
chapter 3 - memories remembered I

Waking up I look through the window of 'my' room and see the sun is still barely shining as I walk out to the hallway and proceed to my father's office. With a light knock I slowly enter and look around to see 'my' father, Elder Romulus Dominus, sitting at his desk with a small vial sitting in front of him.

"Ah Maximus you're up, I was hoping you wouldn't sleep to long, your mother simply demands we have a large meal to commemorate your return"

Sitting across from him at the desk I nod softly. "If that makes her happy I see no reason not to indulge her, tis a small thing after all" [you're already starting to talk like a noble that's a remarkably quick ability to pick up dialects]

Father nods and hands me the vial. "Take this and spend some time getting accustomed to all the memories returning then meet us in the dining room, hopefully you'll remember where that is." Flashing me a small smile he walks out as I remove the topper off the vial and a strong medicinal scent is released from the small pill inside.

"You reckon it's safe to consume Dom?" [I sense no obvious poisons or toxins in the pill it should be fine]

With that I immediately pop the pill into my mouth as a sweet taste not unlike cotton candy sweeps through my mouth and throat before a skull splitting amount of images, words, dates and other various information begins pouring from the brain of my body's previous owner into my very soul. Biting down hard I endure what seems to be hours but most likely is not but a few minutes before collapsing against the chair and breathing a bit heavier than usual.

[So many memories and ideas for a ten year old... I didn't expect that else I'd have warned you]

"it's alright Dom I can't expect you to know everything. After dinner I'll be needing that cultivation manual however, being this weak is not pleasant especially now I realize just how low I really am. According to one of Maximus's memories, this town is ruled by a rank 3 Immortal king. I'm literally an ant compared to him!"

[I did warn you that you wouldn't be doing any big mountain moving achievements in the near future Max, these things take time and effort but hopefully since this planet has been at peace for so long you'll have plenty of time to just cultivate and grow]

'Yeah that would be amazing' Standing up and shaking my head a little to clear the proverbial cobwebs, I begin walking to the dining room and sits down smiling. "Mother, father I have some amazing news. The pill worked perfectly and I remember everything, even some things I didn't know I knew to be entirely honest. so now that I have returned and we're all together let us enjoy this meal together"

"Well said my boy" The servants pass out plates overflowing with delicious roast duck, baked chicken, mashed potatoes and a very thick gravy like substance that is somewhat golden but seeing as it's delicious I don't give it to much thought.

After many hours of eating, drinking and chatting about every little thing, I bid my parents a good night and head to my room for some good quality 'sleep' by which of course I mean getting the cultivation manual from Dom and learning how to get stronger!

Upon entering the extremely spacious bedroom, I mean seriously my entire apartment on earth would fit in this one room with space to spare, I immediately summoned the Doom cultivation manual from Dom and sat cross legged on the bed to read.

[This cultivation is different than your normal methods Max keep that in mind when your reading]

Nodding I take a few deep breaths before reading the first couple of pages. Depicted in the illustrations are a man in the Lotus position guiding the energy of heaven and earth through, not his meridians directly, but in through his mouth and then it is distributed through his entire body.

"So this method focuses on tempering the body and the soul all at once... everything you are is forcefully tempered by the tyrannical force of the energy being pushed through you."

[That is correct hence the name. if someone with a weak will, or someone with no talent, was to attempt this method their body would swell and explode like an engorged tick.]

"thanks for that imagery Dom" Taking another deep breath I assume the Lotus position and begin searching for the qi in the air around me. Within minutes I can sense little white orbs of pure energy. "Here goes nothing" opening my mouth I do a huge breath in while using Doom cultivation to guide as much energy as I can into the vortex of my mouth.

Immediately my whole body begins to slowly warm up, at first a gentle flare but soon a raging inferno as I feel my muscle, bones sinews and even organs absorbing the energy and flexing. sometimes tearing sometimes healing a constant cycle of evolving and refining. Forcing myself to stay focused I maintain this position for over three hours achieving a breakthrough into the 3rd rank of Qi gathering.

With a slight woozy feeling I lean over the bed as a thick rancid black goo is forcefully ejected from my throat. After throwing up at least five piles of this goo I manage to collapse on the bed. "What the hell was that Dom!?"

[The pain was just as I had mentioned, if you're referring to the black goo, that is all the impurities of your body and soul being forced out of you by the refinement of your self.]

Rather quickly I find myself slipping away and end up passing out without really understanding what Dom said.

(stay tuned for more chapters if you like the book be sure to add it to your library and vote please and thank you every stone is extra motivation for me)

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