
The dark assassin

Fair warning there is mature content. This is my first time writing a book so any comments and feedback will be much appreciated but I don't care if you drop the book or hate it or whatever. Also I'm not rereading so however it comes out it comes out. The MC is a OC and a few others will be OC but this is a fanfic so many won't be OC meaning those characters don't belong to me and belong to there respective owners. So please don't sue me. {synopsis}we will be following our MC (John) who was sold and made to become a assassin he was the best well until he died to a true gods mistake. Him being a assassin made a deal with them to make up for their mistakes.thats the deal? Well read and find out;). Worlds I’m thinking about doing. Solo leveling, dxd, Hxh, overlord, marvel, DC, cyberpunk edgerunners, how to train your dragon, Kim possible, darling in the franxx, Ben 10, puss and boots, Big hero 6, (some of my own worlds), and many others The picture is from Pinterest If the owner wants it down I’ll happily do it

Unknown757 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Ch 5 personal dimension

[time skip]

Yawning* I get up from my small bed not like the crib I had. it's been 3 years now. It took some time to get here but here I am. I picked up walking faster then normal it took me 7 months. Yup and I'm quite proud of it it would usually take 10 to 18 months. It was weird at first to be in a small fragile baby body. But I got use to it but I really do miss my sleep I had the best sleep back then.

It was also fun messing with mother whenever she was feeding me. I was thinking of making her my woman but I decided not to. So now we are just mother and son. Although I think I may have broken her a little or that's just how mother's are. I wouldn't know sense I've never had one till now. So caring and protective it's honestly weird and creepy sometimes. Anyway I remember one night I think I was two I asked mother about father. Apparently he died while protecting my mother when she was still pregnant with me. He died valiantly trying to protect her from the dragon attack.

I don't care much for it. I'm glad I'm alive and he protected mother but that's all he is to me a good father and a respectable Viking. I learned a few other things. Like how hiccup and all his raw Vikingness is well ….weak, i get he's still a baby right now but you can see how weak he is.

Anyway I got a few quests and got some good rewards. Mostly SP right now which gives me a gut feeling I really need to save it so that's what I've been doing I haven't spent one SP. I know guy felling aren't always the best to go with but I can't remember the last time it has faltered to save me.

Well today mother is going on a little scouting mission with some other Vikings. So I'm all alone FINALLY. I love my mother but with her always so close and protective It's getting annoying now. Well she's gone so I can finally go to my personal dimension. First I got to take a piss. Before that I'll lite the fire and put a chicken to cook.

[a few moments later…]

Well that was refreshing nothing like a good morning piss. I go wash my hands and brush my teeth after. I'm glad Viking have basic hygiene standards. Well it's time for some breakfast I take the chicken that was over the fire and just go at it of course I have some ale to make it all go down easy. After I'm done cleaning up I hype myself a bit. After all it's a big moment.

' hey system'

{yes host?}

'How do I open my personal dimension' I ask scratching the back of my head.

{the host just needs to think of it and he will be there. And just so the host knows your main world will still keep moving in time but the host can adjust the time differences.}

' thanks for the help'I say

{it's always my pleasure to help the host}

Same old cold voice yup still love it!!! Well let's do this. ' personal dimension?' I say in my head while closing my eyes I don't know why but I just did and when I opened them something was wrong very wrong. I don't know what but it's wrong. ' yo system where am I ' I ask to double check.

{ your personal dimension?}

I know that sigh* never mind. I walk around and it hits me why it feels wrong. I can see green grass everywhere as far as the eye can see. BUT it's too quite not a single chirp or a cricket making noise. I get on my knees and move my head to the ground I keep looking and looking.

[ a few hours later]

Yup no crickets, worms, ants nothings not a single living creature. ' how big is my personal dimension?' I ask the system.

{the personal dimension is nearly infinite}

My jaw just drops. I look dumb founded I just stand there for a few minutes. I know I have the gamers mind but that just basically keeps me sane and level headed, I can still be surprised and feel emotions. But DAMNNNNN!!!!! Near infinite that's crazy. ' hey system. If I'm not mistaken I'm the only one that can enter right?' I ask.

