
The Departure...

Elsewhere, beneath the enigmatic cloak of night, Mochaccino found himself ensnared in a relentless dance with his own vulnerabilities.

This time, he yielded to the embrace of his bed, forsaking the customary dalliance with the ungodly hours that had become his nocturnal confidants.

Yet, despite the physical surrender to slumber, the night remained an unyielding battleground for his restless mind.

Haunted echoes of Strawberry Crepe's words reverberated through the chambers of his consciousness, intermingling with the spectral manifestations of his own doubts.

Within the labyrinth of his thoughts, Mochaccino wandered, an intangible sense of disorientation consuming him.

Tomorrow loomed on the horizon, a harbinger of foreboding, threatening to amplify the disquiet that had taken root within him.

Torn between the authenticity of the Consul's intentions and the gnawing specter of doubt, Mochaccino grappled with a profound uncertainty.

The Consul's demeanor had exuded sincerity, yet an insidious doubt crept in... Was he, in his pursuit of understanding, merely ensnared in the web of naivety?

A kaleidoscope of conflicting thoughts swirled, leaving him adrift in a sea of ambiguity. Answers were imperative, yet elusive.

As he endeavored to surrender to the clutches of sleep, Mochaccino sensed the weight of the impending council meeting, a temporal junction where truth and revelation awaited.

The night, however, clung to him with tenacious fingers, doubt acting as a relentless parasite, resisting expulsion from the recesses of his mind.

The arrival of the next day unfurled with an ominous resonance. Awaking to the world bathed in the cold light of morning, Mochaccino's consciousness was immediately seized by a palpable sense of dread.

His eyes fluttered open, and the events of the preceding day surged back, a floodgate of unease opening within him.

Fortunately, the day unfolded in a tapestry of mundanity, its events draped in the unremarkable fabric of routine.

A quiet sun cast its indifferent glow over a landscape devoid of noteworthy incidents, leaving the passage of time unadorned by memorable moments.

However, within the subdued rhythm of the day, a silent current of significance flowed, converging upon the Ancient Heroes who diligently prepared for the impending Council Hall meeting.

Yet, Mochaccino, the usual herald of assembly, was conspicuously absent, allowing the day to meander into evening before the Ancient Heroes, the Consul, and their vigilant bodyguards convened for what could be the culmination of their Council Hall gatherings.

The room, now steeped in shadows cast by the waning sun, pulsated with a palpable tension, so thick it could have been severed with a knife.

Pure Vanilla wielded the metaphorical blade of anticipation as he took charge. His voice cut through the hushed air, signaling the commencement of the fourth Council meeting.

"Let us begin the fourth Council meeting! Truly, over the past few days, these walls have witnessed a series of difficult, heated discussions." Pure Vanilla's gaze bore the burden of a decision yet concealed, a complex interplay of guilt and hope etched into his features. "I believe, it was a great opportunity to hear each other's opinions. But as we all know, the pursuit of truth is never an easy path."

With a deliberate shift of his gaze, he addressed the heart of the matter. "I must be frank with you. Last night, I had a serious conversation with Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie."

"We shared our thoughts and concerns regarding the proposition to analyze our Soul Jam in order to find a way to share its potential with everyone." The weight of his words hung in the air, his eyes settling upon the two Ancient Heroes flanking him, their stances reflective of the gravity of the impending discourse.

"We also let each other know what we considered the most important in this endeavor. Lastly, we agreed to respect each other's final decision... If you allow me, I will voice mine."Pure Vanilla declared, his words a solemn prelude, each syllable resonating with the gravity of his conviction.

In the hushed anticipation that followed, he seized the moment to reveal his stance. "First of all, I hereby agree to share my Soul Jam with all of Cookiekind. I am doing this to ensure the prosperity of the future generations who will inherit this kingdom, this continent, and this world."

"So let my strength become the energy of Gingerbrave and all those to come after him." The resonance of his decision reverberated through the air, the weight of his commitment palpable in the unyielding timber of his voice.

