
Story 2-1: Early University life

day 1:

I came to University,

I gain many friends

I feel exciting, my spirit is 100 percent

I take major cultivation of frigid qi.

This major has possibility to work in South Pole or Antarctica.

The human exploration in this continent has been halted before the cultivation is widely utilized.

After some researches, the continent has many kinds of potential. The potential can be divided into three types of potential, which are a new source of energy, possibility to live here and a new species that can improve human knowledge. Therefore, many facilities need to be built and also the workers need to be prepared.

The frigid qi cultivator can be a trainer to the workers therefore they can protect theirself from cold using 'natural' energy. Furthermore, some task need cultivator to operate some machines that only cultivator can handle.

Nevertheless, I need to take some 'normal' class, such as calculus, physic and chemistry. Ok, just let it be.

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