

I woke up to my system

System:wake up host

Me:what is my cultivation

System:1 star master

Me: ok

Soon I was born

After 9 months I started to talk and walk my mom did not know I was a cultivator

I started training and my power quickly went up,soon high school came

(I know I skipped a lot but I don't care)

Me:ok I will be going

Mom:ok bye

I walked towards school as it was my first day I went into the gym to here the speech and some other shit,after that I headed towards my class and it was one of the elite class for smart.

I sensed that there was few cultivators in the room

We introduced our selves

Me:my names Alex I like anime , 'web' novels,martial arts,some sports

They had there eyes wide hearing anime and novels as I was basically a celebrity all the cultivators sensed that I could cultivate but started to laugh because they couldn't sense it so they were kinda confused

Mary (cultivator):hello my names Mary

Sam (cultivator):names Sam

Rose (cultivator):rose

'So these girls can cultivate and are master realm huh'

'What's my current cultivation

System:Demi-god transcendent 2 stars

I walked up to the girls and said hi


We talked for A bit before class ended school wasn't bad after school I was walking home and heard few people talking about a vr game.


Jim:hey jam did you here the new vr game that's coming out next week

Jam:yes I did,Jim

I started laughing at their name

System:that sure is weird

Me:sure is

(Also If our Mc talks to the system that means he is talking in his mind not out loud)

Me:hello what's the new game called

Jam:it's called second life

Me:sure sounds interesting

Jam:yes it is

Me:thank you

Jam:no prob

I headed home and soon a week past and the game was coming out today and the cost was huge since it was the first full dive it costed 10 thousand just for the set which wasn't much I went to the store and bought 4 since I heard that I had a brother few years older than me that went abroad or aboard? And he is coming back I did see him a few times.

Me:I'm home

Mom:welcome back what did you get

Me:well I got the new vr game

Mom:WHAT!! How did you get the money

Me:well I got some ways I got 4 for the four of us

Mom:did you hear that your brother bought you one to

Allen:really I hear it's good let's go on it later tonight all of us

Me:yeah I heard that it has a time difference that 1 day inside it is just one hour outside

Allen:really that's great are we gonna go

Mom:yeah sure

Me:imma ask dad later for now imma go on and check what I can do


Allen:oohhh I wanna come to

Me:ok the black ones mine, red ones Allen's,violet ones moms, and the blue on is dads


Me and Allen headed to our bedroom, yes we had the same bedroom and the room was huge so it wasn't bad

Me:ok let's go


We went inside the game

AI:hello new user please select a name

Me: Ah I pick void dragon god

AI:it has been use


AI:ding* picked because of the name you have unlocked special races

System:over riding AI done


System:I have taken control so your stats should be the same inside the game as well as outside

Me:ok,let's see the race,perfect

AI: race selected ????

Me:what I selected void dragon god

AI:yes,now design your character or would you like to keep your appearance

Me:keep my appearance

AI:yes,now have your journey hero


Then I spawned at the beginner village









Age:543 trillion years

Str:43 thousand

Speed: 1 million

Defense: 500 thousand





[normal people have a stat of 10, average stats of cultivators are 1000]


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