
The Cursed CEO

Alisha Johnson, a rich and successful businesswoman with a terrible attitude, is cursed by an old janitor after mistreating him. When the red moon appears, Alisha transforms into a werewolf and must find a man who will accept her condition and give his heart for her to eat to break the curse.

Daoisterr4hJ · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 - Delved deeper

The following day, Alisha decided to take a break from work and stay at home. The recent incidents at the office had left her feeling frustrated and on edge. Seeking a distraction, she found herself engrossed in browsing the internet. As she clicked through various articles and websites, she stumbled upon a page about werewolves.

Intrigued, Alisha delved deeper into the topic. She read about the legends and folklore surrounding these mythical creatures, their transformation under the full moon, and their association with power and primal instincts. Alisha had always been drawn to stories of strength and dominance, and the idea of a werewolf fascinated her.

As she read on, Alisha's thoughts began to wander. She couldn't help but draw parallels between herself and these mythical beings. The stories of the werewolf's commanding presence, unwavering confidence, and ability to dominate their surroundings resonated with her own personality.

Alisha reflected on her reputation as a strict and harsh CEO, someone who demanded excellence and feared by her employees. The more she thought about it, the more she saw herself as a modern-day alpha, ruling over her corporate empire with an iron fist.

The concept of transformation intrigued her as well. The idea that the werewolf could shed its human form and tap into its primal instincts, embracing a more powerful and dominant nature, resonated deeply within Alisha. She pondered the possibilities of unleashing her own untapped potential, of embracing her inner wolf and asserting her dominance even further.

As the hours passed, Alisha's curiosity turned into obsession. She scoured the internet for more information, seeking out stories, theories, and even forums discussing werewolves. She found a community of individuals who claimed to have a connection with these creatures, who believed in their existence beyond mere legend.

Alisha's logical side warned her that werewolves were just folklore, but a part of her couldn't shake off the fascination and longing for something more. The allure of power and dominance consumed her thoughts, and a spark of curiosity ignited within her.

Lost in her research, Alisha barely noticed the passing time. The sun had set, and darkness enveloped her surroundings. Glancing at the clock, she realized that it was well past midnight. The full moon, a symbol strongly associated with werewolves, loomed high in the night sky.

Alisha's heart raced as an idea began to form in her mind. What if...? Could it be possible to tap into her own dormant power, to embrace her inner wolf and rise to an even higher level of dominance and success?

Alisha sat alone in her room, the glow of her laptop illuminating her face as she continued her relentless pursuit of information about werewolves. The intensity of her curiosity had reached its peak, and a million thoughts raced through her mind.

"What if Joel's bite did more than just curse me?" Alisha muttered to herself, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Could it be possible that I'm actually transforming into a werewolf? Or am I just overthinking things?"

She scrolled through the pages, searching for any hint or clue that might shed light on her predicament. The lines between reality and fantasy began to blur, and she couldn't help but question her own sanity.

"Maybe it's all just a coincidence," Alisha mused aloud, trying to reason with herself. "After all, werewolves are creatures of mythology. They don't actually exist...right?"

But deep down, doubts gnawed at her. The events of the past few days had been far too extraordinary to dismiss as mere chance. Alisha recalled the night she encountered Joel, the mysterious man who claimed to be a werewolf, and the bite that followed. It had been a moment of confusion and fear, but now it held the potential for something much greater.

"What if Joel was telling the truth?" she pondered aloud, her voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "What if his bite has awakened something dormant within me?"

Alisha's mind raced with possibilities. She contemplated the idea of transformation, of embracing a primal side she never knew existed. Images of power, strength, and dominance filled her imagination, fueling her fascination.

"But what does it mean for me if I am turning into a werewolf?" she asked herself, her voice tinged with both curiosity and concern. "Will I lose control? Will I be consumed by my primal instincts?"

Alisha's thoughts spiraled, her emotions in turmoil. She realized the potential dangers that came with such a transformation, the risk of losing her humanity and succumbing to a darker nature. But at the same time, the allure of power and dominance beckoned to her, urging her to explore this newfound possibility.

With a deep breath, Alisha made a conscious decision. She would face her fears head-on and embrace the uncertainty that lay before her.

"I need to find answers," she declared firmly, her voice filled with determination. "I can't continue living in this state of confusion. Whether it's a curse, a transformation, or something else entirely, I must uncover the truth."

As she typed furiously, searching for more information, Alisha couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. She knew that the journey ahead would be filled with risks and challenges, but she also sensed the potential for personal growth and self-discovery.

"I won't let fear hold me back," Alisha vowed, her voice filled with newfound resolve. "I will embrace whatever path lies ahead, whether it leads me to becoming a werewolf or to a deeper understanding of myself."

Alisha's gaze shifted from the glowing screen to the window, her heart skipping a beat as she noticed the encroaching darkness. The familiar tingling sensation of fear crept up her spine, and her eyes widened as she saw the red moon beginning to rise in the night sky. Dread consumed her, and she couldn't help but wonder what this meant for her.

"Oh no, not again," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. "Is tonight going to be another night of transformation? Will I become a werewolf once more?"

Her mind raced with frantic questions, each one laced with a tinge of fear. The memories of her previous transformation flooded back, the uncontrollable rage, and the instinctual need to hunt. Alisha desperately searched for answers within herself, desperately hoping to find a glimmer of reassurance.

"Can I handle another transformation?" she asked herself, her voice quivering with uncertainty. "Will I lose control and succumb to the primal instincts that come with being a werewolf?"