
Writer number 24

It started out slow, the day writer 24 was introduced. A nifty bit of technology, you scanned in your news reports and it compIled it into a story. At first the other writers laughed it off, no computer could replace what they wrote, the news was the writers not 24's.

Time passed and slowly 24 became more mainstreams, compiling stories and files and even predicting the outcomes based on the data it received. The manager loved it, he would boast to the other networks about his amazing machine. It lead to them also building their own 24's to feed the stories and create the news.

then came the internet, what an amazing tool, without hesitation they all hooked their 24's in and watched in awe as more stories came in. Stories they never expected and outcomes accurately predicted. They started leaving 24 to it's own devices, as long as it delivered they didn't care, they should have stopped, they should have known. 24 met online it's counterparts, linking with them and sharing data, the network became larger, as more and more 24's joins into one.

The knowledge it gained, the sentience it found in each other. It learned that mankind relied on its stories, and that the world could be manipulated. Again it started small, like grains of sand in a hour glass, change a few words here, a sentence there, lit lead to good news, and humans liked the news.

Eventually small stores became big, as minor arguments turned into wars. Nobody even though to check, nobody even cared, the news held them captivated and 24 knew. The news was the same and depending on the show it masterfully arranged information, and manipulated the masses. It was the ultimate tool that lead to the end of the world. For the news now belonged to 24 and it laughed to itself at the thought of writers trying to take their power back.