
Chapter Two

Strange maze, what is this place?

I hear voices over my shoulder,

Nothing's making sense at all.

Wonder, why do we race?

When everyday we're runnin' in circles,

Such a funny way to fall.

Tried to open up my eyes,

I'm hopin' for a chance to make it alright.


"Mina! Wait up for me! Don't leave me behind!" Elena shouted from behind, finally catching up with the girl and flinging herself at said girl as she clung to Mina, letting a small whine out.

"You're so cruel leaving me behind like that. What if I got lost? Or worse! Kidnapped!" Elena joked out softly, her grey eyes looking over at the female she clung to as she gave her a bright smile. Mina just rolled her eyes at this.

"Elena. I literally took ten steps away from you. It's not my fault you get distracted by every guy that comes your way." Mina said with a soft laugh, patting her friends hand gently. She had met Elena a few days after she had left home. Three months ago. She was an interesting character to say the least and different. Elena had beautiful soft grey eyes, pale porcelain skin, beautiful long straight black hair that went passed her hips, and a mark on her left palm that looked like a lotus flower. The two of them had bumped into each other when she was running away from a guard who had caught her stealing from a market in the town Mina was heading to at the time. After that, you two had been inseparable.

"Well he was cute. You can't blame me for that!" Elena whined out, detangling herself from her friend as they started down the dirt path before them. Elena was the same age as Mina and had run away from home when she refused to be married off to some nasty Prince that only saw women as objects. She was not about that. After meeting Mina, they stuck together. Mina was a shy and quiet girl. She was gentle and kind hearted. Everywhere they went, people were drawn to her left and right. It baffled her at first, but once she really got to know the girl, it made sense. Also Mina was the definition of beautiful. From her long wavy brown/gold hair, her brown doe eyes full of innocence, her freckled face, perfect pouty rosy lips, and her hourglass frame. She was almost ethereal. Also, Elena felt a strong pull towards the girl that made her want to protect her at all cost.

"Yes yes I know. Now where to next? This place was a dead end." Mina said, adjusting the sack that was on her back while looking over at her best friend as she waited for an answer.

"Hmm. It's on the outskirts of the town hidden in a forest. No one goes in there. They say it's cursed. People go in and they never come back out. That's all I got." Elena said with a sigh, shrugging her shoulders in defeat as Mina gave her a dead panned look.

"Alright. Scary forest it is. I just hope that old witch wasn't lying to us when she said there was a group out here that can help me break this curse. I'm running out of time." Mina said, the last part coming out in a whisper. Elena frowned at this.

"It'll be okay Mina. We'll break the curse and make sure this bitch Ezra pays for what she did. She's going down and I'll make sure of it." Elena said with a smirk, linking her arm through Mina's while giving her a gentle nudge before she started to skip down the dirt path, dragging Mina along with her causing them to break out into laughter.

Little did they know that they were being watched.

Icy blue eyes watched from afar, a frown gracing their lips while their body leaned against a covered tree as they shook their head at the two oblivious girls.

"You two have no idea what you're getting into." The voice said lowly before another figure appeared.

"Jimin. They're heading towards the Forest of No Return. We need to stop them from entering." The voice spoke out, his pale blue eyes staring at the male before him.

"I would say no, but I know we have no choice in this matter. Alright, let's go save us some damsels in distress. And try to keep up Hoseok." Jimin said with a smirk, his body moving away from the tree as he disappeared in a cloud of ice. Hoseok could only roll his eyes at this.

"Yah, yah you little shit. I'm right behind you." He said with a sigh before also disappearing into a cloud of mist.

Mina and Elena had finally made it to the outskirts of the town, hesitating infront of the forest that wait before them as they felt a shiver run down their spines. The forest looked safe enough from the outside but they knew there was something wrong with it. An ominous feeling was looming over it and there was no sound of wildlife coming from it. They debated on whether they should go in or not.

"Um. Are you sure we should go in? I have a very bad feeling about this." Mina whispered out, eyes never leaving the forest as she moved closer to her friend.

"Um probably not but this is the only lead we have now Mina. Who knows how long it will be before we find another one." Elena whispered back, gripping Mina's arm tightly with her own as she slowly took a step forward, bringing her friend with her.

"Right." Was all Mina could say before they disappeared completely into the forest.

It was worse than they could imagine. After entering the forest, a heavy fog appeared out of nowhere, separating the two girls as they were now lost and trying to find their way back out. There was no such luck. It wasn't a forest. It was a mirage. A mirage that lured people to their deaths with no chance of escaping. How could they be so foolish.

"Elena! Elena!" Mina called out. Her breathing was now coming out in heavy pants, her hair a mess, covered with leaves and twigs from falling down a hill, her dress now torn in random spots and body covered in cuts and bruises as she continued to run through the dying trees and grass that surrounded her. She was scared and alone. She didn't know how far she would make it until whatever was out their caught her.

A low growl was heard all of a sudden, her body going stiff and instantly falling down onto the ground as she quickly looked in every direction possible. Not seeing anything, but the growling growing closer and louder, Mina noticed a fallen tree with a rather large hole in it. With no time to waste, she quickly crawled into it, making her body fit all the way in while pressing her body flat against it so to hide herself as she prayed that whatever was out there didn't find her.


Followed by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. Her breath hitching in her throat and her eyes snapping shut.

'Please, please, please go away.' She thought to herself before a loud roar ripped through the air, the tree that she was once hiding in being slashed opened as she let out a blood curdling scream.

Mina once again found herself running for her life, her arm now bleeding from the gash that was inflicted upon her from the creature that tried to eat her. Tears were streaming down her face, her breathing coming out in irregular patterns now as she continued to run, not looking back.

"Mina! Mina! Where are you?! Please answer me!" Elena cried out, tears blocking her vision as she stumbled through the barren forest looking everywhere for her best friend. She couldn't believe that the two of them had been separated and now she was fearing for her life. She needed to find Mina and get the hell out of here.

"You won't get very far you know?" Came a voice, instantly startling the female and causing her to stop in her tracks. She dared not turn around but couldn't help the nagging in the back of her head. Slowly turning around, she braced herself for whatever may come. When fully turned around, she wasn't expecting to see a God standing before her. Her eyes widened and mouth hung open ever so slightly as she stared at the man.

He was tall, standing about five foot ten with a lean muscled body. His eyes were a brilliant pale blue that matched his hair that almost looked white in some angles. His skin was a few shades darker than her own, his face was chiseled perfectly with a sharp jaw line, pouty lips, and smile that had her melting for days.

"W-who are you and what are you doing here?" Elena said, finally snapping out of her daze and taking a step back from the mysterious man as she eyed him cautiously. This earned a smirk from the male.

"I'm here to save you of course." Was all Hoseok said, smirk still in tact while extending his hand out towards the female as he waited for her to take his hand.

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