
Chapter 1: The Dark Night

Park Taejoon was on top of the world. He had just won the MMA championship in his city, defeating his rival Kim Joonho in a thrilling match. He was surrounded by his fans, friends 

, and coaches, who congratulated him and praised him for his skills and talent. He felt proud and happy, as he had worked hard to achieve his dream of becoming a professional fighter.


He called his parents, who were waiting for him at home. They were also overjoyed by his victory, and told him how much they loved him and supported him. They asked him to come home soon, as they had prepared a special dinner for him. Park smiled and thanked them, promising to be there in an hour. He hung up the phone and hugged his best friend Lee Minho, who had been his sparring partner and mentor since they were kids.


"Man, you were awesome today. You totally crushed Joonho. He didn't stand a chance against you." Minho said, patting Park's back.


"Thanks, bro. You helped me a lot with your training and advice. I couldn't have done it without you." Park said, grinning.


"No problem, man. You're like a brother to me. We've been through a lot together. You deserve this win. You're the best fighter in this city, maybe even in this country." Minho said, admiring Park's trophy.


"Maybe, maybe not. There are a lot of strong fighters out there. I still have a lot to learn and improve. But I'm not afraid of anyone. I'll take on any challenge that comes my way." Park said, confidently.


"That's the spirit, man. You have a bright future ahead of you. You're going to make it big, I'm sure of it." Minho said, smiling.


"Thanks, man. You're too kind. Hey, let's go celebrate. I'm feeling thirsty. How about a drink?" Park said, feeling thirsty.


"Sure, why not? Let's go. I know a nice place nearby. They have the best beer in town." Minho said, leading Park to his car.


They got in the car and drove away, leaving behind the cheering crowd and the flashing lights. They were in high spirits, looking forward to a night of fun and relaxation. They didn't know that their lives were about to change forever.




Park and Minho arrived at a cozy pub, where they ordered a round of beers and some snacks. They toasted to Park's victory and chatted about their plans and dreams. They laughed and joked, enjoying each other's company. They didn't notice the time passing by, as they were having too much fun.


They decided to call it a night, as they had to get up early the next day. Park had to go to school, and Minho had to go to work. They paid the bill and left the pub, feeling tipsy but happy. They got in the car and drove towards Park's home, where his parents were waiting for him.


They were almost there, when they saw something that made them stop in their tracks. They saw a group of men wearing black masks and jackets, carrying guns and knives, entering Park's house. They heard gunshots and screams, followed by silence. They realized that something terrible was happening, and that Park's parents were in danger.


"Shit, shit, shit. What the hell is going on? Who are those guys? What are they doing in your house?" Minho said, panicking.


"I don't know, man. I don't know. But they look like gangsters. They must be here to rob or kill my parents. We have to stop them. We have to save them." Park said, feeling a surge of fear and anger.


"Are you crazy, man? They have guns and knives. We can't fight them. We'll get killed. We have to call the cops. That's the only way." Minho said, trying to reason with Park.


"No, man. No. We don't have time for that. The cops are useless. They won't come in time. They're corrupt and scared of the gangs. We have to do something. We have to act now. Come on, man. Help me. Please." Park said, pleading with Minho.


Park got out of the car and ran towards his house, ignoring Minho's protests. He was determined to save his parents, no matter what. He didn't care about the risks or the consequences. He only cared about his family, who meant everything to him.


He reached the door of his house, which was broken and open. He entered the house, and saw a scene that he would never forget. He saw his father lying on the floor, covered in blood, with a bullet hole in his chest. He saw his mother lying on the couch, unconscious, with bruises and cuts on her face and body. He saw the gangsters ransacking the house, looking for valuables and money. He saw the leader of the gangsters, a tall and muscular man with a scar on his face and a tattoo on his neck, holding a gun and a knife, laughing and mocking his parents.


Park felt a wave of shock, grief, and rage wash over him. He screamed and charged at the leader, hoping to catch him off guard. He threw a punch at his face, but the leader dodged it and hit him back with the butt of his gun. Park fell to the ground, feeling a sharp pain in his head. He looked up and saw the leader pointing the gun at his face, smiling wickedly.


"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The little champion. The pride of the city. The future star. What a surprise. What a coincidence. What a pity." The leader said, taunting Park.


"Who are you? What do you want? Why are you doing this?" Park said, coughing up blood.


"Who am I? I'm Taejin, the right hand man of the boss of Ansan. The boss of the Rising Suns, the most powerful gang in this city. What do I want? I want everything. Money, power, respect. Why am I doing this? Because I can. Because it's fun. Because I hate you." Taejin said, answering Park's questions.


"Hate me? Why do you hate me? What have I done to you?" Park said, confused and scared.


"You don't remember me, do you? You don't recognize me, do you? You don't know what you've done to me, do you? Well, let me refresh your memory. You and I met once, a long time ago. You were a kid, and I was a teenager. You were in a park, and I was in a gang. You were playing with a ball, and I was looking for trouble. You kicked the ball, and it hit me in the face. You laughed, and I got angry. You ran away, and I chased you. You escaped, and I lost you. You forgot, and I remembered. You grew up, and I grew up. You became a fighter, and I became a killer. You became famous, and I became infamous. You became my enemy, and I became your nightmare." Taejin said, revealing his past.


Park tried to recall the incident, but he couldn't. It was too long ago, and too insignificant. He had no idea that he had crossed paths with Taejin, and that he had made an enemy out of him. He had no idea that Taejin had been holding a grudge against him, and that he had been plotting his revenge. He had no idea that Taejin had been watching him, and that he had been waiting for the right moment to strike. He had no idea that Taejin had been behind the attack on his house, and that he had been the one who had killed his father and hurt his mother. He had no idea that Taejin was about to kill him, and that he had no chance of survival.


"Please, please, don't kill me. Don't kill me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to. It was an accident. Please, spare me. Spare me." Park said, begging for his life.


"Sorry? Sorry? You're sorry? You think that's enough? You think that's enough to make up for what you did? You think that's enough to save you? You think that's enough to stop me? No, no, no. It's not enough. It's not enough. Nothing is enough. Nothing can stop me. Nothing can save you. Nothing can change what's going to happen. You're going to die. You're going to die. You're going to die." Taejin said, pulling the trigger.


Park closed his eyes, waiting for the end. He heard a loud bang, and felt a hot flash. He thought it was over, but it wasn't. He opened his eyes, and saw that Taejin was the one who had fallen. He saw a hole in his chest, and blood spilling out. He saw Minho standing behind him, holding a gun, shaking and crying. He realized that Minho had saved him, that Minho had shot Taejin, that Minho had killed Taejin.


"Minho, Minho, you saved me. You saved me. Thank you. Thank you. You're my hero. You're my hero." Park said, hugging Minho.


"Park, Park, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I had to do it.


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