"Huh? For real? Is he for real?!" Crunchy Chip burst out, his incredulity echoed by Mochaccino, a silent witness standing beside the Cream Wolf Captain.

"I, too, thought a lot about it. And now I'm ready to tell you my decision! I used to think it'd be hard to find a Cookie who'd love the Hollyberry Kingdom more than me. After all, I founded it, my dear family and friends live there. It's my home that I will protect with my life!" Hollyberry declared, her words a potent reflection of her unwavering resolve, the fire in her eyes mirroring the determination that burned within her.

"But! Isn't it arrogant to think I'm the only one who feels this way? I'm sure many a Hollyberrian will share my feelings! It might be the kingdom at large, but doesn't everyone have something dear to them? Something they want to protect?" Hollyberry's proclamation echoed through the chamber, each word a resounding testament to the collective spirit and shared resolve of the assembly.

"I want them to have the strength to do that. And if my Soul Jam is needed for that, let it be! I'm sure, the Soul Jam itself would approve! I've always felt like there was a reflection of me in it." Hollyberry's eyes, radiant with determination, mirrored the soft glow emanating from the Soul Jam, her words bearing the weight of the legacy she had been entrusted with.

"You too, Lady Hollyberry Cookie?!" Crunchy Chip's cry echoed through the room, disbelief and bewilderment entwined in his voice. His gaze then shifted toward Hollyberry's bodyguard. "And you're OK with that, Wildberry Cookie?!"

"I trust in my Lady's judgment. She has made the right choice." Wildberry's response was unwavering, his gaze a testament to the unshakeable conviction within his words. A small smile graced his lips, his eyes holding a subtle hint of pride.

"And our Dark Cacao Kingdom..." Dark Cacao mused, his stoic facade momentarily betraying the conflicting emotions beneath. His eyes, heavy with the weight of shared responsibility and duty, were cast down in contemplation. "Our strength is in perseverance. We have always lived in a land so hostile. We are a kingdom between the vicious blizzards coming from the mountains and the sinister shadows of the Licorice Sea."

"And the strength granted by my Soul Jam...? Without this strength, there would be no Dark Cacao Kingdom, none of its noble warriors. To use this strength to ensure my land's survival is my responsibility." The burden of his people's lives rested on his shoulders, and the weight of his declaration lingered in the air. "I would never let go of my sword."

"Ah..." Hollyberry's breath caught in a hushed exhale as the anti-climactic declaration reverberated through the expansive hall.

Dark Cacao's refusal to share his Soul Jam, a development anticipated yet nonetheless disheartening, hung in the air like a heavy shroud.

"If it is your choice..." Pure Vanilla's voice, a mere murmur, echoed through the hall, a shadow passing fleetingly over his features.

While the outcome wasn't entirely unforeseen, a tinge of disappointment lingered. Hope had fluttered within him, a fragile winged thing that perhaps Dark Cacao would reconsider after the earnest discussions of the previous day.

Mochaccino, upon learning of the Consul's denied request for the Soul Jam, released a sigh of relief that seemed to exhale weeks of tension.

His features softened, the burden that had weighed on his shoulders lifting. If this decision meant a return to the scientific pursuits within the Dark Cacao Kingdom, a life of loyal service, then relief coursed through him like a gentle reprieve.

Yet, the respite was fleeting. Dark Cacao, a figure of both resilience and uncertainty, unveiled his next course of action. "...But recent events demonstrated that my warriors' will and spirits burn brighter than ever! Their overwhelming trust in me is... humbling! I realized that the Dark Cacao Kingdom would never surrender without a fight, be it with or without my sword."

"However, I cannot allow my sword to end up in the hands of the unjust. The repercussions of it could be most devastating. I have endured many attempts from those who tried to wrestle the sword from my grasp. Their absence is evidence of my resolve. But Clotted Cream Cookie and his Republic? Can they be trusted? In that, I am unsure." The weight of uncertainty pervaded Dark Cacao's tone, his words carrying the burden of a question suspended in the tenuous realm of the unknown.

