
2. Drowned

"Lets plant it near the pond" Irsa chirped to her only friend. A cute boy of her age was with her and a maid was following behind the two rabbits who were hoping from one place to another.

The little boy Shawn was the son of one of the servant working in the castle.

The little princess was not allowed to step out of the grounds of the castle. Her only friend was Shawn and her brother, Derek was not her brother as she had a small crush on him.

The two kids ran towards the big pond and sat near its end to plant a flower pot.

"I will dig a little and you plant the tree ok" Shawn sat down to make a small hole in the wet soil.

"No no, I want to do that and you plant the tree."

"I'll do it."

"No I'll do it."

"No me."


And they starting bickering on small matter. The maid following them sighed. This was their everyday routine first play then fight and again makeup. She didn't find any need to interfere.

The soil near the pond was wet and slippery. The little boy slipped and fell into the pond.

"SHAWN." Irsa shouted and immediately went forward to help him. She forwarded her hand so that he would grab it and pull him out.

The maid also immediately shouted for help and came forward to help.

"Ughh.....h..e..lp...sa....ve ...me." Water rushed in his mouth.

The pond was a little deep and he didn't knew how to swim, he was drowning.

Irsa without thinking jumped in. She herself didn't knew how to swim but just as she dived in her natural instincts kicked in. She grabbed the hand of the fainted boy and pulled him upwards. She didn't knew how she did that but just as they reached the surface her leg got a cramp. She pushed him towards the edge and the maid pulled the child up.

She got a severe cramp in her right leg and was know trying to remain on the surface but failing. The maid was shouting for help but because there were in a secluded area no one heard her except Lawrence who was at the moment practicing archery in the wood land nearby. He came running towards them.


Irsa was drowning, she stopped moving as the pain in her leg was getting worse as she tried to move.

Her eyes were open as she looked at the darkness surrounding her.

Suddenly some pictures came in her mind causing severe headache.

A boy was drowning and she forwarded her hand to grab him, the scene was foggy she couldn't see anything clearly. There were two...two people drowning.

As she took a breath water rushed in her mouth and nose. She choked and again tried to breath again water rushed in her lungs. She was losing consciousness, her mind played another scene where she was surrounded by complete darkness crying her heart out.

"Is he alive."

"Save them"


"I..don't ..kn..ow...anyth..ing" as she cried.

Different voices started echoing as her head ached severely.

She doesn't know anything going on now. Her head hurts. She couldn't breath. She again tried flailing her arms tried to swim to the surface but all strength left her small body. She finally closed her eyes welcoming darkness.

"Princess somebody help, somebody save her." The maid continued to cry out.

Lawrence immediately ran towards their direction seeing the maid.

"SAVE The PRINCESS, She's drowning." She cried pointing towards the pond.

Lawrence immediately jumped in and after a minute he emerged with a fainted Isra. He immediately laid her on the ground and checked her heart beat.

But there was none.

There was no heartbeat.

Cold shivers ran down his spine. He immediately started giving her CPR. He pushed at her chest so that the water she had inhaled would come out.

Her heartbeat still didn't returned. He gulped. He was sweating by now. Afraid to lose her. He can't lose his sanity. His cariño. His world.

His Little Love.

He had no other option left except mouth to mouth respiration. He took a deep breath and attached his lips with her now cold ones. He did this a few times and continued to perform chest compressions.

"Come...on ...breath....wake ...up" he himself was breathing heavily.

Everyone came running at that moment as the guards saw the situation and immediately informed the king who left the meeting halfway and ran towards his granddaughter.

"Damn...it...breath...wake..up.." he was losing hope with every passing second with his sanity.

Lawrence didn't bothered with any one of them as only his Little one mattered to him at the moment.

The medical team also arrived in just a minute.

"Cough..cough....cough...cough" Irsa coughed out the water and took large deep breath in her hazy view she could only see her brother.

"Brother" she rasped out difficultly and fainted again.

Lawrence hugged her with all his might. He was so scared, so scared that no one could even guess. He took her in his small but powerful arms and laid her weak small body on the stretcher as the medical team carried her and the other boy to the small clinic inside the castle.

Irsa was in a deep slumber. Lawrence, Derek and King William himself were outside the room waiting for the doctor to come and tell them about her condition.

Just as the doctor came out Lawrence rushed towards him.

Before he could ask or say anything the doctor spoke.

"She is fine now, but if you were even ten seconds late then we wouldn't be able to save her. Her condition is severe as she remained in the water for nearly two minutes. Her lungs were filled with water. We had removed it but...because of lack of oxygen there is a chance that the oxygen supply to the brain was cut of for a while. So.."

"So What?" Lawrence snapped at him.

"There is a slight chance that her brain was affected but we can't say anything at the moment when she'll wake up only then we will know the extent of damage caused."

All of their faces became pale. There breath got knocked out.

The old men had tears in his eyes. The doctor was shocked seeing tears in the cold blooded rulers eyes. Was she this much important to these people. There faces showed what she meant for them.

"Moreover she is very weak...has she ever been in an accident before." There was a thing that kept bugging him. Irsa was way weaker then the children of her age. She doesn't have any serious illness so he couldn't understand why is that so.

The moment he asked the question there already pale faces turned white. Not a single word left any of there mouths. The hall went completely silent.

How can they even dare to tell anyone?


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