
Quite Unexpected

Both women's attention were turned to the new arrivals. As the footsteps became closer, their appearance also became more clearer to them. An elderly man dressed in a deep blue robe strode in, alongside a much younger male figure, who anxiously followed while dressed in an almost matching blue robe. Both male figures bowed down in respect and greeted the two females. "this lowley general pays respects to empress dowager Nuwa and Crown princess Jiutian!" the elderly man spoke, his voice beaming with such authority needed of a general like him.

The empress let out a cheerful laughter and allowed them to raise their heads. Jiutian too greeted them back and proudly stood beside her mother with such grace, all the young males present in the throne room had seemed to be under her trance. That was until the Empress spoke, "General Gao Wuhan! Thank you for coming so quickly.. And right on time as well!" she gave a light smile, before pushing Jiutian forward a bit . "this is my precious lotus blossom. And as my most favoured child, I had organised this arrangement for her. I expect you will not disappoint me?" she smile seemed to sharpen and an unknown glare was sent their way. But these two had seemed to sense the intent behind her expression, their bodies became cold for a second." O-of course, my Empress! My son is an extraordinary young man and very talented! He is best suited as her highness's husband!" he put up a confident smile, praising his son as is he was the only male qualified to fit the role as her husband. Although hearing the mention of marriage, Jiutians eyes widened.

Bearing both a shocked and pained expression at her mother, she was unable to comprehend the situation beforehand but now she knew full on well what was happening to her. She knew as the eldest child, she would have to marry. Thought she did not expect it to be so soon! Although she would have been fine if she was told this a few days ago, but not now. She had PLANS. She had a goal set in her mind and she would do it no matter what, but now marriage was stopping her. Thinking about it gave her a headache. She would need to speak to her mother about this when those two leave. Clearly not happy about the turn of events, though hid her emotions through a simple smile which fooled the two males in front of her. The voice of the general shook her out of her thoughts, "Jiang, my son. Why don't you take princess Jiutian for a stroll around the palace Gardens?" he suggested, he planned on having the two youngsters get closer to each other. The male beside him nodded his head and lifted his hand up for Jiutian to hold, in which she reluctantly agreed to hold. The two excused themselves and exited the room.

They silently walked around the gardens, looking at anything but each other in a heated battle of awkwardness. Jiutian could sense he too didn't find the current situation pleasant, and thats what urged her to break the silence. She stopped walking, which alerted the other to stop as well and finally look at her. "why are you here then?" she asked, staring at him. The male seemed a bit confused and surprised by the sudden question though replied nonetheless, "what do you mean?" at this point, Jiutian looked away from him. "i can tell that you don't want this engagement, but that's not all is it? It couldn't just be that." she narrowed her eyes. His eyes shifted away as well, unsure of what to do but soon sighed. "i...i have a woman that I love. We've both promised to stay together no matter what happens. But I've been suffering from an illness with no cure. The doctors all say that I do not have long to live. My father, the general, decided to quickly marry me off with someone else, telling me how unhappy I would be living my final years with that woman.. " his voice was shaky, and Jiutian was surprised that he was willing to share something so personal to her. She looked back at him and gently put her hand on his shoulder. He seemed completely deprived of life. She had noticed he looked a bit sickly, but had thought nothing of it, suggesting how he was a general's son, one would expect them to be extremely healthy. Though the pathetic sight of him now made her feel heartbroken and depressed.

Jiutian knew he was a good man with good intentions. She just knew, call it her 6th sense. But now she was determined to help this man. Sparkles encased her dark eyes, as if they were the night sky itself, and with a grin, she loudly proclaimed, "Jiang! I will cure you!"

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