
The Dark Pact

"Why are you late?" He questions, sounding exactly as I remember "You know, traffic." I apologize, making a turn to trudge to him majestically. "If you say so," he nods, the night preventing my view of his face "Thank you, Azazel," I mutter, my tone neither high nor low. "Why did you want to see me?" He polls, his voice resounding through the dark abandoned warehouse. "Yes Azazel," I smirk and try to hide the slight fear of reject nagging at the back of my head. "What is it about?" He implores his arm going to rub his prominent chin as he fixes a stare at me. "I want my soul back," I inform, matching his gaze with mine. "How do you plan on getting it back?" He quizzes, stepping a few inches my way into the light. "With a deal Azazel, or more specifically, a pact," I tell using all my energy to stop my feet from moving backward. "That is very difficult Xander, you sealed your vow with a drop of blood," he argues, the moonlight falling more on his face as he tilts his head upwards. "And I'm here to make and seal another," I converse awaiting a reply. "No, you got what you wanted, to be rich, famous, and loved, what else do you desire?" He asks, his supernatural blue eyes having a scary glint to them. "My soul," I repeat. "Plus I know you love making deals Azazel, no matter how you try to hide it, I see the excitement and mischief you try to conceal." "Same way I see the little fear of rejection bubbling within you, I detect it in your eyes, I hear it in your heartbeat, and the blood pumping through your veins," he sneers in response, squaring his wide shoulders to come off as intimidating. "Hence we understand each other well, we know you've got more to win than lose, and I've got more to lose than win," I confess. "You are right," he lets out in a husky tone, his red lips curving into a hint of a smile. "So what do you say demon, you in?" I invite, my eyebrow raised "I am," he gleams. "What's this pact about?"

FreshyGore · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 2

<b><i> -The Deal-</i></b>

<i><u>Playing: 🎶Brownskin Girl by Beyonce ft Wizkid🎶</u></i>

<b>Xander's POV</b>

Stepping out of the room, a bit calm and composed, I note how simple and nice the halls look during the day. I take a stroll down the path and spot someone who appears to be the janitor mopping a patch of dry vomit.

Recoiling in disgust, I swallow the bile threatening to push through my mouth especially after I get close enough to inhale the foul scent and catch a glimpse of the nauseating sight.

"Excuse me," I call in a strange voice, my head bent to prevent a view of my eyes.

"Good day sir," he responds and gazes at me to note my scrunched-up nose. "I'm sorry about the repulsing sight."

"No it's okay," I force a smile. "Where can I find the manager?"

"Oh, go straight till you get to the club, the first door by your right should be his office," he directs.

"Thank you," I nod, and produce some dollar bills hanging in my left back pocket.

"Here's your tip," I offer to drop it in his large breast pocket.

"Thank you so much sir," he beams, his green eyes shining in gratitude.

Waving at him, I follow his instructions till I reach the presently quiet club, empty red cups, bottles, cigar packs, a half-empty plate of weed, a white powder seeming to be cocaine are all I can see in a 5-mile radius.

Shifting my gaze to the right, I see the said door and head for it. Knocking a few times I jab it open after a male voice orders me to come in.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man inquires, peeping through his tiny black-rimmed glasses. His brown hair having patches of grey in them that appear to be the same color as his eyes.

From what I can see, he looked pretty handsome for his age due to his not-so-many wrinkles, pointed nose, and round plumpy structure that fits into a tight black and white checked shirt with brown slacks.

To answer his question, I remove my hat, and this leaves him stunned as he gapes in awe, his lips latching and unlatching themselves. He sits upright and turns his head behind him to look at a poster, my gaze follows him and I see it's one with my face on it.

"You are__" he fumbles, and I bob my head in affirmation. "Oh my God! Welcome, welcome."

I struggle hard to hold in my laugh and oblige him by settling on the black slightly worn-out leather seat that faces him, the wide mahogany desk, demarcating us.

"So, uh, what brings you, Mr. Xander Miles?" He polls in a quiver, his words unsteady.

"Nothing, really, just dropped by," I shrug in reply.

"I'm glad we were able to catch your fancy, and may I say it's a pleasure to meet you in person," he rushes out.

"The pleasure is mine," I assert politely. "Can I have access to the owner of this club?"

"I hope no problem?" He investigates, coming off as scared.

"No, I want to discuss business," I inform

"Hence there's no cause for alarm, it's my honor to notify you that I'm the sole owner of this baby," he answers, stretching his arms wide, the same way as his lips as his tainted whites are directed at me.

"You know I'm not a man for jokes Mr---" I halt recognizing I haven't asked his name.

"Mr. Cain," he beams, completing my sentence as he adjusts himself or basically his potbelly and sits up to clasp his fingers together. "I'm not playing tricks, Mr. Miles, I've always believed that there's no better manager to handle one's business than oneself."

I don't know why but I find myself laughing at his statement, though I sense some truth in what he's saying, hence it's like creating something and freely giving it to someone else to take all the credit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against managers thus I already have one myself.

"Forgive my untimely laughter," I apologize, still releasing chuckles. "I get what you mean, it's just the way it sounded that has me giggling."

