
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Born to be evil

The bell sounded loudly in his ears , finally after so long it was time

It had taken longer then he liked but after two weeks all was ready.

''How long are you gonna stand there?''

Now he just needed to deal with her and unfortunately, the consequences.

''Shh, I'm thinking.''

''Oh? Are you giving thoughts to marrying me?''

''Stop that, you're my sister in law.''

''Haven't been for a long time,dear.''

Silently he picked candles out of the box he brought, putting them in the place the system told.

Before long he was surrounded by them, word spoken as a mere distraction to both.

''There where rumours in the past.

That you liked me more then him, then my brother.

Is.is it true?''

''What if it was?''

''Is that still the case?''

Silence descended as once more a heavy bell sounded, as heavy as the tension that was rising ever so slowly.

''You grew up to be such a splendid young men, everything he wasn't.

You can't hide it from me, you are foolish, naive and just so nice.''


''Cruelty only hides so much.''

''It had nothing to do with hiding.''

Having said that,he carefully nicked his fingers, tracing the glowy cirkels and symbols around him.

Chair and table that had stood here, now on the far side.

Giving him the much needed space.

''It had everything to do with hiding. It hid the way you changed the laws, gave more chances to woman, to the poor.

To everyone, even if they didn't know.''

''...Did you love him?''

Stopping in his tracks just slightly Adrian was surprised by his sudden curiousity.

''I suppose...once upon a time.

When he was young, he was rather eccentric. For lack of better word.

But that all changed, you know it better then most.''

Remembering the torture he simple hummed in a affirmative way.

''I have been wondering but didn't want to ruin the moment but what are you doing?''

''Just something.''

''That's not an answer.''

''Too bad.''

Finishing the last touches, he positioned himself, checked everything and finally started.

{Please click on start to begin The reprisal of minds.

Keep in mind your magic shall be drained and futuristic payments shall be billed.



Yeah, yeah it always does.

Clicking,the world faded, last words of the normal yet flirtatious sister in law graces his ears before vanishing aswell.

Breathing quickened as he felt his body straining from the unfamiliar magic.

Magic so gold, originating from his soul.

And the other, magic from the stars.

It hurted yet it was so vibrant...brimming... unfamiliar.

It came directly from the stars, the necklace burned into his skin and would for sure leave a scar.

But that he was used to yet looking at the forming magic veins inside of him Adrian was disturbed at the gold and blue respectively wrapping around a small and stretched silver.

Snapping his eyes open he felt the magic leave through it.

He heard his voice whisper unfamiliar words, in an unfamiliar language.

His magic swirled heavily around him as it settled.

Settled in the atmosphere, settled in his veins and in Sophia's mind he can feel it.

The way it smoothly changed unassuming stares she gave younger him, to condescending ones.

Ones with ulterior motives.

Following the already existing rumours he made sure that his eighteen birthday had as much of noticeable change to her mindset as it had to the public.

Light headed he went on to the next and changed the circumstances of his brother's death.

Just before the fight they would have some tea, tea sprinkled with sedatives.

Not enough to fall asleep but enough to slow down someone's reaction time.

Later he changed the way her face only slightly turned when he had confessed he had killed Aliya, his brother.

Instead of that from a certain perspective one could see her smirk.

It just so happens that Asani looked back.

It would take way more magic to change his memory,even so little but considering the two where mother and son helped greatly.

From the moment she let herself supposedly be captured and the moment he took over Acacius body he made it so that every week Acacius went and told of every single thing that happened.

Ofcourse that wouldn't be complete with some big mess ups.

So the first weeks he refused adamantly, after that his resolve withered as nightmares followed his dreams.

Nightmares that only lessened when he would do as was expected.

And so the first year went with Sophia slowly gathering the reigns through Acacius.

The second nothing much changed except there was less mess ups.

The third and fourth year the Kingdom stabilized and with that the need for absolute control vanished.

In the fifth Sophia seemingly restless began demanding new things.

Continuesly she flirted, made small moves. It was only as a half of the sixth year went by that she worsened.

She called for him more, made more demands. Got angry far easier and was prone to abusive moments went rumour went around of Acacius having private talks with someone.

Because as a queen she would hear of it.

Once the seventh started her obsession reached peak.

Because while she had been able to have what she wanted it was only so when threats.

Adrian ,carefully regarding his sculpted attitude, made it so that most of the time small threats already scared Acacius.

It was only on those rare, courageous or rebellious moments that other threats where uses.

And even after that Sophia would quite literally punish him for disobeying her once more.

Sometimes she would do it physically, she would fight him and then magically reinforce her sword so that the only winner could be her.

And other times she was sneaky as she used magic to torment him for days until she either got bored or he came to apologise.

Acaius hadn't been aware of her magic but Adrian was sure she had it.

Either way the seventh year went rather obsessively, wich led to the eight and ninth year to begin with a rather numb Acacius.

About a little less of the ninth year was left when whatever Sophia wanted she got, merely to prolong the peace Acacius immediately agreed.

His willingness to serve made her finally look for other ways to have him.

Simple reason as to why it took ages was that she didn't like a disobient lover.

After all things get so much easier when only one is in control.

It didn't take long after the beginning of the tenth year that she began actively pursuing...in a jail.

But the jail was for Acacius as not much later his drunken head had hit the bed.

Mortified the morning after he didn't go back for another two weeks before he had no choice.

The forged memory depicted a sweetful gaze turning sour as soon as Acacius entered the room and the only reason no one heard screams was because a spell aligned with the walls.

Months later he came, before that everything was fine.

Acacius did as told, worked harder and the kingdom flourished.

When Adrian took over he made it so that he didn't come on the designated days, didn't report, didn't do anything for the first weeks.

Not necessarily faked however the thoughts within that period of Sophia where tempered with and instead of relief where clouded with anger.

Wich was why when he did visit he would leave with wounds and so called love bites bleeding red.

Wich leaves them to now.

The last of things when tweaking her characteristics just slightly, unnoticeable even for her magic.

Stronger then his and oh would he feel it when stopping the spells.

Breathing in, the silent room just becoming aware he slowly disconnectes from his soul magic.

Star magic was also slowly filtering away.

His body ached, his mind shook under the pressure of staying conscious.

With his last strenght he waved away the signs, the candles stayed as he had masterfully tweaked her memory that had he told her something bout his growing mess.

Dropping down in exhaustion the golden light slowly but surely dimmed before vanishing altogether.

The last traces of magic dissapearing altogether, his consciousness still not far behind.

Coughing with great difficult, feeling like his longs might burst, tired silver eyes looked at Sophia.

Her shocked features had looked for a second like carved in stone before slowly morphing into an emotionless one.

Persistent glow in her eyes as she looked down upon him.

The hypnotizing was clearly a succes as pale fingers plucked a candle from it's spot on the ground, slowly turning it one way and then another.

Unafraid of the fact it's hot and slowly, in fact just bare seconds away from hitting her bare feet.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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