"Dark Cacao Cookie..." Pure Vanilla's countenance bore the intricate tapestry of emotions, a confluence of hope, disappointment, and concern swirling in the depths of his gaze.

The gravity of the moment seemed to etch itself upon the lines of his face, each furrow and crease a silent testament to the complexities beneath the surface.

"But I have also realized that my strength can do so much more than simply guard the Great Wall against the Licorice Sea. Across the sea, lies Dark Enchantress Cookie's domain. What if the rot of the Darkness has already spread further than we ever thought?" Dark Cacao declared, his words resonating with a profound sense of duty and obligation, the weight of responsibility etched into the timbre of his voice.

"No wall can protect the entire world. We must prepare for a battle of much greater scale. If I must share the power of my Soul Jam in order to win this battle, my choice will decide the fate of us all. And as the shadow of war is looming over us, I choose to share the burden of responsibility in changing the world. With a heavy heart... I agree to share my strength!" He proclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of a resolute decision, the shadow of uncertainty dissipating from his gaze like dissipating fog under the morning sun.

"That's our great king! His noble soul put everyone to shame! Ha ha!" Crunchy Chip's cheer echoed through the hall, his radiant grin illuminating his features as if he were basking in the glow of newfound hope.

Mochaccino, on the other hand, stood in a state of shock. Dark Cacao Cookie had altered his stance, but the reasons remained elusive. Had he been swayed by the impassioned words of Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla?

The enigma of the king's thoughts loomed, casting a veil of uncertainty over the implications of this pivotal decision. In the turbulent sea of unknowns, Mochaccino grappled with a disconcerting sense of unease.

"On two conditions!" Dark Cacao's voice resonated with a gravity that seized the attention of everyone present, his words like anchors that held the collective gaze captive. "First, the power contained in my Soul Jam must be used for the good of all Cookies! Even a single Cookie's evil intention will be enough to taint its purity, know that I make this impossible decision despite being aware of such risk."

"And the second condition... My Soul Jam is not to be touched without express approval and supervision on the part of Mochaccino Cookie. As my most trusted advisor and scientist, only he will have complete permission to directly handle and interact with my Soul Jam, and no one else unless he says so." Dark Cacao's declaration carried an unwavering tone, leaving no room for discussion, the resonance of his words echoing with an absolute command that settled upon the assembly like a solemn decree.

Mochaccino's heart sank at the weight of responsibility thrust upon him. Was this a subtle maneuver to involve him in the Crème Republic, perhaps in the execution of a sabotage operation?

The thought lingered, casting a shadow over his mind. Though Dark Cacao hadn't officially rescinded the mission, the prospect of betraying his fellow Cookies loomed as a specter, a chilling uncertainty that clouded his thoughts.

"Your reputation of unparalleled wisdom is true! I am humbled and grateful for your agreement to my proposition." Clotted Cream's interruption disrupted Mochaccino's internal contemplation, a genuine note of respect lacing his voice. "And rest assured, we will respect your desire to have Mochaccino Cookie supervise the procedure."

"Worry not, for your Soul Jam will remain safe with the Republic Paladins!" Madeleine's assurance cut through the atmosphere, his confidence and trustworthiness radiating from his presence like a reassuring beacon in the midst of uncertainty.

"Rest assured, the Soul Jam will be handled with utmost care and analyzed with state-of-the-art equipment for the betterment of all," Espresso declared, his authoritative voice resonating through the chamber like a solemn vow of responsibility and safety.

The promise hung in the air, a tangible assurance that echoed the commitment to the meticulous handling and examination of the invaluable artifact.

"And, of course, the two greatest minds the Coffee Tribe has to offer. Isn't that right, Mochaccino Cookie?" Espresso's gaze fixed on Mochaccino, casting an unexpected spotlight on him.

