
Chapter 1 The chosen one

"H..how? When did it happen?" I wondered as I looked at my hands drenched in blood, beautiful white feathers scattered around the battlefield covered in crimson, the blood of my friends or enemies?.

There bodies laid scattered around me, crimson painted the ground, scorching the once emerald green grassy valley into a bloodbath, yet I could not seem to remember who they where to me.

Where they family, friend or foe I don't know.

My vision slowly started to become a blur struggling to stay conscious, I noticed a sudden movement in the side of my eye coming closer to me, a blob of white.

"A familiar presence, someone close to me perhaps?"

I feel warm, whose holding me? Why do they feel so familiar?.

"Y..yo..you fo..found..d me." I asked leaning into him.

"Always" he nodded looking down at me, golden yellow eyes tearing up, tightening his grip around me, large magnificent wings shielding me from any harm.

"F..find..d me ag..again..n?" I coughed out, crimson painting my pale lips, my golden eyes feeling heavy, once majestic white angelic wings, turned to a murky tar black.

I heard him say in a shaky voice.

"I will."

My body numb from the pain, darkness slowly taking a hold of me I heard him say one last thing.

"I found you once, I promise I'll find you again-"

His last words defend by my racing heart.

Finally I took my last breath and welcomed death.

The abyss of darkness had finally taken me.


As the white haired girl took her last breath, wings now turned to ashes, the young man holding her begged the divine heaven's to save her, but they did not, this was Toshiro Yasutora divine heavenly punishment, for a crime angel's all fear to commit, he fell in love with his own sister, jealous brewed in his heart for the man she fell in love with.

"Please save her, I'd give you anything" Toshiro shouted out,to any divine entity

Tuskuyomi heard the angel's plea and chuckled softly, snatching the dead angelic girl's soul, he bound his soul to the girl's soul.

"Dear little angel you should watch who you beg to" Tuskuyomi thought, as he watched the angel weep for his little sister, slowly bringing the girl's soul closer to him.

Tuskuyomi wondered why the boy would give anything to save the little angel's life.

|I found you once, I promise I'll find you again my sweet little sister|