

Chapter 0002: A Baby's Year (2)

~Day 60

It's been two months since I was born, but new abilities just keep on appearing. It is not even showing any signs of stopping.

I am gobsmacked by my potential. Do I even have to be this overpowered? Am I so awesome that I even amaze myself?

My parents act like this is just normal, but I know that this is not normal. It is even very far from normal!

I used mind-reading to other people's minds in about a 200-meter radius around me and I found out that no baby could fly on their birth.

I am a unique existence. The only person to have ever done these things.

I am even questioning myself if I am still human or not.

Are they even my parents? I don't happen to be the illegitimate son of a powerful God, am I?

Though I know for sure that I am not some God's illegitimate son since I am quite aware of my situation when my mother was giving birth to me.

Even if it is against my will to accept my father, I am proud to be my mother's son. Though she wants a daughter more than anything else, since I am already here and things can't be undone anymore, she more or less accepted me.

That kinda hurts but it soon faded by her loving touch and warm smiles.

I receive hydromancy this time and nothing else, even though it may look like that the number of abilities I am receiving has lessen, don't be fooled by it.

I can feel that there are more to come.

~Day 70

So my mother decided to walk me around the city, fresh air, finally.

Though I have to say that I did not enjoy it even one bit.

It was boring as hell and it was noisy, only for me though.

I keep hearing what's in people's minds and it was getting unbearable the more people there are.

So I have to teleport back to our house, earning a surprised yelp from mother when she suddenly sees the scene in front of her changing abruptly.

I have learned Psychometry and Zen Mind this week. The two are useful in my opinion.

I found out the qualities of the items in our house by touching them and I must say, some of the things in our house needed to be thrown away instantly.

But mother said not to, so they stayed in the house, but I will avoid them at all cost.

Achieving Zen Mind at about 1 hour a day.

Zen Mind equals to Enlightenment State in cultivation so that means that I can enter this amazing state at one hour every day.

If other cultivators find out about this, I am sure that I will be subjected to their envy.

Although I still can't cultivate at such a young age, that doesn't mean that I can't start learning.

With my Eidetic Memory, let's see what would be my brain's limits.

~Day 80

So my father's friends came to visit. Not so interesting.

They brought their sons and daughters. Now that's something.

I can finally meet my peers, in terms of body, not in our abilities.

Seeing them for the first time, my high expectations immediately went downhill.

So silly of me, what did I expect for babies that are not even a year old?

Anyways, let me introduce my father's group members. Let me introduce my parents first.

My mother's name is Rosalia Pathfinder. She is a level-5 Delta mage, much stronger than the mage in my father's group and was even younger than 1.5 years.

My father's name, on the other hand, is Lionel Pathfinder. A level-6 Delta warrior, someone who had experienced life and death battles for numerous times already. Have an instinct not inferior to a Cora rank Beast and someone who had climbed to his current position from nothing but hard work.

My father came from a common family, he possesses an average talent for cultivation, and have no backings and financial support.

But because of his perseverance, diligence, and determination, he had achieved what he has today because of himself. This shows that no matter how hard your dream can be, as long as you keep on persevering and be determine to achieve it, nothing is impossible.

And I am now saying something philosophical instead of introducing my father's friends.

First is their healer, her name is Amanda Moonstring. She is a level-9 Etha priestess and is very close to breaking through. It was an amazing feat to see a priestess reaching this far level. She is a beauty that is only inferior to my mother, her husband must have been really happy to have married her since I can't read any ill thoughts towards her husband.

Her daughter's name is Ria Moonstring, 2.5 months old, slightly younger than me, and a very cute baby if I say so myself. She is currently clinging to me like a koala.

Aside from her, there is also another girl clinging to me like a koala.

Her name is Melany Skylight, 4 months old, older than me and Ria but doesn't differ from our body sizes. Even without the use of my prediction abilities, if I ever receive one, she will be a short girl.

Her father is Draven Skylight, a level-3 Delta assassin. It was quite ironic that his last name is Skylight and he needs to be one with the shadows. He is a shady looking man but is the most loyal one among them.

Anyways, moving on to the next member of the father's group is their mage.

His name is Aldrich Red, a level-3 Delta mage, close to breaking through the fourth level. He is a middle-aged looking man wearing eyeglasses, his eyebrows are as think as an adult's finger while his eyes are as sharp as a hawk.

He has a son named Conary Red, 5.5 months old, the only baby that I can hold a proper conversation without hearing the repetitions of the same word over and over again.

I am even amazed that he had already started learning the ways of magic at such a young age. That is except for me who had already finished the basic level of knowledge in everything.

Next is their knight, her name is Andreia Galesteel, a level-4 Delta warrior. She had a smoking hot body that the males in my father's group always praise. But they only praise her body and not covet it.

They would even compliment her openly, that is how close their relationship is to each other.

Her son is named Mordred Galesteel, 4.2 months old baby, the chubbiest one among us and is twice the size of Conary who is the oldest one among us.

The next one is the only girl who had not clung to me, her name is Sofia Fogfist, 3.7 months old. She is quite a cutey if you'd ask me, but they are all cute since they are just babies. She is the second one that I could hold a proper conversation with, and just to warn you guys, she is a tsundere.

She is the daughter of the effeminate archer, Skete Fogfist, a level-1 Delta archer. If Aldrich's eyes are like a hawk, then his eyes are like an eagle soaring in the sky. He is a well-known archer in town for never missing his targets, he is a living legend.

All the members in my father's group are all living legends.

They have not even surpass the age of 30, with Aldrich being the oldest at 29 and Amanda at the age of 26.

They had almost had a son at the same time if not for the difference in time in pregnancy and birth. But it was within their plans since all of us are in the same year.

I really can't believe that our birth is the product of our parents' silly dream.

Of creating the strongest group in history.

Hello, my dear readers.

Thank you for reading my poor creation and if you like the story, I wish to receive your suggestions on what powers the MC will possess in the future.

Everything is welcome and it would be really helpful to me. The next chapter will be released five days after this one.

Thank you for reading and please enjoy.

aRandomPinkiecreators' thoughts