
Chapter 1: New School

I love reading romance books. It reminds me of simple times that have a happy ending. But I know better than to hope the same will happen to me.

When Dad suggested I move in with Aunt Seighla, I didn't think he was serious. But here I am, bags packed, ready to board my plane. I don't think I've ever been to Iowa. If you asked me about it a year ago, I would've shrugged and said it sounds lame. My new home town is in Sioux City, I place I've never heard of. After mom died, dad hasn't really been sure how to proceed with having a daughter. I guess I can't blame him; he had three brothers and one sister. One sister he has never been close with.

I used to love Aunt Seighla. She would come down every October to see us because she was mom's best friend. She took me trick or treating every year and that's how I got comfortable around her. She would plan out all the great houses, and if I got tired, she would pull me around in a wagon so that I could still have fun. But that was a long time ago. I started drifting apart with her after the accident.

Because of the accident, I was skeptical about moving to Sioux City. But I didn't want to put up a fight with dad, it's not fair to him. So this morning when I said goodbye, I really tried to stay positive. "Goodbye, Princess. Come visit anytime. Tell Aunt Seighla I say hello!" I forced a smile. "Bye dad, I'll miss you." And I really would miss him. I just can't stay in Phoenix, though.

When I arrived in Sioux City, Aunt Seighla greeted me at the gate. "Henny! It's so good to see you, how was your flight? Are you hungry? Wait until you see where you're staying! Are excited or what?!" I didn't even care that she still calls me Henny. No one's called me that since I was 10. People either call me by my full name, Hendrix, or my middle name, Aura. I smiled, trying to look genuine, and replied "You know what? I am super excited." My Aunt, the enthusiast of the family, squealed and hugged me.

Seighla drove me around town to show me my new school, the local mall, her work, and lastly, my new house. Seighla's house is pretty big. Her and her ex husband bought it after they found out Seighla was pregnant. But we don't talk about him or Baby Jay.

When we walked inside, I breathed in the familiar scent of cinnamon and caramel. That was her signature smell, especially around this time of year. Fall was a family favorite, or at least it was until the accident happened.

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