A wave of unease crashed into Mochaccino, the sudden prominence a reminder that he had to play a pivotal role in the unfolding events.

"Ah... Yes. Yes, of course," Mochaccino responded, his words a measured acknowledgment, though unease lingered beneath the surface. The weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders like a burdensome cloak.

"Glad to hear it!" Hollyberry's cheerful interjection managed to divert the attention away from Mochaccino's disquiet. "But our Soul Jam is called that for a reason. I must do all in my power to ensure the objects of such great importance are safe and sound. Which is why I'm making a counter-proposal. My most trusted Cookies will go too! Wildberry Cookie, will you journey to the Republic and protect our Soul Jam?"

"Your wish is my command," Wildberry responded, his unwavering gaze conveying a silent oath of protection, a stoic guardian ready to embark on a mission of safeguarding.

"Hmm... Since Mochaccino Cookie has already been assigned to go, Captain Crunchy Chip Cookie, I will ask you the same. Will you both swear to protect my Soul Jam until your last crumb, just like you protected our Kingdom?" Dark Cacao demanded, his eyes reflecting the weight of his decision, the gravity of the moment settling over the assembly like a heavy shroud.

"You can trust me, Your Majesty! I swear by my warrior's honor to keep it safe no matter what!" Crunchy Chip declared, his words a fervent proclamation that echoed through the hall.

His eyes, shining with unwavering resolve, held the gleam of a warrior's oath, a promise bound by the principles of loyalty and duty, resonating in his gaze like a steadfast flame.

"As will I. If anything happens to the Soul Jam, My Liege... I will go through the greatest length to retrieve it." Mochaccino's tone carried a deep intensity, the weight of his words forming a solemn vow that reverberated through the chamber.

The exchange of promises held an air of gravitas, each uttered commitment binding them to the sacred duty of safeguarding the invaluable artifact.

Yet, amidst the pledges, a disquiet lingered in Mochaccino's demeanor. His tone lacked the righteousness and unswerving determination present in Crunchy Chip's oath.

Instead, there was an undercurrent of uncertainty, a promise to undertake actions he wasn't entirely sure about.

A commitment tinged with the potential for inflicting harm on those who dared to tamper with the Soul Jam.

"Then I choose you, Gingerbrave, as my envoy!" Pure Vanilla's words disrupted the contemplative atmosphere, his voice carrying an authority and conviction that added its own weight to the proceedings. "He has done much to help make this Council happen! On his path, he met a lot of Cookies, talked to them, and, most importantly, listened to what they had to say. Gingerbrave may be young, but I believe he is more than capable of representing us in the Republic. Gingerbrave, will you assist us once more?"

"Sure thing! I'll be honored!" Gingerbrave agreed, his response infused with a determined glint in his eyes.

His features assumed an expression of unwavering determination, embodying the resolve to undertake the significant task laid before him.

"Once again, I welcome your wise decision, Great Heroes! Without a doubt, it will become the first step to saving the whole Cookie World! I am certain that all those present here comprehend the magnitude of this newfound purpose and responsibility, born right here at this Council." Clotted Cream's voice echoed with enthusiasm, his words a rallying cry that resonated through the gathered crowd.

A warm smile graced his face as he addressed the assembly, a smile that conveyed both appreciation and a shared sense of purpose. "I shall do everything in my power to help you carry this great burden, both in our Republic and in whichever place fate brings us next. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all Cookies who attended this historic Council."

And so, the fourth and final Council meeting drew to a close, the weight of the decisions made settling over the assembly like a shroud.

The Ancient Heroes had opted to share their Soul Jam with the Cookies of the Republic. However, the air around Mochaccino felt palpably heavy, a sense of unease lingering even as the historic gathering concluded.

