
Roger Ryall

Now with a goal, Ojero spent the next few minutes thinking over how this new goal could impact his daily life, and what exactly he would have to do, when a young looking boy walked up to him.

He had black hair, blue eyes, and was only around 5 feet tall. His clothing looked very basic, consisting of a brown tunic and matching trousers.

When Ojero saw him, he remembered that this was the child who had summoned the phoenix.

"Hi! My name is Roger Ryall!" The child introduced himself.

"Hey, I am Ojero Guestino." Ojero responded, the gray ring on his finger glowing ever so slightly during this.

"I noticed you still haven't summoned your familiar, do you need any help?"

"No, I am fine. He simply is too tired to show himself."

"Oh, my familiar said that might be the case, but he was wondering how yours hid his signature so well, it kind of creeps him out."

Ojero raised an eyebrow, while he waited for the Night Demon to respond.

"It is a skill of advanced shadow users, master."

"It is part of his shadow abilities according to him. I bet he is just stronger than yours." Ojero responded with a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

"Trying to provoke me are you? I may look young, but I am not dumb!" Roger responded with a chuckle.

"I am surprised you caught that. So was the only reason you came over was your familiar wanted to know how mine was hidden?"

"Pretty much, but I bet there is a lot more to you than first meets the eye! What table do you sit at during lunch?"

Ojero didn't know why, but he felt compelled to give him an honest answer.

"Table 4, why? Do you wish to join me?"

"Sure, why not? I think it may be more fun than sitting around with others anyway. Most of them talk about random girls or their parents' estates, it's pretty boring, although it can be funny at times!"

'What the hell did I just do? Did I actually agree to have another person near me, willingly?'

During the exchange, he felt like doing so would be a good idea, but afterwards it was like a cloud of fog was lifted off his mind, revealing his true thoughts.

Before he could think any deeper into it, it was like the fog reappeared.

"So, what is your magic, Roger?"

"As apparent by my familiar, I wield Legendary tier flames."

As he said this, he waved his hand, and a jet of flame burst forth into the sky, slowly growing until it was a stationary orb of flames, hovering in the sky.

A moment later, a loud and resounding cry echoed from the sphere, sounding like that of a bird, as a giant eagle made entirely of flames burst forth, as its heat and flames washed over the students below, attracting many to stop what they were doing to stare.

'That certainly is one way to make a grand entrance.'

"I advise you to wait until you see my own, master."

Once the bird was fully summoned, it swooped down to Rogers side, although it still towered quite a few meters above him.

It stretched its fiery wings, flapping them around while sparks and puffs of fire shot off it in all directions, causing the students with range to scramble backwards in an effort to dodge them.

"Very impressive familiar! I heard that they can also heal people?"

"Some can, although mine has yet to tell me whether she can do the same or not. She is pretty shy about talking." Roger responded while shaking his head with a smile still on his face.

To the shock of everyone, Roger just walked up to the bird and started rubbing its side, totally ignoring the deadly heat and flames coming off of its entire body.

"It can not harm him as it is his familiar, master."

'So you wouldn't be able to harm me either?'

"No, master. When a mage and a familiar are bonded, that bond can not be broken until one dies. This is why we must always be sure of who we choose."

This gave Ojero a lot to think about regarding these bonds. It essentially meant the Night Demon would be with him forever as long as they were smart.

His thoughts were interrupted as Roger pulled himself up onto the Phoenix, using the feathers as handholds.

'No, he couldn't be thinking of riding it? Could he?'

Roger had a strange look on his face, as if he was unsure of what he was doing but it still excited him.

Without any warning, the Phoenix suddenly leapt up into the sky with its wings spread wide and open for all to see.

Roger yelled and screamed into the wind as if this was the most fun he ever had, although Ojero could still see him gripping the Phoenix's feathers very tightly.

They flew higher, and higher, and higher, until the students could barely hear Roger anymore. They could, however, see the red and orange flames within the clouds far above, and even Professor Erica was now watching intently, although she looked to be more worried than fascinated.

Unbeknownst to everyone down below, Roger was purposefully spending as much time as he could up there.

He felt like he could see everything, that the world was his oyster!

His Phoenix screeched out in response to his joy, and flapped her wings faster as she dived through another cloud, the water inside it instantly evaporating, making a thin layer of steam surround them both.

However, as time went on, he slowly regained his senses, and decided to land before the teachers became too worried.

Giving his Phoenix a mental signal, they both dived straight towards the ground, her wings tucked deep by her sides.

The viewers below saw the bird rush through the clouds towards the ground at an amazing speed, but grew more and more worried as they showed no signs of slowing down.

Everyone started to panic except Professor Erica, who looked more relieved if anything.

Just when the Phoenix was about to hit the ground, a great beacon of fire sprung up from the arena floor below it, hitting the Phoenix in the chest and instantly stopping its plummet, holding it there like a stand.

A moment later, Roger slid down this fiery beacon, before noticing everyone's shocked expressions.


Book of the Known Undead

Chapter 9: The Fanged

The Fanged are very weak undead creatures in the same family as Vampires, however the only shared trait is their human-like appearance and two long fangs inside their mouths. The Fanged are able to go into the sun unlike their stronger family members, and do not have the same strength and speed their relatives show. Where the Fanged do work well, however, is for suicidal assassinations. Their fangs are deadly weapons, and can pierce flesh and bone quite easily, making the Fanged be often used for single assassination missions in public to spark fear, then allow themselves to die.

The Fanged are very easy to maintain, but are not very common in most of the Domains. There are, however, a few that are swamped with millions of them.

Element: Undead (Necromancy)

Class: Suicidal Assassin

Family: Vampire

I am back! Sorry for the lack of uploads recently, I have been very busy! I hope you enjoy!

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