
Better Than Nothing

'Observer, what can you tell me?'


Observer has the ability to display info on the following:

- Current Location

- Condition of foreign elements

- Present gods

- User's condition

- Demon to human ratio for current world / Inaccessible In Abyss

- Nearby entities

Please specify point of inquiry.


Mattheo pondered, it made sense that he could not glean info from the Abyss about the outer world. The abyss is a special dimension that exists in all worlds. In the world where he came from, the abyss was filled with predators the likes of which no normal human has or should have seen.

Magic density determined the sort of demons which could flow out, with high density, demons the size of castles could be brought about and would be slain by people referred to as heroes. On the other hand, low magic density resulted in impish demons flowing out.

Though he knew what his situation was right now...the world was at peace! The gods of this world are all aligned to the light, not a single dark god was here!

Demons were weak even in the Abyss of the world, this didn't bode well for him. What he knew from this was that demon "culture" was undeveloped, instead of enjoying the taste of humans and elves, they resorted to cannibalism.

The only plus side was that no organized demon factions were raised. Without a patron (tyrant) god, demons were unintelligent beings. Patron gods could divine blessings to their followers, but in the case of dark gods, their power grew by the destruction they could cause.

With this sort of method, gods would build armies and wage war with the surface. Without any patron gods, Mattheo could already tell that the forces of the Abyss were sorely lacking in influence.

"That bastard! He must have known what he was doing when he sent me here, dammit! If I don't find power to absorb then I'll stray towards weakness. The temple must have some artifacts from when evil was flourishing here, this is a chance!"

Before that, Mattheo decided to have a look at his "Observer" which he had gotten. At least this should serve some purpose.

Mattheo called for the options again, and began by analyzing his condition.


User: Mattheo

Race: Demon

Demon Class: Fiend

Fiend Class: Lycanthrope

Series: Blood

Condition: Optimal

Magic Reserve: Optimal

Abyssal Energy: 31

Influence: 0

Capabilities: Lycanthrope - Agile, Robust, Is equipped with claws like blades, Nightvision, Blood werewolf series has access to 'bloodlust' which allows strengthening upon consumption of blood [END]


While the observer was unusual, most of the things it said made sense. It could analyze his capabilities alongside his physical condition, class, and demon series. With this, his life would surely be easier. Two stats caught his eyes though. They were "Influence" and "Abyssal Energy". When Mattheo asked the system about these two terms, it said that the Abyssal energy was what demons used to maintain their form as well as to grow in power. Upon reaching 1000 Abyssal energy, a demon could evolve into its superior form.

Meanwhile influence referred to his followers, 1 influence being equivalent to one follower.

Mattheo could only be happy that his gamble disguised as a "deal" didn't leave him as some blood bunny.

Having summarized his condition, he moved onto "current location" and "Present gods". What he learned was that his suspicions were indeed correct, all of the gods were dreadfully aligned with light.

They were labeled as such:

Ayleth - Patron god of compassion and protection

Clanthen - Patron god of strength and war

Zeyol - Patron god of purity and virtue

Menden - Patron god of mischief and trickery

The system noted that more details could be unearthed with time as his interactions with them increased. As for location...the Abyss. I guess it can't be helped that some part of this system is useless. I at least hope it will prove useful in later instances. Mattheo sighed and proceeded in his journey towards the temple.

Reincarnation's tough - Mattheo

Daki_WNcreators' thoughts
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