7 Six

"We're up here mom!" Tyrone yells down the hall. I hear some bags being dropped and then footsteps coming up the stairs. A tall, light skinned woman appears in the door frame and I stand up from Alex's bed. "Oh, you didn't tell me you had a guest over Ty." I smile at the nickname and I go to shake her hand. 

"Hi my name's Levin, but please, call me Levi. I'm sorry if I'm intruding." I half-smile at her and she shakes my hand. "How sweet! Tyrone, how come I've never heard of her before?" Tyrone's face goes pink and he scratches the back of his head. "You, uhh, have mom. I was talking about her last night." 

Tyrone mumbled the last part so low that I almost didn' hear him. My head whips to him so fast I think I got whiplash. "Oh right! I remember now." It finally hits me that she planned this and I giggle a little. "Is there something funny Levi?" His mother asks me. I shake my head no. "No, I just figured out something." 

She nods her head and starts to walk out the door. "I'm going to go make dinner now, Levi, I would love it if you stayed. I am making spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread." I nod my head. "I would love to stay if you'll have me..." Her eyes widen and she jumps a little. "Oh! Please call me Tanya." I nod my head and smile. "Thank you Tanya." Tanya shakes her head and walks away. "No problem Dear!" She yells as she walks downstairs. 

"Uhh, sorry about that, she can be extra at times." Tyrone says as he leans against the wall. I laugh and shake my head. "It's fine, she's actually like my mother..." I close my mouth when I mention her and I clear my throat. "Anyway, are you ready to study?" Tyrone leads me to his room and I sit on his bed. 

"Alright, so what do you need help with?" Tyrone asks. He spins in his desk chair and I laugh at the way his hair flies. Tyrone stops and looks at me weirdly. "Umm, I just have no clue what's going on. Me and Teach are always fighting so I'm not really paying attention." I smile sheepishly and shake my head. "Alright then, let's get to it. By tomorrow, you'll know everything we've been doing for the past month!"

