
The Cursed One.

A millenia ago, in a planet far from Earth, a being was sealed by 11 sorcerers . The seal is weakening , wind carries dark words, and a prophecy is told by the 3 sages ......................................................................... Destruction is assured and no one except him can stop it.

L00cifr · Fantasy
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Beginning of Doom.

Long ago, there was a great sorcerer named Vindico Atrum whose power shook the balance of the world. The world consisted of 12 great nations and other various small independent territories. The sorcerer seemed to be virtually invincible due to his mastery of most arcane fields of sorcery. Such was his talent, that he couldn't be killed because he will just reemerge to the human world from the Cursed Lands. But with his power came an even greater arrogance. He wanted a world where he was the Almighty and other all people were under his control. He was a tyrant and a monster to his own people.

So for the first time in the known history 11 nations attended a summit to end him. The 11 nations formed a single empire which had control over 100,000 novice mages, 80,000 general mages, 50,000 master mages , 10000 alpha mages, 1000 grand mages and 11 elites(the rulers of respective countries). The tyrant only had 50000 novice mages, 20,000 general mages, 10,000 master mages, 1000 alpha mages, and 100 grand mages. But he was a mage greater than any and was known as Grandmaster Mage. He led his army personally to the battle and almost defeated the Allied forces. Every way of killing a human was tried on him but none of the ways worked on him. Finally the 11 elites came together and sealed him in a planet far from the Earth, so that his magic will not influence anyone.

After the great war, the elites decided that if another such mage arises, then only the combined effort of the world could stop such mage. So a new empire rose and covered all the lands that was explored or seen. The empire was termed as Valhalla. And the 11 past-monarchs became the Grand Nobles of the empire. The Kingdom was supposed to be ruled by the committee of Grand Nobles where all the previous royal houses were granted one vote each.

THE name of houses are given below with their sigil and words.

Azrael: The house of Azrael boasts expertise of pyro magic. Its sigil is a burning phoenix. Motto: "Our Justice Is Absolute." The members of Azrael are usually short-tempered.

Braken: The house of Braken boasts expertise of aqua magic. Its sigil is a kraken. Motto: " Might is Right." Members of Braken are usually introverted but fierce in retribution.

Cypher: The house of Cypher boasts expertise of aero magic. Its sigil is griffin. Motto: "Sky is the limit." Members of Cypher have strong magical cores but lack proper body strength.

Draken: The house of Draken is a house of perfectionists. Their has not been a single head of family in a millenia who couldn't perform all 9 kinds of magic. But their specialty is Dark Magic. Their sigil is a Black Dragon. The house of Draken is the most powerful house in the empire due to their immense wealth, and strong relations with Razis, Kalis and Sonoris. Their motto is: "Don't tickle a sleeping dragon."

Farcius: Farcius are experts of Electro magic. Their sigil is a thunderbird. The members of this house are known to be great strategists. Their motto is: "Mind over Might."

Kalis: Kalis are experts in battle magics. Their sigil is a dark hooded serpent. It is rumoured that Kalis have hundreds of assasins in their payroll. Their motto is: "Silence, Darkness and Death are not to be feared but to be appreciated." They are extremely mysterious.

Leonos: Leonos are experts of terrestial magic. Their sigil is a Lion. Their motto is: "Our words are laws and our swords execute them."

Novios: Novios are the best in Light magic in the empire. Their sigil is a Unicorn. Their motto is: "Live to the fullest."

Pracius: Pracius are the best in combination magic( combination of different elements).Their sigil is a Chimera. Their words: "words are the solace of weaks"

Razis: Razis have honed a special magic that affects body of mage granting them superhuman strength and some resistance to magic. Their sigil is a giant with four arms. Their words are: "Strong body is home for strong magic."

Sonoris: Sonoris are the best in Modern Magics( uniting magic with technology). They are the only house without a sigil or motto.

Cursed lands: Land of dead

Ranks (in increasing order): Novice, General, Master,Alpha,Grand and Grand master

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