
Niveira Purple

"Where is it?" Niveira questioned menacingly while picking at her lilac gel nails.

"Well I'm not sure yet but I do know who has it if that helps ma'am," wheezed Andy - the controlling villian's most loyal servant.

"Any information is gold, my son," she whispered, letting slip of their secret would mean alot of of trouble and they could not experience that again, not after Kainah.

"Here there is a photo for you, the name is Bailey Sanderson. The only problem is at the moment she is on holiday because of it being the summer break, we don't know where she is or when she's coming back but we do know where her house is, although this photo shows that she has got it with her wherever she might be … So what are we going to do?" Andy explained gruffly.

"And that's when you come in. We plan ahead of her of course, she doesn't know that we are tracking her and she won't, not for long..."

"Not when we get the drum"

Hi this is Emily's sister if you have not started to read her book it is an amazing start although it only has one chapter. I am really going to enjoy to wright these chapters for you guys. Although this chapter was a bit short it will get longer as the time goes on. I will not wright every single day as I have not got access to this computer that often so at leased once a week if not every other week but sorry for that. hope you enjoy this novel

Emily's sister xxx

EmilyGecreators' thoughts
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