
Welcome to my world

I find myself floating somewhere in the vast expanse of space and for some reason i can breathe normally. I observe my surroundings and in front of me lies a giant black orb. The light from the nearby star made it visible.

I look closely at the orb and there seems to be something white glowing on it.

So i make my way into the black orb and there i find the source of that white glow, it was...a person?

"Welcome to my pocket planet." says the mysterious glowing person.

You look closely and observe the mysterious person, they seem to be a girl with white hair and eyes wearing a white dress. Very white in contrast to the surrounding space filled with darkness.

"What are you staring at?" the mysterious girl asked me.

"Nothing" I said.

"So who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should be the one asking that since this is my planet" she said to me.

"My name is , what about you?" I replied.

"My name is Mideniko, nice to meet you." she introduces herself and greeted me.

"So what brings you here on this lonely place?" she asked me right after.

"I don't know, im just lost and found this place." I answered.

"Hmmm, and how did you even get here we're in space." she asked curiously.

"I don't know either, i just found myself floating in space." I answered.

"You seem to not know alot of important stuff." she replied.

"Now that you mention it, i can't seem to remember anything from before i realized i was floating in space." I say as I scratch my head.

"Hmmm, do you want me to help you remember?" she asks excitedly.

"But why would you help a stranger you just met?" I replied to her cautiously.

"Well, why not I'm bored and i have nothing to do anyway." she answers calmly.

"Okay i guess, I do want to know why i ended up here after all." I replied.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well for now let's just lay down here till we find a planet" She answered excitingly.

"Welp, okay then." I said in a lazy manner as i lay down.

Now we wait...

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