Once the trio of King, Royal Scientist, and Cream Wolf Captain returned to Dark Cacao's campgrounds, the former turned his attention to Gingerbrave. "Gingerbrave! Once again, I am in your debt. As king, I must serve as an example for my Cookies. Yet I am no longer certain I can live up to the title and its expectations."

"Aw, don't worry about that! You made a difficult choice many Cookies never get to make!" Gingerbrave's response carried a reassuring warmth, his words imbued with genuine encouragement.

"Indeed, it was a most difficult choice. Mochaccino Cookie. Crunchy Chip Cookie. Do all you can to protect the Soul Jam from evil," Dark Cacao addressed the two, his gaze holding the weight of his expectations and the immense responsibilities that lay ahead.

The gravity of his words lingered, casting a shadow over the impending challenges they would face.

"Yes, my lord! I swear by the name of Dark Cacao and the Great Icing Ridge! Your Majesty's Soul Jam will return unscathed!" Crunchy Chip responded with the solemnity of a warrior's oath, his words carrying the weight of not just loyalty but a profound resolve and unwavering devotion.

"Of course, My Liege. Your Soul Jam is in good hands. And you have my word... nothing bad will come to pass." Mochaccino's addition resonated with a somber gravity, an underlying tone that seemed to carry a hint of foreboding, as if the promise held the weight of potential retribution and destruction should his assurance be compromised.

"I'll do my bestest best too!" Gingerbrave chimed in, his exuberant enthusiasm providing a striking contrast to the serious atmosphere that enveloped them.

"Arf! Arf ARF!" Crunchy Chip's Cream Wolf barked in fervent agreement, the wolf's tail wagging eagerly, an embodiment of the shared commitment.

"Yeah, I'm sure you will, buddy! Ha ha!" Gingerbrave responded to the enthusiastic bark, the lightness in his tone momentarily dispelling the seriousness of the moment, providing a brief respite in the midst of the weighty promises exchanged.

"Ha ha... Then may the ancestors guide you! And do not forget the daily training!" Dark Cacao remarked, a smile playing upon his lips as he observed the energetic spirits emanating from everyone, each filled with anticipation and resolve. However, Mochaccino stood apart, his expression carrying a weight that seemed to overshadow the collective enthusiasm.

"Yes, my king!" Crunchy Chip interrupted the king's thoughts, executing a crisp salute before taking off with his cream wolf, Mochaccino following behind like a shadow in their midst.

Meanwhile, at the bustling Plaza, the Cookies from the Crème Republic engaged in lively discussions about their imminent journey home. "Ah, I just can't wait to be greeted by my admirers back home!"

"After all, my attunement to the Light has only strengthened since my departure. Even my armor has gotten shinier! They are gonna scream with excitement!" Madeleine announced, his self-confident posture radiating the pride and arrogance of his accomplishments. "Don't you think so, Espresso Cookie?"

"I shudder at the thought of sharing the airship with you." Espresso spat, an exasperated grimace contorting his features. His usual stern expression was replaced with one of pure annoyance. "All that time that will have been wasted by the moment we arrive... But, to my luck, Mochaccino Cookie's presence will make the trip more tolerable. A friend is always appreciated, especially in the company of you."

"Ha ha ha! I knew you were good at science, but you seem to have developed a decent sense of humor as well!" Madeleine boasted, a radiant smile illuminating his face.

"If only I could meet the excited crowds sooner...! Will they sound the golden horns? OH! Will they throw colorful petals in the air...?" The air buzzed with the animated chatter of anticipation and dreams, each Cookie lost in their own visions of the homecoming spectacle.

"Flowers and cheers? Far from it. Expect the Elders' elite guard." Financier's interruption cut through Madeleine's daydreams, her voice anchoring him back to the reality of their impending return. "You can expect the most thorough of scrutiny too, as our first agenda will be an audience with the venerable Elders of the Republic. I am certain they will want to hear all about Soul Jam the moment you step onto Republic soil."

