
Overheated Valeria

Vargus's choice of name wasn't borne out of whimsy or any disdain for traditional sect names. Rather, he had a profound and unique reason that was invisible to all but him.

As the murmurs of confusion and amusement still bubbled around him, a digital screen flickered to life before Vargus's eyes, unseen by any other. It was as if the air itself had whispered a secret, visible only through his gaze.


[Heavenly Talent: Cutest Tamer]

[Description: The cuter the tamed beast, the stronger it becomes. The more adorable the environment, and the greater the user's affection for all cute things, the more potent the user's abilities.]


Vargus heavenly talent relied on cuteness, so the moment he was given the chance to rebuild the sect, he chose the best direction of the sect, which was cuteness.

And also, Vargus liked cute things, so this was the better reason for him to rename the new sect as Cutie Sect.

Valeria who was momentarily paralyzed by the revelation, immediately turned sharply towards Vargus, her gaze piercing into his with a mix of astonishment and inquiry. The weight of her shock was evident in the way she steadied herself before voicing her thoughts, a testament to the gravity of the moment.

With a hesitant breath, she let out a voice that was laced with a blend of curiosity and a palpable embarrassment she couldn't mask, "Why... why have you chosen this name for us?" Her cheeks tinged with a soft flush, revealing the depth of her embarrassment, a rare sight that underscored the unconventional nature of Vargus's decision.

With a twinkle in his eye, Vargus met Valeria's question with a smile, his response bubbling up with a warmth that seemed to light up the surroundings. "Why do you ask?" he teased gently, leaning into the moment with a playful curiosity. Without missing a beat, he declared, "It's because I love cute things," his voice carrying a sincerity that was both disarming and endearing.

In a flourish that felt as natural as the sun rising, Vargus summoned his beast, the adorable and fluffy Auris, into the scene. The little creature, with its big, gleaming eyes and soft fur, seemed to embody the essence of cuteness itself. "Look, isn't he just the epitome of cuteness?" Vargus beamed, his pride in Auris as clear as daylight.

But he didn't stop there. Delving into the folds of his robe, Vargus retrieved a series of handcrafted dolls, each one a testament to his dedication to all things adorable. With a gentle hand, he offered Valeria a particularly exquisite white tiger doll, its craftsmanship was impeccable. "Allow me to present this to you, a token symbolizing the spirit of the Cutie Sect," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of playfulness and pride.

Then, with a smile that seemed to hold a thousand untold stories, he added, "I took great joy in making this doll myself." The revelation added another layer to the moment, showcasing not just the sect leader's unconventional approach but also his personal touch and investment in the ideology he was championing.

Elder Valeria, upon receiving the doll, paused to regard the tiny, meticulously crafted figure in her hands. The moment felt surreal, compelling her to seek the nearest chair for support, a gesture revealing the tumult of thoughts swirling in her mind.

As she sank into the chair, Valeria's mind was overwhelmed with a flood of questions. She found herself pondering, "Is this the same Vargus?" Her gaze shifted back and forth from the small, intricately designed doll to the man who stood before her, a contrast so stark it seemed to bridge two entirely different worlds.

"Could this really be the Vargus who had awakened his heavenly talent and become the heavenly genius?" She questioned herself internally, the memory of that momentous event playing vividly in her mind's eye.

She continued to wrestle with her thoughts, marveling at the young prodigy's journey. "The same Vargus who, at the tender age of eighteen, had already reached Master level?" The idea seemed almost implausible, yet here he was, standing before her in a completely different light.

Finally, she dwelled on his legendary prowess in battle. "Is this truly the one who had been vanquishing multiple masters single-handedly earlier?"

Each question seemed to echo in the silence of her mind, juxtaposing the formidable reputation of Vargus with the gentle, doll-gifting figure standing before her. The disparity between Vargus's battlefield ferocity and his current display of tender craftsmanship was stark, leaving Valeria in a state of bewilderment. 

Valeria's mind continued to whirl with disbelief and astonishment, silently questioning, "Is this truly the Vargus I had envisioned?" Her thoughts, tangled and chaotic, refused to settle, as she struggled to reconcile the image of the formidable warrior with the gentle figure before her.

With a mixture of incredulity and frustration, she exclaimed, "How can he be so different now?" Her voice carried across the room, echoing her inner turmoil and disbelief.

She then began to murmur to herself, her voice tinged with confusion, "How can Vargus, the heavenly genius barbarian, have such an affinity for cute things?" The words barely escaped her lips, a whispered reflection of her baffled mind.

Continuing her self-dialogue, she pondered, "And how can a barbarian who adores cute things possess such immense strength?" The contradiction seemed too stark, too jarring against the backdrop of her expectations.

Engulfed by a storm of thoughts and unable to find solace or answers, Valeria's mind reached its limit. Overwhelmed by the sheer weight of her contemplations, her consciousness slipped away, and she gently collapsed onto her chair, succumbing to a deep faint, a silent testament to the turmoil that had raged within.

Elder Rosaline, standing vigilantly beside Valeria, released a deep sigh as she observed the elder's unconscious state. She understood the overwhelming rush of emotions and thoughts that had led to Valeria's fainting. Turning to the assembled women, Rosaline's voice carried a blend of concern and authority.

"Ladies," she began, her tone commanding yet gentle, "our sect leader has succumbed to the sheer exhaustion of today's events. It's imperative we ensure she rests." She gestured towards the motionless figure of Valeria with a respectful nod.

The women, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded in unison, their movements coordinated and careful as they approached. With practiced ease, a few of them gently lifted Valeria, their actions tender yet efficient, ensuring her dignity remained intact.

In the midst of the quiet concern for Valeria, Elder Rosaline shifted her focus towards Vargus, sensing the critical moment had arrived for a pivotal declaration. Gathering her resolve, she faced him, her expression a blend of anticipation and determination. It took a moment for her to marshal her thoughts, aware of the significance of her next words.

With a steadiness borne of her years and experience, she finally voiced the question that hung in the air, a question that would set the course for their future. "Vargus," she began, her voice firm yet carrying an undercurrent of curiosity, "it's time. What vision do you hold for the Cutie Sect? What essence will define us?"

Vargus, sensing the gravity of the moment, met Rosaline's gaze with a reassuring smile, an unspoken promise of the thoughtfulness he had invested in his answer. "Okay then," he replied, his tone imbued with confidence and a touch of excitement, "I will make the announcement."





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