1 Chapter 1: The Cursed Day

Chaos. Screams can be heard everywhere. Everyone were either desperately chanting magic barriers to protect themselves, to run hopelessly, or to kill. Her. The wind was howling like the screams of the witches who died in her hands. Thunder rumbled through the sky. It felt like the wind and thunder were together creating a storm around her, preventing them to get close. She continued to rampage until there was nothing left but her, and 7 witches. 7 witches who were the strongest in the coven.

"We have to stop her!" yelled one of the witches.

They looked at each other, and realized. The couldn't kill her. They were too weak to even have a chance to stand against her. They all looked down, and understood. The only way to stop the chaos is by sealing her. However, to create a seal powerful enough for her they have to use the strongest form of magic, albeit forbidden. Dark magic. All 7 witches started chanting a sleep seal spell, in expense, of their life. Little by little, the wind started to calm down, and the thunder became quite. As the witches' life force drained, she was put to sleep and sealed. With then end of the 7 witches life, ended the history of the Great Moon Witch Coven. And sealed, The Cursed Dark Moon Witch.

When she first woke up, she was confused. It was dark, and quite. Which is unusual. It has never been quite. Since she was cursed to be the one and only dark moon witch to ever exist, the power of the dark moon was always eating away at her mind. She tried to use her powers, but nothing worked. As if she's trapped in some sort of a magic-less domain. Then she tried to recall what happened. The memory came in flashbacks. The attack by humans, the death of one of the coven elder, the anger she felt, the thought of how she wished she could make them all disappear. She remembered being enveloped by strong gush of wind and rumbling thunder, and then it was all black. Based on these flashbacks, it seems like the power of the dark moon inside her was responding to the anger and her wish.

And terror filled her. If she really did lost control, that means, she must have hurt the other witches. The elders of the coven. She started sobbing. After crying for a long while, questions started to fill her head. 'Is anyone alive?' 'Where am I?' 'How do I get out of here?' Since not being able to use magic means she is also not able to appraise the domain she is in, and also unable to break out of it. Then the thought came to her. I am sealed.

"If one day, you are being controlled by the power of the dark moon, we, the elders will take the responsibility to stop you. By killing you, or sealing you"

The elders have once told her about the possibility of getting sealed if she ever lost control. And she cried again, they must have died for creating this seal. That moment, she decided to stay in the sealed domain. And so she slept, for decades.

She blinked her eyelids. Scanned her surrounding. It's still black and quite. She liked it. She can only think when it's quite. Over the past few decades, she has woken up and slept again countless times. And she has quite grasped how it works for her inside the seal. She will not be asleep all the time. However, she can't stay awake either. The seal will forces her to sleep when it felt the dark moon power is starting to seep out. This time, she wonders again what's the witches in the coven up to. Are they still the greatest healer coven.

"Hahhhh.." she sighed. Of relief for being able to sleep fine. Over the 150 years she has been a moon witch, she had never been able to sleep well without a sleeping spell cast by the elder.

"Is it because I'm different?" she asked herself. She hated it. She wanted to be a normal witch. A normal moon witch. But unlike the other moon witches who has white hair, eyebrow, eyelashes, red eyes and pale white skin. She was cursed to be the exact opposite. Black hair, eyebrow, eyelashes, and her unusual gray eyes. The only thing similar was her white skin that's not as pale. The witches have always looked at her with fear in their eyes. Whenever she was near, the would be on guard, for any slight outburst of her dark moon magic could take life instantly. Tired of thinking, she went to sleep again. This time, for quite a long while.

A couple centuries passed. She was woken up be the loud sound of explosions and the shaking earth.

"What's happening? Did somebody find me?" The first question that came to her mind. Then a very strong explosion could be felt even from the inside of the domain. And then it came.

"We have to advance first soon or they will have advantage over us" a voice of a male.

"A male? Then it must be humans. What are they doing?" She is actually surprised hat she can hear the thought of the humans while inside the seal. Although is it highly possible, since mind reading is a given ability of the moon witches. They did not need any magic to read others' minds.

"Sargent! There's something down here!" yelled a loud male voice.

"Since the voice is this close, they must have found me. Or whatever it is I'm sealed in." she guessed.

"We're in the middle of a war! Why would you bother with some coffin underground! Get back to your position!" yelled another male voice.

"Coffin? Underground? So that's how I was sealed." she thought. Again reminded by the sacrifice of the elders.

"What if its some buried treasure?" asked the first voice again.

There was some quite and then the thing she fears most was said. "Dig it out. We'll have it examined and opened later." said the Sargent human.

"Oh no. No. No. No!" The elders of her coven gave their life to seal her, along with the dark moon magic inside her. She did not wish to be unsealed, then their sacrifice would have been in vain.

"Humans! Why is it that they like war so much? I should have wiped them all out when they attacked my coven!" she said full of hatred and grief.

She heard another loud explosion before she felt like the world was shaking.

"They must be bringing me up." she exclaimed worriedly.

For the first time in her life as a witch, she was scared. She did not know how many years have passed in the world since she was sealed. She was pretty sure she was sealed in the land of the moon witch coven. The fact that the humans were having war right on this land means that her coven was no more. Now there is only one thing that she hoped on, that the humans would not be able to unseal the coffin she is in. The worry is left for her to find out as the seal is now starting to force her back to sleep again. And so she slept again.