"The... Elders? I... see..." Madeleine murmured, a tinge of nervousness imbuing his voice at the mere mention of the Elders.

Though not afraid, a palpable sense of anticipation lingered in the air, creating a subtle tension.

"Finish the packing. The airship is about to depart." Financier's directive cut through the moment, serving as a practical reminder for Madeleine to focus on the tasks at hand.

At the bustling Airship Port, Gingerbrave, Clotted Cream, Financier, Madeleine, Crunchy Chip, Wildberry, Mochaccino, and Espresso gathered inside the ship.

Each of them had their respective equipment, with Mochaccino meticulously organizing his tools, a bag of supplies, and a few gadgets for the journey.

"Good luck with your mission!" Hollyberry bade them farewell, raising her shield in the air. The gesture served as a symbolic farewell, echoing the collective hopes and wishes for a successful journey.

The air crackled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation as the group prepared to embark on the next chapter of their adventure.

"Keep the Soul Jam under your guard!" Dark Cacao's warning echoed with commanding authority, the resonance of his voice cutting through the atmosphere like a solemn drumbeat, each word carrying the weight of his profound responsibility.

"The peace on Earthbread depends on your success! And please, come back safe!" Pure Vanilla's call rang out, a blend of hope and concern intertwining in his words. It was a silent prayer uttered for the safety of the departing group, the sincerity of his emotions palpable in the air.

"Thank you and farewell! I promise to take good care of your Soul Jam. We will return with the results of our research as soon as possible!" Clotted Cream's promise radiated with unwavering conviction, his eyes gleaming with determination as he bid his farewell with a vigorous wave.

As the ship ascended, leaving the port behind, the vast expanse of the sea unfolded beneath it.

The distance between the departing group and their respective kingdoms grew with each passing moment.

Mochaccino, observing the departure, couldn't ignore the look in Dark Cacao's eyes, and a heaviness settled in his heart. He sensed there was a plan, yet remained in the dark about its specifics.

Little did he know that Dark Cacao had unintentionally neglected to inform Mochaccino of the altered plans.

The Royal Scientist remained unaware that he wouldn't have to carry out the originally intended act of sabotage, a revelation that lingered just beyond the horizon of his awareness.

Mochaccino and Espresso found respite sitting together, the former reclining and shutting his eyes, a deliberate attempt to alleviate the mounting tension.

The weight of responsibilities pressed on him, demanding focus to prevent the addition of more worries to his already burdened mind.

Amidst the quiet hum of the airship, he could swear he caught faint giggles emanating from one of the crates laden with equipment.

Dismissing it as a product of his imagination, Mochaccino shrugged off the fleeting distraction.

"Woah! Look at those birds down below! We're flying even higher than our Bear Jelly Balloons! Wooooow! The clouds!" Gingerbrave's exclamation broke the tranquil ambiance, his eyes widened with wonder as he marveled at the aerial view.

"Hmph! The clouds from the peaks of the Great Icing Ridge look better!" Crunchy Chip retorted, his gaze brimming with hometown pride and admiration for the Dark Cacao Kingdom.

"The Vanilla Kingdom looks tiny from up here!" Gingerbrave continued, his attention fixated on the miniature landscapes unfolding beneath the airship.

"WOAH! Look at that!" Crunchy Chip interjected, the captivating panorama outside momentarily stealing his attention from his earlier boastful remarks.

The scene unfolded, a tapestry of clouds, distant landscapes, and the boundless sky stretching out beneath them, capturing their collective fascination.

Wildberry observed the unfolding scene from the window, his stoic expression tinged with a hint of irritation as the constant bickering of his companions played out.

"What? Have YOU seen a kingdom look so tiny before?!" Crunchy Chip inquired, seeking Wildberry's opinion, his voice carrying a note of curiosity.

"Espresso Cookie? You look worried! Aren't you happy to finally go back?" Madeleine's inquiry pierced the air, the stark contrast between his lively tone and Espresso's brooding silence creating a palpable tension.