{ that would be correct not even the TRUE GOD would be able to enter if you didn't want him to. I believe he said it's a little gift and if the host wishes to let someone in that is possible but due to the safety features added. No matter who comes in when they leave they can't talk, write, or in any way shape or form be able to give information about what happens in here}

The system says in its cold voice. And bam I'm have been stunned again. All I can think about is how fucking crazy this all is and me imagining someone saying to a Pokémon that he throws at me and he says "***** use stun".

(AN: **** because I don't know any stun Pokémon.other then the main Pokémon's that everyone knows)

[20 minutes later]

Well that's that for my shock today.

{ding* host has completed hidden quest ' enter personal dimension'}

{ding* 1,000,000,000 Sp}

{ding* host has gained two gatcha roll}

{ would host like to roll?}

Well i guess i jinxed myself in a good way. 'Yes


(AN:he's gonna hate himself later he's going to jinx himself again maybe good like really good or maybe bad?)

{beginning to roll}

It rolls for like a solid minute. Then it stops….. and it's has overlord tag?

{ ding* host has gained a MYSTERY OVERLORD TICKET x2}

'What's it's function?' I ask

{ host has to tear the ticket and sense it's a mystery ticket you might get a pebble(s) to a world class item(s)}

I take one and look at it for a few minutes and I tear it. Then a bunch of light particles come together and bam I see a small pouch. I'm disappointed but I hope at least it's a pouch with gold. I go to pick it up and then open it and…. It's a pouch full of pebbles. Who in the living hell has a pouch of FUCKING PEBBLES!!!.

Sigh* Never mind I have one more so I tear it as well and I see 49 light balls where all the light particles are collecting and becoming more humanish? I then wait patiently ahhhh how am I kidding I'm hella excited. About 5 minutes later and BAM another jaw dropping moment. The 49 creatures look around for a second and then all kneel and say all together.

"It is a pleasure to meet master and we are eternally grateful".

I just keep looking stupefied. They are still kneeling and now there all quite. ' hey system explain'.

{the host has gotten 48 maids? And 1 butler from overlord. The host does not need to worry all summons that you acquire are completely loyal and obedient well depending who you get depending on the obedience but sense they are all servants they all are completely loyal and obedient}

Well nah shit i obviously know who they are. But at least I know there loyal and obedient.

"Tell me what is the last thing you all remember?" I Ask. They stay quite for awhile and then the butler speaks.

Sebas tian-" my lord, We were about to be deleted when we felt an offering from the world we were in the offer was go to another world and serve you or die. Well we didn't know the specifics like our masters name or what world but we all agreed it would seem"

He says the last sentence while looking around to make sure everyone is there. I sigh and say.

" all of you sit down and get comfortable I need to process somethings"

Sebas Tian- " as you wish master"

Then that all start to sit or lay down and get comfortable.

(AN: it probably doesn't sound like them but it is what it is so yeah. You can think of them as them from AU if it bothers you to much)

'Hey system' I call for it in my mind

{how my I help the host}

'Much would I need to get some basic life in this world to keep it alive like ants, worms ext maybe some birds and stags. Also a few forests and some lakes and oceans. And some kind of house I'd prefer one that has labs and work stations to use' I ask the system.

{calculating and adjusting to host parameters}


{it would cost 2,000,095,000 SP. host currently has 2,000,100,000 SP.}

{would host like to purchase}

I sigh* in defeat i knew my gut said save and now I'm basically losing everything. ' yes buy' I tell the system as I sigh* again.

{the host will now be kicked out from the personal dimension for safety. No need to worry about the maids and butler. They will survive…. Probably.}



[general pov]

And just like that our MC was kicked out his own personal dimension.


(AN: yes I left a cliff hanger on purpose. *I chuckle evilly* yes suffer the cliff hanger *more evil laughter*. Cough* cough* cough*. Ahem

Do plz comment and and review my story. Also the mother pic is on chapter 1 for whoever wants to see the mother. I keep forgetting to describe her.)