


Gordon stepped out from the mansion along with his adorable sister, Amy.

The weather was very fine with the stars shining brightly and the half moon radiating a peaceful ambience with the inhabitants of the County.

They lived in the remote areas of Greenfield County and thus they had to walk for some time before coming to the technological part of the main County.

They walked for about ten minutes before they found a maglev (Magnetic Levitation) cab.

"East Shoreshire, Mayor Mansion " Gordon said in a weird accent, trying to mimick the tone of a gentleman.

Both Amy and the Driver couldn't help but laugh at Gordon's "gentlemanly attempt ".

"Yes,Young Master " the driver replied to Gordon in a teasingly manner.

The Maglev Cab dashed off after the driver had inputted the coordinates of the location into the programming system.

Magnetic Levitation was the common mode of transportation in the current era.

Humanity had advanced very much during the past centuries. Be it technological, industrial,economical and even biological to the extent that humans had been able to build "natural " sceneries and create mind boggling things that only the gods of the various religions were capable of some long time ago.

Humans were currently living in the 30th century where Technology was at its peak!

During the 23rd Century, Humanity received a cryptic message from outer space which after being decoded sent a shock throughout the entire planet.

The message was from the aliens, The [GREY]s to be precise.

The [GREY]s were a group of grey skinned Extra Terrestrial species with large heads, black almond-shaped eyes,nostrils without a nose,slits for mouths, no ears and fingers less than 5. They're average height was 3ft. They possessed an insane amount of science and technological knowledge.

The message the [GREY]s had for the Humans were simple. They wanted to form an Alliance.

The world leaders held a meeting with the head of the [GREY]s to discuss about the Alliance.

It was found out after the meeting that,another extra Terrestrial civilization known as the [BAZTEC]s who were about ten lightyears away from the Milky Way Galaxy had experienced an insane breakthrough in technology that allowed them to travel at one lightyear per Century! That wasn't the only disturbing fact.

According to the [GREY]s, there were a lot of alien Civilizations who could boast of far more technological advancements farore than the [BAZTEC]s and they, the [GREY]s were a clear example of that.

What worried them.was the fact that the [BAZTEC] Civilization were pure brutes who had only one goal in mind. Conquering the entire Universe.

According to reports, the [BAZTEC]s had already conquered five alien civilizations from seven different galaxies and their next stop was the [Polar B79 Tripple Sun Galaxy] the galaxy that the [GREY]s inhabited.

According to reports from the [GREY]s scouts, the [BAZTEC]s possesed insane strength and agility and about 10% of their population had something called superpowers!

After more research and studies about the civilization,it was found out that their strength and powers came as a result of a strange practise called "Cultivation ",and it was fuelled by a more stranger and powerful energy called Qi.

The [GREY]s had tried the Cultivation method but they experienced only failures due to two main reasons.

First of all, the [POLAR B79 TRIPPLE SUN GALAXY] didn't contain any Qi energy and the second reason was that ,their bodies didn't have the potential for cultivating.

The [GREY]s finally figured out that the only option they had was to form an alliance with a race that could Cultivate.

There were only three candidates capable of Cultivating. The Green Clan from the Green Galaxy which was about a billion lightyears away from their galaxy. The Green clan was ruled out.

The next alien civilization capable of cultivating were the [NORDIC ALIENS] or [PLEJAREN] . They were tall and human-like and exceptionally intelligent, but they were too arrogant and too powerful to even venture near or try to talk to. They were also ruled out leaving the [GREY]s with only one candidate, The Human Race in the Milky Way Galaxy.