"...I'm glad that you are maintaining... a somewhat decent attempt at composure. I have been trying to calculate all possible developments after our arrival in the Republic," Espresso replied, his voice a measured blend of concern and caution, underscored by a subtle hint of impatience.

"What's there to worry about? They will be glad to have us back! I'm sure everything will be just fine!" Madeleine reassured, his carefree attitude serving as a vivid counterpoint to Espresso's serious demeanor.

"...Let us hope so," Espresso remarked, his countenance transforming from annoyance to contemplation, the subtle shift in his expression revealing a layer of concern and a lingering hint of doubt that echoed in the timbre of his voice.

In the main room, Clotted Cream and Financier engaged in a profound discussion. "...Financier Cookie, command full speed ahead. We must hurry," the former urged, a sense of urgency palpable in his tone, the weight of impending events pressing upon him.

"Yes, Consul," Financier acknowledged with a bow, her voice resonating with resolution and solemn commitment.

"We are about... to revolutionize the Republic as we know it. The world of my dreams... is finally at hand!" Clotted Cream mused, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon, the play of light reflecting off his features casting an ethereal glow.

Meanwhile, in the Vanilla Kingdom, Dark Cacao's thoughts churned relentlessly. "What have I forgotten... I know it is of utmost importance, and yet... why can't I remember what it is?"

His contemplation, shrouded in an air of deep introspection, unfolded against the backdrop of an unyielding mystery, creating a sense of impending revelation that eluded him.

"Jeez, I told you, Dark Cacao Cookie. If you forgot, then it's probably not important!" Hollyberry reasoned, a small sigh escaping her lips, her demeanor a blend of patience and exasperation.

"Yes... But something doesn't feel right," Dark Cacao continued, the unsettling feeling persisting at the back of his mind. It lingered like an insistent itch, refusing to be brushed aside, casting a shadow over his thoughts.

Then, Pure Vanilla approached the two, a face of worry and near-panic etched onto his features. "Has anyone seen Strawberry Crepe Cookie? I can't find them anywhere! Not even in the Wafflebot Hangar!"

"I think I saw them with Mochaccino Cookie last. They spoke as the scientist was packing up his things for the trip to the Republic," Hollyberry remarked, her tone shifting from lighthearted banter to a more serious and concerned one.

"...Mochaccino Cookie...?" Dark Cacao murmured, the memory from the night before replaying in his mind, the puzzle pieces clicking into place. A realization dawned, and an "oh no..." escaped his lips, the gravity of the situation settling in like a sudden, unwelcome storm.

"Wait, Strawberry Crepe Cookie was speaking to Mochaccino Cookie? Then maybe-" Pure Vanilla began, the cogs of realization turning in his mind, but his words were abruptly silenced by a sharp gasp from Dark Cacao.

"The mission to sabotage the Crème Republic's operations was called off! I was supposed to tell him last night, but I... I forgot!" Dark Cacao's realization hit him like a sudden storm, his eyes widening in shock, panic slowly settling in.

"The plan to WHAT?!" Hollyberry exclaimed, her features reflecting the shock and surprise that rippled through the group, the puzzle pieces falling into place.

"Mochaccino Cookie... I tasked him with sabotaging Clotted Cream Cookie's plans...! He does not know that the operation was to be canceled...!" Genuine panic seized Dark Cacao's expression, worry and fear etched across his features.

"Then that means..." Pure Vanilla began, his face mirroring the others' horror and concern, a heavy sense of dread permeating the atmosphere.

Shared glances conveyed the mutual realization and anxiety, with Dark Cacao bearing the weight of responsibility for the unfolding situation.

"What have I done...?" Dark Cacao whispered, disbelief and regret intertwining on his features.

The loyalty of Mochaccino to obey his commands intensified the gravity of the situation, and the looming possibility of a catastrophic outcome cast a chilling shadow over their collective thoughts.