

Aurora sat on top of a boulder, looking out onto the icy winter wonderland she called home, with an old-style mansion behind her. She let her mind wander to thoughts of life without the cold, blistering winter. As a child, her father had told her about other seasons, and she remembered him sitting in his chair beside the fireplace with the windows closed shut to keep out the winter cold.

One night, when it was already dark outside, Aurora had run into her father's study like a scared kitten and jumped onto his lap, holding on to him with a strong grip.

"Papa, I'm scared," she cried out, still clinging to him and whimpering like a frightened puppy.

"What is it, my little rose?" His tone was mellow and soft, knowing the child he held in his hands was frightened to death.

"I thought I saw something, papa," she bellowed, still clutching on to him. At that moment, the head maid who was tasked with taking care of Aurora entered the room.

"Milord," she bowed in a respectful manner. "I am sorry if the child disturbs you. I promise to put her to sleep immediately." The maid moved slowly toward where the man sat, but he raised his hand in a gesture that made her stop.

"I don't think that would be necessary. You may leave," the man said with finality.

"Yes, milord," she bowed and turned around, leaving the room and shutting the door behind her. He turned his attention to Aurora, who was staring at him with big emerald eyes.

"I want to show you something," he said, putting the child down and walking straight to the table with Aurora still clutching his trousers. He opened a drawer and brought out a bundle of red stuff resembling paper with green stems. Aurora struggled to figure out what it was as her head tilted to the side.

Her father, realizing her puzzled expression, bent down towards her. "Do you know what these are?" he asked, and Aurora shook her head. Her father gave her a warm smile. "These are roses," he explained.

"What are roses?" Aurora asked.

"They are the seeds of spring. Come on, smell them," he urged. The smell was something Aurora would never forget. As she breathed in the cold winter air and closed her eyes, the memory of the time she spent with those flowers crossed her mind. She suddenly opened her eyes as she noticed the winter breeze blowing a little harder than before. The sky began to drizzle snowflakes, and Aurora watched them dance around before landing on the ground. She caught one snowflake and whispered something before blowing it away.

"I wish one day to dance around a field filled with roses, a place where I do not have to worry or be judged," she said to nothing in particular as her mind drifted to the imagination of that one wish she made. She smiled and grabbed her winter coat, which had patches all over it, closer to her body to protect her from the cold winter.

"Aurora!" a menacing voice screamed from inside the mansion. Aurora sighed and began to head straight to the mansion.

"Coming!" she yelled. As she was about to head for the small wooden bridge which led to the mansion, she looked back at the only place that made her feel joy and happiness. Sighing once more, she ran faster than her legs could carry her to the place she knew no peace.

This is my first novel so pls tell me how I can improve myself if possible

lily_gagacreators' thoughts