
Her new friend

Ajeenkya didn't understand, why everyone bowed down whenever she passed them. She was nearly a year and half old. Just like her mother had predicted she had a mess of unruly wavy hair, as she had started teething,  she now had two front teeth now. Her cheeks would hollow into dimples whenever she laughed.

She could walk now yet the maids would always carry her around. She has now learnt to speak also but didn't know why everyone would misinterpret her words.

Only yesterday she wanted to see the birds and she dutifully communicated it to the maid, but the maid thought she wanted to go to bed.

"How will I convey my emotions, if this carries on." Thought little Ajeenkya.

She was accompanying her grandmother to the Temple of Oracle. It was a routine now. Every seventh day they would go to the Temple of Oracle and sit on the marble floor with folded hands. Grandmother said the great operator resided inside the Oracle and one was to pray before him. The great operator would fulfil all the wishes of the worshippers it was told.

"Fools" thought little Ajeenkya "I had asked him to get me a chariot like the one father rides, and improve my communication skills, but yet he couldn't do it. And these worshippers feel he would listen to them."

As they reached the temple Shakuntala sat down and made Ajeenkya sit beside her. Her granddaughter was already a year old, and would talk so much, sometimes even in her sleep. It was difficult to make her concentrate on one thing. The maids understood her pretty well, but they preferred ignoring as, indulging in a conversation with Ajeenkya would mean sleepless nights. Shakuntala was surprised how  a one year old was so articulate.

As Shakuntala closed her eyes and started her prayers, sneakily Ajeenkya stood up and quietly walked out of the temple. The maids were imitating her grandmother so they didn't notice either.

She slowly climbed down the stairs and when out of sight ran into the jungle. She had been doing this for quiet sometime now. One day few months back she had heard the panic stricken cry for help. The maids didn't understand as usual so she had snuck out and followed the cry inside the jungle.


The she wolf was trapped inside the net as the two hunters were sitting below her infront of a fire.

Ajeenkya was angry, and it was  her anger which had saved the wolf. She had raised her hand and fisted them, as if pulling the air. The fire was extinguished and the hunters ran, as they didn't understand how a storm had approached suddenly.

Her job was not done. She directed the wind to the net holding the wolf, which was hanging from the branch of a tree. She was exhausting herself and felt like she would fall down. She was frustrated that she won't be able to save the wolf and driven by the frustration she banged her hand on the tree, from which the wolf was hanging.

The tree snapped and fell. She slowed it down with the air so that the fall wouldn't hurt the wolf.

The wolf once on the ground managed to escape the net. She walked up to her and sat down infront of her. Ajeenkya patted the wolf.

She would always come and meet the white wolf. She had given birth to four cubs. Ajeenkya was surprised how fast they grew unlike her.

She had grown fond of all of them but the black one with light brown eyes was her favourite. She had named her Aboli. Aboli  was not as well-nourished as her brother's and sisters, being the last born. She was already 3 months and thin. She didn't know how but since her birth she has found herself more close to Ajeenkya than her mother. She would always wait for the seventh day, as it meant Ajeenkya would be coming. She wanted to go with Ajeenkya, but for some unknown reason her mother had forbidden her to leave the jungle.

Ajeenkya was supposed to come today what was taking her so long. Impatient Aboli started to bark.


Manyata was expected another child. Since it was her last trimester she decided to take time off her duties. She was walking in the royal garden, when an unknown fear hit her. She could feel it in every nerve of her body. Ajeenkya was in danger. She was in some danger. She knew where she had gone, and ran towards the door. But before she could reach the main gate she felt someone pushing her from behind and before she could reach the gates she felt on her face, and pain shot up from her stomach. She saw the royal guards and maids running towards her.

"Ajeenkya!" she whispered before her eyes closed.


Ajeenkya heard twig crack behind her. She turned around and saw a large cloaked figure with hoods standing in front. She felt cold, she had never felt fear before, she was feeling it now. She felt pain like every part of her body would burn.


The howl of the wolves reached her ear and Shakuntala opened her eyes. Instinctively she turned to her right to find Ajeenkya was not there. Before she could react, the messenger from the palace hurriedly approached her. He was panting badly.

" The Empress-fell down----- baby's life--------in danger----------Emperor wants you and Ajeenkya at the palace----------."

"AJEENKYA" Shakuntala cried out. As the last ray of the setting sun disappeared infront of her.

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