
The Daily Life of a Villain and a Hero

This is a modern world but one day for unknown reasons dungeons started appearing in this world and from those dungeons monsters started appearing too. The villain is a handsome guy named Yang and the hero is a beautiful girl named Yin. Yang might be the most dangerous villain that everyone fears but he's got a mischievous side to him, which always causes trouble for Yin. Yin is the strongest among everyone in the country of Luciana. Many men tried to pursue her but she ignored them all. Yin has a different aim and that is to defeat Yang and prove that she's even stronger than Yang the biggest villain in history. Or so she thought. Everything Yin finds Yang, Yang always manages to run away from her clutches after teasing her and distracting her rather than fighting. This is a romantic comedy story of a villain that always pulls pranks on the hero and the hero who wants to catch him but always falls for his tricks. What will happen to them? Will they fall in love or will fight in the end? Will Yin finally be able to defeat Yang or fall for his pranks again?

Gibe_Hug · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Yang goes for a stroll

It's a nice sunny day.

Yang is in his home watching TV and playing games on his phone. Looks like Yang is playing an FPS game and he lost. After losing the game Yang release a deep breathe and yells "Aahh this is so boring. Maybe I'll go out for a walk. I wonder what that girl is doing now?. What was her name again…..Yen..Yum..hmm….ah I got it. It was Yin".

Yang gets up from the sofa and wears a long jacket and puts on glasses to disguise himself. He looks at the mirror and says "It feels like I'm a detective. Muhahaha… cough..cough… I forgot to breathe".

Yang leaves his house and walks down the street. He first visits the nearby park. After walking for a while he sees an ice-cream seller. He buys an ice cream and sits on an empty bench while enjoying the ice cream. After he finished eating the ice cream he stood up and started walking eventually leaving the park.

Yang seems to have been sweating a lot due to today being so hot. He thinks "There's a mall nearby maybe I'll go to the mall, not for shopping but to enjoy the AC for F.R.E.E…FREEEEEE" he yells in the street. Everyone got startled and looked at him. A kid walking by with her mother looks at Yang and says to his mother "Look mom that person is screaming in the street". The kid's mother says to her "Shh… he must be a crazy person and don't point fingers at others, dear".

Yang then whispers slowly "Who are you calling crazy? Your crazy. Hmph..". Yang then walks for a while until he reaches the mall. He enters the mall and the cool breeze gently touches his face and then his whole body. Yang takes a deep breath in and releases it. He says "Now it feels much better. Since I'm here maybe I'll look around a little just for an hour".

Yang looks and goes to many different shops and without him releasing it's already been more than an hour. Yang looks at his phone at the clock and realizes that he's been in the mall for too long. He decided to head back home now and he was getting hungry too. So he decided to go for a little grocery shopping on his way back home since he came out today.

At the grocery shopping district, he bought some vegetables and other kinds of stuff for him to cook. After he finished buying all the necessary goods, he stood in one place around a corner and was thinking "I hope I'm not missing anything else". Just when he was thinking he heard some noises. As he heard some noise and ruckus he went to look what's all this commotion going on. As he arrived on that spot he suddenly hid around a corner and kept watching quietly. There was a fight going on it were some goons and Yin.

[Author Notes: The fight was the same one mentioned in Chapter 4]

The fight was over as soon as it began. Yang then walked away from there quietly without revealing himself in front of Yin. Yang finally reaches his house and enters. The first thing he says after entering the house was "I saw something interesting today".

Later Yang cooks some food. Yang was a very good cook. He cooked rice, chicken and some other vegetables. It was different from what Yin used to eat, it was a lot better than hers.

Yang sits down on the chair and starts chomping down on the food. After taking a few bites Yang says with a sad face "I wonder if one day I can share my food with someone". "Heh who am I kidding who would sit down with me for a bite they might I poisoned the food and was trying to kill them or something hahaha." Yang again with his sad face says "But it would be nice to have someone.....right?".

Yang was always alone, unlike Yin who at least had her parent until she 12yrs old. Yang lost his parents after 2 days after being born in this world. Although he never saw his parent's faces in person he only has one picture of them. Yang's parents were killed in an accident which was known by everyone as "The Holy Flame tragedy". Although everyone knows it by this name not everyone knows what exactly happened on that night. What most people knew was that there was a village named "Huo Village" where suddenly a big fire occurred and many people died. Although all the people in that village know what happened that day, they all stay quiet and never talk about that incident to anyone outside the village.

Later after finishing the meal, Yang washes the dishes and heads to his room. He lies down on his bed for a while but for some reason, he can't fall asleep. Whenever he closed his eyes he would keep thinking about Yin about how she smiled at the end when everyone was applauding her and how beautiful she looked.

Yang scratches his head and yells "Ahhhhh I'm gonna go crazy why do you have to be so beautiful, damn it". Yang finally fell asleep at 5 AM.

When Yang said "But it would be nice to have someone……..right?". He thought he doesn't have the right to be happy or have someone by his side, so he was confused.

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