. "Tell me what's wrong now!"

She blushes tearing up. "I'm scared, everyday I have to go out and do horrible things just to make it to the next day. I try to drown it all with drugs, sex, and booze but... Being treated like a normal person by you is making me feel really guilty! I dont deserve this! What do I do Ren? Tell me what to do and ill do it! It feels like i'm being torn apart!"

I wipe her tears away. "I go through the same thoughts when I have a moment alone. I think of the old times and my current self, I'm nothing like him. I kill people at the drop of a hat without a second thought and I sleep just fine. At first I thought I was an insane person but im not. This world will either break you or make you stronger. I can't fix that for you but I can offer you this place and this moment. You can go out their and do what you have to, to survive. But if it's ever to much I'll be here as your next door neighbor. i'll make you dinner, scold you when you're wrong and hold you when its to much."

She hugs me tight putting her head on my shoulder. "Thank you Ren!"

She cries it out and we lay back down, she looks a lot happier laying on my chest she glances up at me in the dim light coming through the crack in the metal shutters she smiles. "Ren?"

I glance down. "What is it?"

She blushes slightly. "I know you think of me as a sister but, will you kiss my forehead?"

I lean down kissing her forehead. "Goodnight."

She smiles rubbing her head into my chest happily, the next morning I wake up to my alarm. She's gone my clothes are all done and put away, there's a note on my coffee table. "I stole your shirt here's the money for another Love Lilith."

So that's her name I smile slightly getting up and getting ready stepping out of my apartment she's locking up with her skimpy outfit on she spins. "How do i look?"

I smile. "I'd hit that."

She bumps me with her butt winking I smack her ass she runs off waving. "See you later Ren."

Bert comes out grabbing his head groaning. "Hey man she worked me over the other night, Sorry you had to take my place in the race."

I put my scanner to his neck giving him 10% of the cut. "It was originally your job, I'll see you around."

He thanks me, I head to the Drain. I check the rosters im fighting today looks like I'm pit against Rusty Axe. Should be an interesting fight, we have a lot more pre-ordered seats. Luke runs over excited.

He shows me the stats. "Hey Ren! Your race yesterday has brought us a ton of viewers! We sold out the in house seats we even sold out your ring side seats!"

I glance at him. "My ring side seats? You mean the place I sit at between rounds?"

He nods. "All female's and really hot ones rolling in doe from the upper district! You should be excited."

I pat his shoulder leaning in. "Make sure I have a place to sit, or I'm gonna use you to beat rusty Axe into a pulp understand?"

He looks nervous nodding slowly "Y-Yes sir."

I get to working out before the match later tonight this will be a really fun night.

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