
The Dark Immortal Prince

After being forced to leave the only home she had ever known at the ripe age of 16, Yume was stuck fending for herself. Now she is a secretary at a lovely getaway before an unexpected turn of events occurs. Yume's life continues to get more and more complicated as the feeling of being trapped only grows stronger with time, unable to escape her inevitable fate. "I finally found you, my love." That voice that resonated throughout my entire body, that familiar and disturbing aura…Yet, why do I feel so drawn to him? It's as if I'm a moth being pulled towards the light. I can't help but feel safe…And yet, I feel so lightheaded. "I can never let you go again. You will be mine once and for all. you will be mine once more".

Athena_Flame · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Author's thought

Hello, readers I will be slowing down to 3 chapters a week being Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

Keep up the good reading and like and comment on my novel as more progress is made.

Please keep in mind I am a new author and I will love to grow with each and everyone of you guys :)

You will get to find out more on what happened to young Yume in the next coming chapters, there is also a big event coming up to show you more details and memories of her life.