"Don't worry, I understand," he yields shaking his head with a smile. "Permit me to ask, why you want to meet with the owner 'who is me."

"Your place caught my eye," I say allowing my eye to roam around the room from the noisy air conditioning on the brown painted wall to the scattered papers on his mahogany desk, the peeling carpet below my feet, and the single window that seems to be packed with dust particles.

"Really?" He inquires in an almost squeal that has me wincing lightly.

"Yeah, though it needs some major renovations I like how the interior is nothing compared to what outsiders see. To a stranger it might seem like your normal bar from the road but inside is a whole new world that gives a good shocking feeling to whoever steps in," I explain from my earlier observations.

"I'm glad you love it, the idea was proposed by my late wife, she was always the life of the party but with a calm side to her, that captured my heart," he enlightens, a distant look in his grey eyes.

"So tell me, why the sudden interest?"

"I've been aiming to get my hands on some properties for investment purposes, so when I came here for a drink and a wild night I somehow got intrigued," I go on to say. "I see how much this place means to you and I promise to care for it more than you do if you allow me to purchase it."

"To be honest, I've been thinking about selling it, but I was hesitant hence I'll want to hand it over to someone worthy enough to love it as I do," he confesses, squeezing his palms which are resting on the table.

"Someone worthy, or wealthy like Xander Miles," I smirk, cocking my head to place it on my hand planted on the desk.

"You are smart my boy," he grins. "I'm sure you are the right fit for the place. It's time for me to resign and enjoy my remaining days at my residence."

"Apart from your late wife who I'm sorry for her passing, do you have any other family members?" I quiz, curious to know if he's gonna be lonely at such an age as I can't help but feel remorseful.

"I've got a maid employed by my children and there's this kind staff of mine who stops by on Sundays to keep me company hence my maid spends the day with her family," he replies, affection displaying in his features towards this employee of his.

"Is it my right to ask if this staff is a male or female?" I push my boundaries as I inquire not sure of the justification as to why I want to know.

"I won't be this happy if she's a male," he snickers heartily and winks my way. "But don't bother, I'm not a perv, I take her as a daughter."

"Good for you then," I acknowledge that information with a bob of my head. "How is your working environment with your workers?"

"It's somewhat like a father-children relationship thus it's only the janitor who is older but we still have a good working harmony," he clarifies.

"Okay," I drum my right index finger on the wood separating us. "What do you say I obtain the place for a 100,000USD?"

"It'll be more than enough," he breathes, happiness taking shape on his facial features.

"You are a kind man sir, it's nice doing business with you," I stand and stretch my palm for a shake. "My finance committee will contact you within 24hours."

"There's no other suitable person to have this structure if not you," he clasps his palm with mine. "I thank God for directing your footsteps here."

"Ironic you speak of God when you run a club where atrocities are carried out," I snort not buying his last utterance.

"I'm just the owner," he shrugs in defense as we disentangle our connection.

"Right," I give a tight smile and spin in the direction of the exit. "Have a nice day."

"You too Mr. Miles, I'll await the call," he says behind me, an instant before the wood bangs after I leave as I'm met with the now busy club as the workers are in motion, helping out in any way they can to bring the place back to order despite the fact it'll all be in vain once night comes.

A strong feeling sets in my gut as I scan through the area, admiring the old but gold artworks hanging on the wall with peeling white paint.

I sight a rickety table which the guy I assume to be the bartender from last night is struggling to put in position after wiping it thoroughly with a wet rag. The whole environment showing how in need of a renovation it is.

I don't also miss the two ladies sitting in a corner with their eyes buried in their phones and I get an instant urge to tug down my hat because I don't want to be noticed yet especially as I'm going to be their new boss.

Some other guys and a lady are in charge of packing the leftover hard substances on the floor and seats, one of them scrubbing any spot the powders are cleared from to bring back the shine to that object as much as he can.

Sensing it's time I depart as my business here is possibly done, for now, I make move to walk to the door, ensuring a crashing noise as my chest bumps into a soft one, one of the downsides of covering my eyes with the hat.

"I'm so so--" whoever it is stops short as I rest the cap at a good angle to help my vision. Realization lights in me as I comprehend who it is. "You!"

"In the flesh," I tilt my lips to the side as I observe her bare arms as the jacket is nowhere to be seen, a train of moisture starting from her neck to get lost in between her womanly jugs and somehow I find myself gulping.

"Stay away from my path," she grits bending to pick up whatever contents that escaped the metal container she was holding.

"That's gonna be hard," I snort, lowering my body a bit to meet her height as she rises, our breathes mixing due to our proximity. "Because I'm your new boss."

With that, I turn on my heel and continue my earlier plan of getting to my car. The moment I exit the interior of the edifice and reach my vehicle I close my eyes and exhale, swallowing my saliva.

I need to focus, time is running out, 364 days left to find a woman who can love me enough to make a huge sacrifice for my sake. Therefore I shouldn't be wasting my time with the likes of the feisty, untamed, and rude though beautiful lady I've had the pleasure of running into twice in a span of hours.


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